
Forbidden Love: Devil's Addiction

She is torn between her mentor and her best friend. Who will win her heart, a hunter or a werewolf? ****** In this modern era, in which the unique and powerful beings were feared by ordinary humans. Werewolves, not purely humans with extraordinary strength and power, were being hunted and killed because people believed that their kinds were the greatest threat to human races. Now, werewolves were in the blink of becoming extinct as the people's government built the Hunters Association whose goal is to hunt and eradicate werewolves in the world. And Titania comes into the picture. How can a weakling like her save her kinds from going extinct? Can she become successful in being a mediator of peace between the two different races? Can werewolves and human beings live together happily and peacefully in this modern world?

ellezar_g · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

Chapter 45

Hunters Association Academy had different training grounds for their student hunters such as a big and small gym, a mini forest having different traps and obstacles for simulation activities, and an open area for shooting guns, darts, and arrows as well as for swordsmanship. They also had a special battleground for the group and individual competition.

Hunters were all around fighters. They could fight with weapons or without weapons. Student hunters should learn different fighting skills before they could become a certified hunter. The Hunters Association Academy would teach them fist-to-fist combat, shooting, swordsmanship, fighting using knives and daggers, and different techniques on how to defeat a werewolf.

After forming the group and introducing themselves to every member, their mentors, and trainers gave them a tour of the different training grounds. Titania was amazed to see the area. It felt like she was also looking to their training ground back home. 

But Hunters Association Academy had a much more upgraded version with various tools and equipment specialized and personalized for targeting werewolves. Most of their weapons were made of silver- the weakness of werewolves.

'I have to be careful while using those weapons. I will try my best to avoid getting injured or else, my identity will be revealed.to them.' Titania thought to herself.

The tour continued, each group was assigned with different mentors who were guiding and accompanying them during the tour. They saw the shooting range for guns, arrows, and darts. Several targets were lining up and scattered in the area. One of the common training equipment they could see was a cloth dummy stuffed with a straw and set on a rotating pole at a man's height.

Hunters also had different protective gear during training and during the actual combat. These would help them not to get injured easily during practice and to protect them not to receive a greater impact or blows coming from the werewolves during the actual combat and real fight.

Now, Titania understood why hunters got stronger and stronger each day. It was because of their upgraded weapons and protective gear. They were adapting and making progress every day with the advanced technology that they had.

Titania was now thinking that if the war would not stop then there was a great possibility that her kind would go extinct. Hunters were growing and increasing their numbers every day. Though werewolves were more powerful than them in terms of physical strength, humans or hunters could still defeat them with their combined numbers and strategic planning.

'I need to stop this war. We need to live in harmony, both humans and werewolves. That's the main reason why my father wanted to push the peace treaty between hunters and werewolves.' Titania thought to herself. She was worried about what will happen in the future.

With that thought in mind, she became more determined and motivated to do her best as a student hunter. 'I will use the Hunters Association Academy as my stepping stone. I need to become a higher level hunter so that I could use my power and influence the Hunters Association Council to agree with the peace treaty.'

The tour lasted for an hour. Soon, the student hunters together with their trainers and mentors proceeded to the gym. Each group was assigned to the different areas in the gym. The mentors also did a reshuffling. For just a few minutes, they would soon start the first official training as student hunters. 

For the first day, the lesson was about fist-to-fist combat. The funny thing was Ethan was assigned to Group Phoenix after all the mentors did the draw lots. Titania didn't know if this was a lucky day or not. On her first day of class as an official student hunter, the mentor assigned to her group was none other than Ethan Spark.

Her teammates also didn't know how to act in front of Ethan. They were intimidated by his mighty presence. They were obviously uneasy and nervous right now. Titania didn't know whether she should laugh or cry after seeing her teammates' behavior. They looked like well-behaved puppies looking at their master, ready to obey whatever command the master would give them.

The five of them were standing in a straight line while facing Ethan who was silently observing each one of them with his unreadable expression. Even Titania could see that Ethan was in his serious mode right now. He looked like a mentor now, compared to his appearance that Titania had seen when Ethan was facing those children in the classroom.

After his long silence, finally, Ethan spoke up causing Titania and her group to pay more attention to him.

"Before you could train using different weapons, first you should learn to fight and protect yourself in Fist-to-Fist combat. Not every time you are holding your weapon and during the fight, you might suddenly lose them. That's why this is the first basic lesson we wanted to teach you. You should hone your skills first in terms of fist combat."

Titania was dumbstruck the moment she heard Ethan and saw him talking like that. It seemed like she was listening to another person, not the Ethan she always interacted with before. Now, her impression of Ethan improved a little, compared to before.

"Yes sir. We understand." Titania's group responded to him almost at the same time.

Ethan nodded after hearing their synchronized response.

"Now, I would like to ask each one of you. What do you think are the most important things you should remember when you are in a fight?" He asked everyone but Ethan's gaze landed on Titania.

Titania couldn't help but swallow hard upon meeting his penetrating gaze. She could only look away while chewing her lower lip.

