

Stephanie P.O.V

What kind of job did they offer to Sasha for such amount of money.. Has the elders finally caught up with her.

No we must leave this house immediately Stephanie said thinking deeply.

The shattering of the glass brought her senses back

Sasha!! Stephanie screamed in panic

*No answer*

Where's the cursed child woman? A distant eerie voice could be heard not far from her.

Please I don't know what your talking about please spare me please Stephanie said bowing down in fear

I can't spare you, she's the end to something great something you may know as the world. It has always been my sacred duty to destroy all threat without forgiveness the voice came from all angle of the house and without a split second her head is off her body. A large amount of fire emanating from her body.

Unknown P.O.V

It's done master.

Everyone? He asked

No the chosen one is no where to be found when we got to the house. Am sorry master he said bowing his head in fear

I hate failure and this Time no forgiveness he said emitting a dark aura

Am sorry master, Never again. Please spare me just this once please he said shaking furiously

And in a twinkle of a second, a whirlwind of fire and thunder stroke the masked man taking him away.

One last chance beast any more failure I won't fail to suck your soul this voice echoes around till it finally dies down

Thank you master Shiva for this last chance!

Surround the house wait patiently for the chosen one then slit her throat

He said coldly referring to his gang members.

**Sasha P.O.V***

**Location:: city park**

Wow what a good night to go for a mind cleansing jog.

Can't believe am about to lose such job. Arghh! I hope I find a new job before your health attack. Sasha sigh! Jogging back home.

**Location:: Sasha house**

Sasha enters skeptically feeling the heaviness of the wind on her skin

Something is not right..wait Mom??Sasha thought before screaming out her mom's name rushing into her room to see her in the pool of her own blood.

Before Sasha could understand fully what is happening a large arm appeared outta no where grabbing her neck roughly pinning her to the wall of the room.

Sasha struggling under his grip fighting to stay alive

Chooo..sssen one is time to answer your heavenly call a distance eerie voice was heard at each corner of the room

Chosen one is time you die!

I am not your chosen one Sasha said emitting that dangerous dark bloodlust aura

My calling is not nigh or now b*tch Sasha continued this time her eyes turning dark purple which signifies chaos!

In a split second a strong blast of wind struck the man in the shadow breaking the powerful gripping on Sasha

After the wind subsides Sasha could be seen on the floor without moving

Hahaha! Seems like the chosen one can't control the toll her power takes on her. The man in the shadow says proudly moving closer to her

Just as he was about to reach her, a blast of wind thunder and fire surrounded Sasha revealing a man in black coat.

Woah! Who are you. I see your no ordinary man judging from the intense bloodlust aura around you. let me take my prize peacefully or your coat is gonna get bloody. The man in the shadow said in a pride filled tone

As you wish then the man in the shadow said after receiving no answer gently seeping into the shadows but before he could attack a blast of wind struck him and a mighty hand pinned him to the wall

Go tell ancestors your story the Black coated man said

You are the great wyvern the man in the shadow ( beast) said as he burns into ashes from his touch.

Turning to her

You're my doom why did I save you!



Sasha opens her eyes slowly

Your awake he said making Sasha jerk up from the bed.

Huh?! Please who are you? Sasha said shifting back slowly

You can call me your saviour he said winking at her wearing a seductive smile standing up heading for the door.

Wait?! Sasha said following her out of the room dragging him by his arm

Answer my question pretty face! Sasha said not willing to let go

So you notice my pretty face huh?! I must be very cute in your eyes? He said smiling revealing his dimples

Before I answer your question, you must agree to my initial work proposal He said admist a smirk

Wait! Sasha said trying to fix the two images together.

So wait, you're the boss of those bosses, I mean you're the... Sasha tried to explain earning a chuckle from him

You choose to accept my proposal and don't forget your house is no more safe for you do think fast and I need my answer here and now

Sasha thought for a while before nodding her head in agreement.

Guess you can't refuse a pretty face he said smiling still revealing his dimples

Arghh! Don't get full of yourself, you may be there boss but in this my job am the boss get that in your head. Sasha scoffed.

Ok boss as you wish! He said amazed!

Your name? Sasha said trying to thicken her voice.

Call me anything you want I ain't.. he said in a whisper

Master Damon your presence is need by the imperial court a voice I interrupted him

I will be there shortly Damon said coldly all smiles gone.

Little mouse go back to the room and don't come out till am back Damon said without sparing her a glance

Why?! Sasha asked not minding the dark aura he's emitting at that moment

Cause I said so. Damon yelled causing Sasha to flinch.

Escort her to her room and make sure she stays there Damon said in a hard tone referring to Davis

Yes master he replied watching Damon descend the stairs

Ok miss as master wish ... Davis said but before he could finish Sasha has already walked out of his presence.

B*tch Davis muttered before leaving the scene..

****Sasha room****

Sasha P.O.V

What a waste of beauty.

How dare he talk to me in that manner?

He needs to be taught a lesson. One he will never forget in a hurry.

No one messes with Sasha!

***A small room located under the mansion***

You f**king saved her? She's your doom wyvern! Unknown said under gritted teeth

I saved her for a reason which right now am not able to decipher.. But my instinct has never been wrong and I don't think it is here! Damon said carelessly

We will haunt her again and slit her throat as we were meant to do that's a promise! Unknown said emitting bloodlust.

With the entire council behind my back, we shall make it happen faster than you expect unknown said backing up his latter speech.

If anyone dares hurt her u shall burn him and his generation to ashes.. now get out of my house before I change my mind and do it now. Damon said coldly emitting a dangerous amount of bloodlust before walking out