
Food Master of the Underworld

Wang Ming and his father lost everything when his father got cheated by his wife Wang Ming's stepmom. Follow him going from owning a food stand to step after step, opening up a restaurant chain and entertainment empire. He realizes that to stay on top. You need to be the top dog. Tags: Harem, R-18, Comedy, Action, Weak to Strong, Hard Working MC, Cooking, Graphical scenes.

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259 Chs

Big Brother Ming

Looking towards the door, Wang Ming saw 10 men walked into the shop. It looked like they were looking for a fight, but instantly put on a smile and humbled themselves when they saw Wang Ming's face. Earlier this morning, Peng Tong had sent a photo of Wang Ming, to all of his underlings and told them to take care of him.

Since Peng Tong knew that Wang Ming frequents the market, which is his territory. He had to make sure that none of his underlings or others made trouble for his big brother. He was also afraid of HouZi gang wanting revenge. Therefore, he also increased security. He had more of his men roaming the streets, all of them armed with a knife.

So when Peng Tong's underlings walked into the shop, they instantly recognized Wang Ming and went to salute him. Peng Tong always looked friendly on the outside, but he's as strict as he can be towards his underlings. So all of his underlings both feared and respect him.

Though if you asked all of his underlings none, hate him, they all admire him since he always helps them out and treats them all like brothers. So Peng Tong's Big brother (Wang Ming) would also be their big brother, and his problem was also theirs.

The leader of the group was Sun Ha Hong, and he directly went to report to Wang Ming. Sun Ha Hong had been in the Wang gang for about two years. Since young, he had a poor impression of people from the underworld. He thought everybody from the underworld was bad persons that only harms the society. But when he was at his lowest point and everybody in his life left him and gave him the cold shoulder.

It was Peng Tong that helped him and dragged him from the depths of hell. After that, he vowed his life to Peng Tong and joined the underworld. It was then he got another view of the underworld. Not everybody from the underworld is bad, and he felt the society needs underworld groups as they keep the society in balance. Both from the police and the true villains in society.

"Big brother Ming, I'm Sun Ha Hong you can call me Little Sun. Big brother Tong gave us orders to protect you in this market and any other territory we own. We will do anything to satisfy you. Though we can't do anything unreasonable to clients. So if you were in the wrong, we can't protect you more than to let you walk away from the situation. Could you please tell me what happened?"

Wang Ming then told Little Sun everything that happened. Since he would be impartial Wang Ming had nothing to be afraid of.

Everybody in the shop was calm, it seemed like these situations happened from time to time. So most of them knew that as long as they had done nothing wrong, the Wang gang wouldn't do anything to them. Except from four people that were sweating bullets, and that was Manager Mu, the saleswoman and the couple that had insulted Wang Ming.

The saleswoman knew it was in her right to throw out Wang Ming, but the reason for all of them being nervous. Was that they had insulted Wang Ming, The manager even closed the door so Wang Ming couldn't run away. Wang Ming might have been dead if Wang Ming didn't know Peng Tong.

When Manager Mu saw that the people from Wang Gang were respectful towards Wang Ming, he knew that he had fucked up he had to mediate the conflict as soon as possible. But when he tried to run up to sweet talk Wang Ming and Sun Ha Hong underlings held him back, sighing he knew that he just had to wait for the questioning to end. He hoped that Wang Ming wasn't too unreasonable, and would let this go with some monetary compensation.

Because the punishment of stores wrongfully accusing people is very severe. For the first time offence they'll triple the rent for 12 months as compensation, killing all the profits the shops generate for 12 months unless you have insane sales.

This also depended on how much the shop earns, since it's a punishment they don't want you to go bankrupt, but hurt the shop enough so they would think twice about making trouble again. But if you keep doing it, then they will throw you out of the market and blacklist you from all Wang Gang territory and businesses.

When it was Manager Fu's turn to get questioned, he played the situation of as a misunderstanding. But fumbled when Little sun asked why he didn't stop the saleswoman or called back to the Wang gang and said it was a misunderstanding. Coupled with the fact that Manager Fu had clearly locked Wang Ming inside the shop.

Seeing that Manager Fu couldn't answer his questions, Sun Ha Hong knew what had happened. The other customers all told the same story, they discriminated against Wang Ming when he entered the shop. The saleswoman used her right and wanted to kick him out, but she had repeatedly insulted him. The manager and saleswoman wanted to use the Wang gang to deal with Wang Ming.

Sun Ha Hong felt that this wasn't a big conflict at all, and the Wang gang wasn't necessary. But since someone had called them to this situation, then they would need to deal with it. Wang Ming was the victim here, so he decided to first consult Wang Ming and then lightly punish the shop. As this was a minor situation he didn't want to punish them too hard, but he couldn't let them go either as he wanted this to serve as a warning for other shops.

"Big brother Ming, I've investigated the situation and their at fault. They may kick you out, but they went too far. So I want the store to fire the saleswoman then they will have to compensate you with their most expensive phone is that ok for you? Please forgive the couple as they're only kids and don't know right from wrong."

When Wang Ming heard the compensation, he felt satisfied. Since he initially wanted a cheap phone, but now he didn't even need to pay a single yuan for a brand new phone.

"It's more than satisfying thank you Little Sun, I will tell Peng Tong you handled the situation greatly. But let the saleswoman keep the job, I'm not so petty and will not stoop as low as her. Just let everybody go."

"Thank you so much! Brother Sun, Big brother Ming! We promise to mind our business from now on." The couple screamed after they heard the talk between Wang Ming and Sun Ha Hong. Running out of the shop as fast as possible.

I stunned the saleswoman that Wang Ming let her keep her job. She realized that only because you look poor doesn't mean that you are a bad person. Thanking Wang Ming meekly, the saleswoman went to the back of the store.

"Then Manager Fu please get me a black Xami P9 and a sim with it too."

Manager Fu let out a deep breath he didn't know that he was holding. This was the best-case scenario. They barely lost any money, only needing to give Wang Ming a phone. They would lose 10 thousand yuan, but that was a lot better than paying triple rent the next year.

"No problem, Young Master Ming, I will get your phone instantly. I hope you will come back to our shop another time. I promise you I will work on myself to become a better person. And give all of our employees another lesson on customer service. I thank you for being lenient on us!"

Wang Ming wasn't sure why the manager was so thankful but, was happy that the manager wanted to change to become a better person. Sun Ha Hong was still listening in on the conversation between Wang Ming and Manager Fu. And saw that Wang Ming looked confused by how Manager Fu acted so he explained to Wang Ming. It was because of the potential penalty.

Wang Ming felt enlightened but didn't care too much, he only wanted his phone. If Manager Fu changed because of this incident, it would be great. But if he didn't, then there would be a time when he offends someone else and they wouldn't be as nice as Wang Ming.

"Here you go, Young Master Ming. I gave you the best sim plan we have, you can call as much as you want for a year, no need to worry about any costs." Grabbing the phone from manager Mu, he sent Little Sun on his way, then promised Little Sun again that he would talk good about him to Peng Tong. Honestly, Wang Ming didn't know if his commandment of Little Sun would help at all.

Sighing, Wang Ming felt like problems and conflicts kept on following him and went towards Aunt Fu's clothes shop.

"Time to become a good-looking man."