
For Worse

jannie a very hardworking girl is determined to transform her family life after finishing her education. She gets a scholarship to a national school and there meets her love Jayden life runs smooth until they went to university and separate ways. Jayden went abroad but for Jannie went back to her village to study medicine in a small collage. Jannie sat on his lap and slowly started to move her hips in a circular motion, applying more pressure.Jayden called in a very serious tone" Jannie " she acted normal and said ," yes'. The heat from her body was making him loose his self control, and within a blink of an eye he carried her to the bedroom. After closing the bedroom door he pinned her hand above her head and started kissing her softly and with time it got world. Jannie could see Jayden bulge and they were ready to explore each other world. This is memory Jannie is recalling while breast feeding her five months daughter . Will fate lead her and Jayden??!

Maggie_princess · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Bad Luck?

its 6:30 in the morning and Jennie's alarm is ringing, she wakes up looking so sleepy ,puts off the alarm and enters the bathroom. She studied up to 1:00 in the morning last night thus didn't have enough sleep. Today is the final preparation for end of year grade eight exam for primary education level. After shower Jannie goes to the dinning to have break first. She greets her mother and kisses her younger brother Sam good morning. Her mother answers 'Good morning too my beautiful princess'. she says hope you heard enough rest; she lies to her mother and said 'of course mummy'.Her mother serves some tea with toast and sausage. She takes her break first very first, brushes her teeth then after took last look in the mirror and she smiled. Indeed she was beautiful and happy .

she turns to leave waved her mother and brother good bye giving them a bye kiss. As she opened the door her mother stoped her and handed her a hundred note to take a ride to school. Jannie mostly walks to school unless it rains that when she uses a motorcycle. And indeed and rained cat and dog last night so she will have to use a motorcycle to school today. From her home to motorcycle stage its quite far and challenging journey since the road its not tarmac. Its marram thus Maddy ,slippery, bamby and lot of stagnant Maddy waters .Its very hard to see a cyclist coming their road.The only transports comfortable is walking or use a car but unfortunately their area is so remote that has no access to "matatus" (bus).

When she's about to hit the tarmac road ,a old grey Toyota car approaches from behind She prays that it slows down and somehow it slowed but the next minute she was speechless. The car had hit bump and slashed Maddy water on her. She closed her eyes when the car hit the bump so hard, she opened her eyes and she can't believe her looks now. Jannie looked at herself and started to cry ;she was confused what to do .She can't go to school like this but also when she goes home she was going to be late and this is the only pair of school uniform she had. Her white socks now have patches of brown , skirt and sweater both grey now on the right side its brown .The driver after hitting her fueled and never turned back. After few minutes Jannie decides to go back home and see what she could wear to school today. When she got home her mother sees her and tries to comfort her. Jannie cried out loud and asked her mom what she gonna wear to school and she's running late :can't wait for her uniform to dry. Her mother hugs her and takes a black pair of trouser gives it to her . It belongs to her cousin whom they are same height. Jannie said to her mom 'how am I going to school with boys uniform?'. Her mother said its okay she looked beautiful and it was fine in her school for girl to put on trousers if not skirt but for Jannie never had she ever put on trouser to school.

After dressing her mom walked her to stage and make sure she sets off to school. Upon reaching the school she was already late by more than ten minutes ,students were assembled for morning meeting. She felt nervous and stated to panic. She walked very slowly but today luck was not in a side and the teacher on duty spots her. She cursed the day and said she had bad luck. She was given a punishment to kneel near the parking lot. As she was kneeling the car that made her morning worse came to the parking and stopped .The next minute Jannie was shocked because the person who came out of the car was non other than Daniel the principals son and Jennie's best friend . He approached her gave her a wrapped bag and a letter and left for class . Jannie tried to think about the package but before she could read the letter about what's inside the package ,teacher on duty came and apologized to her and send her to class.