
Selling my blood

You know I've always asked myself, why me?

Why do I have to live this life? I mean all I do is work and work and work. I've even sold my blood to people for money. I don't know who they were but they payed me enough money for my blood. But now it's time to wake up. The sun is shining through the dark curtains, and my body feels icy cold even though the sun is layered on my skin. As I get up for work I remember I need to work till late tonight. It's normal though. Slowly I walk to my mothers room and open her door. "Mom good morning" I tell her. As always she just waves. It lets me know she doesn't want to talk to me. Now I walk to my little sisters room. "Good morning sis" I say softly. I notice she's barely awake, so I go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast. After a couple of minutes I made my sister Luna's lunch for school and even made her breakfast. Now she's done getting dressed and done eating so we head to the car and I drop her off at school wishing her luck on her test. I've arrived At work and start to work as soon as I get there. And as always time passes by like a running rabbit yet it also passes by like a ticking clock. So by the time it's night time and I'm out of work I start walking to my car, tired and sleepy. But I remember something, 2 days ago Luna asked me for a laptop. A $500 laptop for school. How am I going to get the money, I say as I lay my head restlessly on the driving wheel of my car. I still need money for my moms medicine. I also need money to pay the rent. I sigh slowly hoping I find a way to get some money. Seconds later I remember an easy way to get some money to pay for everything. It's called selling my blood like I used to.