
Forbidden Love: Devil's Addiction

She is torn between her mentor and her best friend. Who will win her heart, a hunter or a werewolf? ****** In this modern era, in which the unique and powerful beings were feared by ordinary humans. Werewolves, not purely humans with extraordinary strength and power, were being hunted and killed because people believed that their kinds were the greatest threat to human races. Now, werewolves were in the blink of becoming extinct as the people's government built the Hunters Association whose goal is to hunt and eradicate werewolves in the world. And Titania comes into the picture. How can a weakling like her save her kinds from going extinct? Can she become successful in being a mediator of peace between the two different races? Can werewolves and human beings live together happily and peacefully in this modern world?

ellezar_g · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

Chapter 42

"Alpha! We still have something important to tell you. The reason why we were not able to return before the Full Moon…" Travis said, bringing up a new topic.

"Okay. Speak up. We will listen. What is it?" Alpha Tristan gave his son permission to speak once again.

"During our stay at Blood Moon Pack Territory, we found out that they captured one hunter and they were planning to make him as a bait for his fellow hunters who would try to rescue the hunter. They had set up traps in the Riverdale Forest. The night of the Full Moon, they would execute their plan. We did something to stop the bloodbath. We sabotaged their plan."

Everyone in the hall gasped after hearing Travis. That was a very risky move on their part. If something went wrong then Blood Moon Pack and White Claw Pack might start fighting. Now, they had a bad feeling about this. Is Travis about to tell them that Blood Moon Pack will start attacking their pack?

"So what happened? Did the Blood Moon Pack learn what you did?" One Elder spoke up. He couldn't wait longer. 

"Our mission was a success. No blood was spilled last night. The hunter was saved by his comrades. It seemed that Blood Moon Pack didn't know that we were the ones who sabotaged their plan. Because if they did, they would already send their best fighter to follow us here." Diego also spoke up, sharing what happened.

"However, there were two people who knew our involvement. We brought one member of the Blood Moon Pack here, the one who happened to discover our intention of saving the hunter's life. What we need to do now is to convince him to join our pack." Travis informed them.

"Then who's the other one?" Alpha Tristan followed up question.

"The other person was Dylan. But I'm confident that he will not reveal this to Alpha Jason. He will protect us. I am sure about that. After all, he still cared about this pack. This is his home where he truly belongs." Travis said with certainty.

"We should not lower our guard. We must stay vigilant just in case Blood Moon Pack will try to attack us." Alpha Tristan shared his thoughts with the members of the council.

"We understand, Alpha. I will inform our fighters to train harder. We will also heighten our security in our territory borders. We will guard it 24/7." The Delta Elder who was the head of the Pack Security team.

"Good, I will leave that task in your hand." Alpha Tristan responded.

"Thank you for your trust, Alpha." the Delta Elder smiled at him.

Then Alpha Tristan turned to Travis, Diego, and Alexa. "Try your best to convince that werewolf to join our pack. Where is he right now?"

"He is currently at my place, Alpha. Ashton, Rolly, and Kevin are watching over him. They will ensure that Nikolai will not leave this place to go back to Blood Moon Pack Territory. By the way, his name is Nikolai. He treated us so well when we stayed at Blood Moon Pack. He's friendly and accommodating." Diego politely answered Alpha Tristan.

"What is your opinion about this?" Alpha Tristan wanted to hear the thoughts of other council members.

"We are not against the idea of inviting him to become part of our family." one member gave his positive response.


"Me too, I agree."

"Let's convince him to join our pack."

"Since everyone shared their opinion and no one showed any objection. Then this matter is already settled. Just tell us if ever you need our help in convincing him. I will gladly talk to him personally." Alpha Tristan volunteered to help Travis's Team if ever they had difficulty in persuading Nikolai to join the pack.

"Thank you, Alpha. We will not hesitate to ask your help if ever our convincing power is not enough." Travis said, making the members of the council and Alpha Tristan burst out laughing.

After that, Alpha Tristan dismissed everyone in the Council Meeting Hall. Tristan, Travis, Diego, and Alexa remained inside while the others already went out. They wanted to talk to Alpha Tristan privately because Alexa had something to request to Alpha Tristan. Diego and Travis were there to support her.

"Father, Alexa has something to tell you. Please listen to her. I hope you can grant her wish." Travis said to his father, Alpha Tristan.

"Go ahead, Alexa. You can tell me anything." Alpha Tristan said while eyeing Alexa who felt a little bit shy and intimidated by Alpha Tristan's strong presence.

She took a deep breath as she mustered up all her courage to tell Alpha Tristan about her request. "Alpha, can you allow me to leave the Pack Village for a while? I need to go to the City."

"Why? For what reason you wanted to go there? It's quite dangerous if you happen to bump with the hunters." Alpha Tristan said, feeling worried about Alexa's safety.

"Alpha… I found my mate. And he is… a hunter." Alexa mumbled softly while lowering her gaze. She was nervous about what would be the reaction of their Alpha. 

Alpha Tristan was taken aback by her revelation. But this was not an unusual phenomenon. There were cases where werewolves had human mates.

"So, are you planning to meet your mate? Visit and see him in the city?" Alpha Tristan probed.

"Yes, if possible I want to get to know more about him and build a stronger bond with him. My wolf is also bugging me every minute. She also wants to see our mate." Alexa told him truthfully.

"Alright dear, I will not stop you. But make sure that you will be safe. It is also good to make friends with hunters. Show them that werewolves are not bad, not beast nor monster just like what they are thinking. With that, we can push the peace treaty and having some hunters to support this." Alpha Tristan found a better opportunity for this situation.

Alexa's face brightened up upon receiving Alpha Tristan's permission.

"So when are you planning to leave?" 

"Tomorrow morning, Alpha."

"Okay, be careful. Travis and Diego, please escort Alexa tomorrow and drop her to the City." Alpha Tristan requested Travis and Diego.

Diego: "Noted Alpha."

Travis: "Yes, I will do that, father."

After getting the approval of Alpha Tristan, Alexa and Diego headed straight to his house to check on Nikolai and their three friends. Travis and Tristan went home together.

While on their way, Travis opened up the topic of Titania.

"Father, last night… I saw Titania in the Riverdale Forest."

Alpha Tristan halted on his steps when he heard the name of his daughter Titania. He missed her so much.

"How is she doing? Why is it you didn't bring her back here? Where is she staying? Is she just fine? What is she doing in the Riverdale Forest?" Tristan bombarded Travis with so many questions.

Travis let out a soft chuckle before responding to his father's queries.

"Father, I'm sorry, I was not able to talk to her. But Dylan saved her. I think they are together by now."