
For The Overlord!

A Salaryman dies and after meeting with a Goddess of Darkness, he becomes tje First Overlord and goes to the famous Isekai, to a World full of Magic and Princesses, Villains, and Idiot Princes. Watch as he ventures into this world, creating a powerful Dark Domain, while committing genocide against the Sheep and Baby Seals. He will enjoy life with no regrets, even if he dies in the end, he won't complain after all... Evil always finds a Way. I DON'T OWN ANYTHING

PowerMan579 · Khác
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Ogre and Anticlimactic

3rd pov

In the village where Hadrian had gone to do a "100% Peaceful and Safe Diplomacy for the Villagers", he got enough coins, beer and other valuable items that were taken by the Minions to the Tower Portal.

All the Sheep in the settlement were killed, nor the puppies received mercy from the Bloodthirsty Minions, the other animals that had in the settlement were spared... or at least what was left of them.

But Hadrian got a lot of Lifeforce from it, plus he believes the Villagers, now being his slaves, could manage with the animals they have.

'Very good! Let's see how many Minions I have' Thought Hadrian while summoning all the Minions he had under his command, in addition to the newborns that came out of the Minion Portals.

"81...92...107" Hadrian said in surprise as he counted all the Minions he now has.

"Hmmm, that's a great number" Hadrian said to himself as he received beer from a slave girl who was ordered to brew beer for him.

"Master, congratulations on your quick and easy conquest of this Human settlement, with that you have already begun the foundation of your Dark Domain!" Said Gnarl through Link while clapping his hands.

"Thank you, Gnarl" Said Gnarl as he finished his beer.

'Since this settlement is close to the Swamp, I'll take advantage and go there, it will be great to have more conquered lands' Thought Hadrian while commanding all the Minions to follow him.

"Gnarl, which direction must I go to reach the Swamp?" Hadrian asked as he shouldered his axe.

"North, sire." Gnarl replied.

Nodding, Hadrian then headed north, heading towards the Swamp that would become yet another territory within his Dark Domain.

Timeskip 2 Hours

After 2 hours of walking with a Horde of Minions behind him, Hadrian finally arrives in the swamp, he could already see some frogs, lakes, etc. What you normally have in a swamp.

'Well, let's go then' Hadrian thought as he held his Ax tightly.

"Gnarl, which side of this swamp is the Ogre on?" Hadrian asked as he looked around.

"You just need to go straight, sire, you'll find a cave, that's where the creature lives." Answered Gnarl by Link.

"Um, got it, thanks." Said Hadrian as he headed straight for his objective.

After a few minutes of walking, Hadrian can see the entrance to a cave, which made him take a deep breath before getting ready for the fight to come.

Hadrian then sent some Greens to see if the entrance to the cave was trapped, while the rest would use the Invisibility they had to set a trap.

After receiving a no-trap signal from the Greens, Hadrian then looked at a newborn Brown.

"Congratulations, Minion, you will receive a very important mission." Said Hadrian as he grabbed the newborn Brown Minion by the neck.

"If there is an ogre inside, you will serve as a bait and you will lure him here, do not die until you complete this task" Ordered Hadrian while throwing the Brown Minion to the entrance of the cave, while the Green Minions were just waiting invisibly.

After the Brown Minion fell to the floor of the cave entrance, it quickly got up and ran into the cave while screaming.

After 2 minutes of waiting, the Brown Minion came back running and screaming, while an angry scream and heavy footsteps that made the ground shake a little were heard from the cave.

Soon an ogre with Blue Skin, giant and fat red nose with a loincloth, came out of the cave screaming incessantly, he soon saw Hadrian and thought of running to him like an irrational animal.

But the Greens wasted no time and quickly attacked the ogre, with some climbing on its back and stabbing it from behind, some stabbing its legs or arms, while one who was better armed began stabbing its skull.

The ogre didn't even have time to cry out in pain, as he soon fell face down on the ground, dead.

"Ok...I thought we would fight, but in the end, it didn't happen...meh, at least I got free Lifeforce" Says Hadrian to himself as his gauntlet sucked the Green Lifeforce that came out of the ogre's corpse.

He then went with some Minions into the cave, in order to see if there was anything of value inside the Cave that could be used by him.

When he reached the bottom of the cave with some of the Minions, he found some things in the Humble Abode of the now deceased Ogre, being some things made of steel, some valuable items, besides a bonfire and meat, a lot of meat.

"Take everything of value or that can be reused in the Forge" Ordered Hadrian to the Minions as he left the cave.

With the Ogre problem now resolved, Hadrian could focus on perhaps creating an Outpost in this Swamp, to ensure that he would have the presence of some of his forces in this region.

He then started going to the nearest Tower Portal to go back to his house and rest, he put a lot of effort into doing nothing but commanding the Minions, it made him mentally tired.

'Aaaah... how difficult it is to be an Overlord' Hadrian thought while laughing a little before continuing to head toward the Tower Portal.

Somewhere in the Burnt Forest

The Fairies who were in the Magical Forest that was mostly burnt down, were deciding what to do about the horrible situation they were facing, besides having buried what was left of the dead fairy's body.

"We need to find the culprit! This cannot go unpunished!" He yelled an angry pixie as he looked at the other fairies, who nodded their heads grimly.

"Yes...we have to find who did this to the forest and one of our sisters! Who else is in favor?!" He asked an Elder Fairy as he looked at everyone, who nodded in agreement.

"Then it's decided! Let's go after the culprit!" He declared the Elder fairy with seriousness in her voice and face.