'Why is he staring at me like that? Is he still mad and upset with me… with my action?' Titania pondered to herself. Titania thought that Ethan was acting weird and… acting differently today.

The five of them exchanged glances, asking everyone who should answer Ethan's question first. No one wanted to speak up first so Ethan just told them whom he wanted to answer from the group.

"I wanna hear the answer of the men first," Ethan said firmly. 

So the boys had no choice but to step up first and answer his question.

Matthew: "Know your opponents, sir. Their strengths and weaknesses, so that you would know what to do in the given situation."

Ethan nodded before simply saying "Good."

Carl: "Assess your situation, who's the one at the advantage or disadvantage. If you think you couldn't win then there was always an option called 'retreat'. But retreat doesn't always mean flee, just like in a game of chess, sometimes you need to back off a bit in order to make the best move forward to defeat your opponent."

Ethan chuckled after hearing that. "I like your answer."

Luke: " Attack your opponent at the least time they expected. Attacking your enemy when they are unprepared, you'll have more chances to win against them especially if you caught them off guard.

Ethan gave Luke a mischievous smirk. "I often used that fighting style."

Now it was the ladies' turn to answer his question.

Jane: "Focus and be alert. Combine offense and defense."

"Hmm, the general rule." Ethan simply said for Jane's simple answer. 

The truth was Jane was a little bit nervous and didn't know what to say in front of Ethan. She was also starstruck by his handsome features so she just mentioned what comes to her mind.

Lastly, Titania was the one to give an answer. Ethan was looking forward to what answer Titania would give him. He was now very focused on Titania.

Titania took a deep breath before giving Ethan her response.

"When you are fighting always remember… the reason why you are fighting."

The moment Titania uttered those words her teammates couldn't help but turn in her direction. None of them thought about that. What they had in mind was the basic rules of fighting- the do's and don't, and the strategy and style to use. Among them, Titania was the only one who gave a unique answer.

Ethan was just silently looking at Titania, waiting for her to continue. He knew that she was not done talking yet.

"Ask yourself…to whom you are fighting for? Is it for yourself or for the people who are important to you? If you are fighting without a clear goal or a reason why you were doing that… then even though how skillful you are, you will never defeat your opponent who has more reason to fight and to survive."

There was a moment of silence after Titania had finished saying those words. They didn't know why but her answer had somehow touched their hearts. Now, they began asking themselves, why were they here? For whom they were fighting for? For humanity? Or just because they were chosen to be a hunter?

On the other hand, Ethan didn't make any remarks on Titania's answer. He knew that her words were very deep and meaningful. He was truly amazed by her wisdom, the way she thinks. She's different.

"Alright. Thank you everyone for cooperating with me. I was able to assess you based on your answers." Ethan informed them.

The five of them didn't expect that. So there's a reason behind why he asked them that question. It was some kind of assessment to know their fighting style or preferences. So Tristan gave them his observation.

"Matthew and Carl are more of the strategist and thinker. Thinking and assessing the situation, knowing the opponent's weaknesses and strengths so that they could think of the best strategy to launch an attack and defeat their opponents."

"Luke on the other hand is one of those aggressive and courageous fighters who would launch an attack first thus intimidating his opponent."

"Jane was the combination of the three men. Not only thinking about attacking aggressively but she's also thinking of how to defend and protect herself during the fight."

"And as for Titania…" Ethan paused for a moment, thinking about the right words to say.

Everyone was anticipating his comment about Titania. "She's still an amateur fighter who didn't know the basic rule and strategy about fighting."


Carl: "..."

Matthew: "..."

Luke: "..."

Jane: "..."

Titania: "..."

All of them were rendered speechless by Ethan's remarks on Titania. Her teammates didn't know whether they would laugh or cry for her. The four of them looked at Titania with pity.

Meanwhile, Titania was already clenching her fists, restraining herself not to punch Ethan in front of her teammates. She looked daggers in Ethan's direction with her bloodshot eyes. Her face was burning red because of rage. Ethan just smirked at her provokingly while ignoring her sharp deathly glares. 

"Alright, now I will start teaching you the different techniques and basic rules in fist-to-fist combat."

"Ok, sir!" Everyone responded except Titania.

Ethan just wanted to tease and provoke Titania. That's the reason he said those words. What Ethan was actually thinking was that Tritania was a fighter with a kind heart. She's both a fighter and a protector. She was fighting not only for herself but for others, for a greater cause. Ethan knew that fact but he decided to just keep it to himself.

Everyone already moved and followed Ethan to the ring except for Titania. She remained standing in her spot while glaring at Ethan's back.

'I wanna beat him so bad and chop him into tiny pieces. Gosh… Ethan Spark! Just you wait. I will show you my impressive skill in fighting. You will eat your words, telling me I am an amateur fighter who doesn't know the basic rule of fighting nor a strategy. Ethan Spark! Just you wait… I'm gonna prove you wrong.'

Titania had sworn those words. She became more motivated to do her best and perform very well. She was determined to make Ethan cry and beg for her forgiveness.