
Chapter 9: Annalise

Jameson carried her through the beautiful house down the stairs to the dining room where he sat her at a lovely round wooden table. "Thank you, James. And thank you for taking care of us."

Andres smiled placing bowling of potato soup in front of them before sitting. "You're very welcome. James told me that you met healing his wounds."

She smiled. "Yes. A training yard accident. He likes to pretend it was a grievous wound but it barely required magic." She laughed looking at him. The first time she met Jameson he was training with Cailan and ended up cutting his leg. But he was seven years old.

"I've a scar from that." He groaned.

She laughed but Andres spoke. "It sounds like a wonderful way to start a relationship. Was it love at first sight?"

"No." She laughed. "He can be unbelievably hardheaded."

"And she is overly opinionated." He smiled.

Andres laughed. "But even I can see how deeply you two love each other. James wasn't even conscious a minute and he was panicked looking for you."

She found herself in shock. "Really?"

Jameson locked eyes with her. "Of course... I had left you unprotected. Anything could have happened while I was unconscious."

She smiled beautifully. "I... thank you."

Andres smiled. "Actually when I found the two of you, you were shielding her body with your own. Even while losing consciousness her safety was your first priority."

Jameson nodded. "She will always be my top priority."

Annalise blushed. "I... this soup is delicious, Andres."

Andres laughed. "I'm glad you think so."

They made same talk while they eat and after dinner Andres had Jameson carry her to a different room upstairs. When he opened the door there was only one bed. "A newly wedded couple should share a room."

She blushed slightly. "Of course. Thank you." Had she not spent the last two months sharing a bed with him she would have panicked but now she wasn't sure that she would be able to sleep without him next to her.

Jameson laid her in the bed and then pulled the covers over her. "Rest, Anna. Thank you, Andres."

Andres smiled. "You need rest as well. You were quite injured."

Jameson nodded. "Of course." Andres smiled closing the door as he left. He helped her undress and then pulled off his shirt before he climbed into the bed next to her pulling her into his arms. "I just need to hold you."

She nodded against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "I should spend more time in your arms. It's a wonderful place to be."

He laughed. Oh she loved his laugh but he did it so rarely. "I've already doomed myself. I might as well enjoy it." He then reached over running his fingers through her hair.

She looked up into his soft grey eyes. "Is loving me truly so terrible?"

"No." He shifted in the bed pressing his lips to hers. His hands tangled in her hair as his tongue traced her lips. She opened her mouth and his tongue coaxed hers forward. She was floating through air, or so it seemed. Her entire body was burning and little moans and sighs escaped her. He pulled away and she struggled to catch her breath. "It's what I might do to you that terrifies me." He whispered in her ear.

She bit her lip. "What might you do that would be so horrible?"

He sighed. "Don't look at me with such a face. I've only so much self control, Annalise. You are aware that I have... been involved before."

"I know perfectly well what I signed on for, Jameson. And though I admit I am not ready to..." she blushed. "It will be you who I am with."

He sighed. "Annalise... I can't. We can't actually be together in the real world. Once we get back to the crown city you'll be the princess again and I will be the general."

Her heart clinched in her chest. "Jameson... I love you... I will make it so we can be together. Father will..."

"The king is a stubborn man. And a wise one. Annalise, I am too tainted for someone as pure as you. I just want to enjoy holding you while I can. Let's not dwell on tomorrow."

Her heart was breaking. She couldn't understand why he was saying such things but she knew she wouldn't change his mind tonight. Instead she laid her head on his chest fighting back her tears. He sunk into the bed pulling her with him and she turned on her side pressing herself against him. "I... goodnight, Jameson."

He ran his fingers through her hair once more, ridding it of the last of the knots. "Goodnight, Annalise."