
Irina if Katahul Village

His eyes were closed and breathing heavy.. like we were in a bubble and everything was in slow motion but everything comes to reality and the scene that i had just witnessed comes rushing upon me.

I jolted in my seat and stance in a defense position as if there is an upcoming battle.

"You Mad warlock! the blood of citizens were in your hands!I thought I  could trust you!"

"You never trusted anyone.Besides do you think I will let you see a glimpse of the horrors of the past if I'm the perpetrator?" he answered calmly.

"You said you are the protector of this Land! you were just standing there watching the dead bodies pile up!". A drop of tear falls from my cheeks.

He stands up, looking painfully at the surroundings like reminiscing a certain event that happened to this place.

"There's only so much I could protect, I had no power back then.....", so much sadness and a trace of anger laced in his voice.

He turned around gracefully and walks towards the woods and he's gone before I  could speak again.  


He's right. He could see the reality in every people, he knows that i could never trust anyone that is why he made a covenant with me, it was his assurance that I cannot kill him. 

I'am a fool, I was so blinded by the freedom i wanted that I'am willing to do anything, Instead I'am here outside of the fortress in an unknown place with no idea what is happening and what will happen to me or the city.

I rushed to the house, I needed more information. Rushing through the stairs, I went straight to the Big room assuming that it is His Bedroom but to my dismay, it was an empty space with a few empty crates full of dust.

Maybe I can see hints on his books so I rushed down on the room that supposed to be his working area as I saw him the other day reading a book inside. To my luck, the room opened with just a slight push.

There were so much books from both sides of the wall secured by floor to ceiling shelves.At the table, there were opened books so I leaned to take a look of what he was reading, it was a bunch of descriptions about ancient weapons. I browsed to some of the pages and there i saw the Obsidian knife that my Master has given me, the one that i used to take his life.  

"Made with Obsidian glass, handcrafted by the warlock of the cursed hill.....

.....inscribed is the curse that was requested by his lover who was a courtesan of the king...

.....jade stone to contain its power... can penetrate and destroy strongest spell.. 

.................even the protection veil..."

I closed the book, thinking i have known enough. I remember all my things were intact on my room in a wooden chest, or so i know. I print towards my room to check my belongings and there lies my knife properly intact.

He did not try to get it? but why. It could have been a powerful weapon, Even i had no idea until now.

I tuck it to my waist in case I will be needing it soon.

It was noon and my stomach is aching for not eating since this morning, all i could do for now is wait. I haven't seen until now either so I went downstairs for food. 

There was a young lady preparing the table for food, she has shoulder length black hair with small braids crowning her head, very uncommon to see a woman with a cut hair as it was not favorable to Gods according to Elders. Slender figure with full breast and  wide hips, I thinks she was just 2 annual life older than me. Wearing a very revealing dress is not a custom of our city, maybe she is from another kingdom. 

"I suppose you are Lhexa, I,am Irina from Katahul village not far from here, was just preparing our food for tonight"

She has bright green eyes, red lips and snub nose, she looks like she came from a linage of noble looking people. i suddenly felt so lowly of my appearance. My silvery white hair that was not very common unless on elders, big grey eyes like a snow leopard, freckles on my nose and cheeks and a worn-out body from everyday training.

I just timidly smiled in response.

" Magus has other matters to attend, for now I will be the one to supervise your training as well as explain to you your mission".

"but I never said I would do it"

"You have to, for the sake of your own people" She answered in conviction.

"I can't decide right now, there was so much events i have witnessed i need to comprehend what is the truth and what is not, who is the real enemy and who is not"

"I understand... you just have to take it all in, slowly..." she let out a small smile, i can feel she's genuine in what she is saying but i can't still trust her.

"but Magus...." i sigh thinking of the right words to explain my side.

"Reighleigh was a very complicated man, he had seen everything a man could never wished for, he had fought war no man could ever fought for, he encountered unimaginable things alone and never asked for help... until now. So bear with him please,...he need you more than anything" her voice was full of sadness.

I just nodded with no way of responding to her statement.