
Forbidden Love: Devil's Addiction

She is torn between her mentor and her best friend. Who will win her heart, a hunter or a werewolf? ****** In this modern era, in which the unique and powerful beings were feared by ordinary humans. Werewolves, not purely humans with extraordinary strength and power, were being hunted and killed because people believed that their kinds were the greatest threat to human races. Now, werewolves were in the blink of becoming extinct as the people's government built the Hunters Association whose goal is to hunt and eradicate werewolves in the world. And Titania comes into the picture. How can a weakling like her save her kinds from going extinct? Can she become successful in being a mediator of peace between the two different races? Can werewolves and human beings live together happily and peacefully in this modern world?

ellezar_g · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

Chapter 47

Since Jeston was injured the Hunters Association advised him to take a leave of absence in the Academy for a while until he fully recovered. So Jeston left the Hunters Association Academy for a while. 

He decided to go back to his apartment located in the center of the city. It was just four kilometers away from the Hunters Association Academy. It would take two to three weeks before his injury would be healed completely. He was lucky that his dominant arm was not injured.

Jeston felt bored just staying in his apartment so he decided to go out and stroll around the city. He would also drop by in the supermarket to buy food supplies and his other necessities. 

His life in the academy was more convenient since the academy would be the one to provide the things needed by them. They don't need to cook nor go shopping just to buy what they need. But since he was back, living in his apartment, he needed to do those things by himself.

He was roaming around the market when suddenly he heard someone calling his name.


He turned around to see who was calling him. He was surprised to see the familiar face of the woman he met in the Riverdale forest, the woman who suddenly kissed him upon meeting him for the first time. It was the same woman whom he was thinking of every day ever since the night he met her.

He thought something bad happened to her. He already asked the other hunters if they knew Alexa and Diego. He even described their looks to his fellow hunters but no one among them had ever seen them.

The worry and concern he felt for the past few days were suddenly washed away the moment he saw her. She was standing just five steps away from him, looking at him with her brown eyes. She had a charming smile on her face. 

"Alexa!" he called her while walking towards her. He was glad to see her. She was safe and unharmed.

Alexa immediately hugged Jeston when he reached her spot. She didn't notice the injured hand of Jeston which was covered by a cast and arm sling. Jeston felt the pain when Alexa accidentally touched his injured arm upon hugging him. But Jeston endured the pain as long as he could also hug her back.

"I knew it. I will find you soon." Alexa mumbled in his ear before breaking the hug.

"Are you looking for me?" Jeston asked her curiously after he heard her statement.

"Yes, I've been looking for you in the City. And finally, I found you here." Alexa said with so much enthusiasm in her voice.

"I've been searching for you too. Asking about your whereabouts with my fellow hunters but they didn't know you. Do you have another name? I was worried sick about you. I thought something bad happened to you in the forest." Jeston told her truthfully.

Alexa chewed o her lower lip. She didn't know what to say. Of course, hunters didn't know her since she was not a hunter. Diego and Alexa were just pretending to be a hunter that night. It just so happened that Jeston and Ethan saw them in their hunter's outfit.

When Alexa lowered her gaze, she saw the injured arm of Jeston. "Oh, I'm sorry about that. I forgot about your injury. Did I hurt you a while ago?" Alexa asked him. And just like that, she was able to divert the topic and successfully avoided his question.

"No, you didn't hurt me. It's alright." Jeston lied, smiling sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

'Damn! What a cutie? Stop doing that or else I won't be able to control myself and ravish you here in this public place.' Alexa thought to herself.

"Oh by the way, why are you here?" Alexa asked him, peering her eyes in their surroundings.

Jeston pointed the pushcart beside him and said "Shopping."

"Oh great. Since you are injured, allow me to help you." Alexa offered him a hand.

Of course, Jeston didn't have the heart to refuse her. Besides, he wanted to know her more and spend more time with her. He couldn't explain why but he felt comfortable in her presence as if they've already known each other for ages. 

After half an hour, the two of them finished buying everything Jeston needed. They soon came out of the supermarket to go back to Jeston's apartment. They were now riding a taxi cab going to his apartment.

"Sorry for this hassle. I should be the one helping a lady, not the other way around." Jeston said, feeling embarrassed. 

Alexa couldn't help but giggle after seeing his embarrassed face. "No worries. You don't have to apologize. I volunteered to help you, did you forget? Besides, I'm happy that I was able to help you."

"Okay then… I will not say sorry but I have to say thank you. Just tell me how I can return the favor."

When she heard that, Alexa's lips curled up into a mischievous smile. The two of them were sitting at the back passenger seats of the taxi cab. Alexa leaned closer to Jeston and whispered something. She made sure that her soft body would touch his body the moment she did that.

"I will tell you what I want in return once we arrive at your apartment." Alexa's sweet and sensual voice was heard. 

Jeston's body suddenly became hot the moment he heard her sensual voice. Her soft warm body was touching his own, intensifying the heat he was already experiencing inside him. He didn't know why she had easily awakened the flame of desire within him with just a simple whisper and touch.

Jeston swallowed hard although his throat was dry. He froze on his spot. He didn't dare to make any movement. Meanwhile, Alexa and her wolf loved the feeling of their bodies closer to Jeston so Alexa just remained seated while leaning to Jeston. She even placed her head on his shoulder so that she could smell his intoxicating male scent. 

For Jeston, their closeness was great torture. He was already aroused by her simple touch. He could even feel her hot breath brushing his neck. Her vanilla sweet scent also entered his nose, making him hard and throbbing.

This was the first time he felt something like this towards a woman. She was affecting all his senses too much. He wondered what was happening to him. The memories of their kiss were not helping him. He simply crossed his legs, trying to hide his hard-on.

If Alexa found out that he was aroused right now because of her then he didn't know how he would face her. He was afraid that she would misunderstand and she would think of him as a pervert man.

But unknown to Jeston, Alexa had already noticed the bulge in his pants. She was rejoicing that she already made her mate that hard by just a simple whisper and closeness of their bodies. She could also feel her wetness down her core. She wanted her mate. And she was determined to make him hers.

Alexa couldn't fight the urge to taste Jeston. Since her face was near his neck, she tilted her head so that her lips would touch his exposed neck. Without caring about the driver in front, Alexa nibbled on his neck, gently biting it, and later on, she began sucking him.

Jeston's body became stiff. He accidentally let out a groan but he immediately covered his mouth so that he would not get the attention of the driver in front. Luckily the car stereo was playing music the moment he groaned.

'Damn. What is she doing? Is she planning to torture me?' But Jeston didn't stop her. He just closed his eyes and bit his lower lip trying to suppress another groan. Alexa continued biting and sucking the other part of his neck.

After a few seconds, Jeston suddenly opened his eyes the moment he felt her arm touched his leg, moving to the part he was trying to hide from her. His eyes widened in disbelief. He was about to stop her using his right hand but Alexa immediately caught his arm with her left while her right arm continued moving in the direction of his bulging erection.

"Alexa…" He whispered desperately. He didn't know if his voice sounded like he wanted to stop her or he was pleading with her to go on.

"Aah.. hmm." A surprised groan escaped his mouth once again when Alexa began rubbing his erection. His breath hitched. He didn't know how far and how long he could endure this sweet torture Alexa was doing to him. He wanted to reach his apartment as soon as possible. He couldn't believe that they were doing this in public transport like a taxi cab.

"Are we still far from your apartment?" Alexa asked him. She also wanted to have privacy with Jeston.

"F-Five… m-more minutes."