
Chapter 20: Revelation

Seeley’s mind was reeling like a car engine about to redline as she toyed with her gold locket necklace.

It couldn’t be possible that Asher’s grandmother and her grandmother had gone on expeditions together, but everything was lining up. Her grandmother’s journals mentioned Dr. Shira Elbaz, Ashira, and the boat's name.

She didn’t have the proof because Colton took her journals, but that too was also the strangest coincidence.

Was it just a coincidence that Colton had a surprise business trip in Hawaii to ‘talk to some resort guys’ and she tagged along? Was the ‘spa day’ he treated her to just so he could go to Asher’s surf competition?

If so, why? Was it just to get the Spindrift, Asher’s boat?

Could Colton have bribed the judges the way he bribed the cops here to let the Crenshaw dive masters get away with anything?

No, it was too thin. Bribing the cops to look the other way for your employees is one thing, sabotaging someone’s entire career and ruining their life is another.