
Flying Thunder God Magus

A draft story i made after coming to a block with my other story. Leave a comment what you think about this idea, Thanks!

ArgosBestDoggo · Tranh châm biếm
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Reincarnated in fate universe as Lorelei Barthomeloi's younger brother. Aciel Barthomeloi, the reckless child of Barthomeloi, known to be on par with the Wizard Marshall Zelretch as one of the most troublesome individuals of the clock tower for his pranks. Despite his shortcomings as a troublemaker, his elder sister doesn't seem to reprimand him heavily and only scold him whenever he was caught in the act. He is a renowned genius on par with his elder sister, but Lorelei knows how terrifying his talents are compared to her after managing to master all the Barthomeloi magecraft she has managed to taught him at the age of 10.

He caught the attention of the Director of the clock tower, and offered apprenticeship that he turned down after a month of training under him, according to him; it was boring memorizing all those old and complicated magecraft and mysteries from the age of the gods. Kaleidoscope, the Wizard Marshall, crack up after hearing this news, the child turned down the opportunity to learn from the disciple of the King of Magecraft himself.

Wanting to vex his old friend, he kidnapped this child to his office and offered the same apprenticeship. Aciel was flabbergasted after experiencing the magic of teleportation which he has been wanting to find for so long and accepted the offer without thinking much of it. Two weeks later, he left under the tutelage of the Kaleidoscope after finding a way to apply the second magic into his personal magecraft application of teleportation, only leaving a thanks for helping his recreated his favorite technique from a certain anime character. This got Zelretch roar with laughter as the little thief leave just like that after getting what he wanted and turning down his offer as the next successor of the Second Magic, his reason is how troublesome it is to guard the parallel worlds.

He spent the next two years cooped up in their basement completing his personal magecraft, his sister Lorelei let him do what he wants; relieved that her troublesome brother has finally found something he got busy with. At the age of twelve, Aciel mastered his personal magecraft he named after a certain technique of an anime character; The Flying Thunder God. He only found one problem with it, the massive mana requirement of the magecraft.

He found it annoying that the old man Zelretch have an infinitely supply of mana with his Second magic, the reason why he could do teleportation magic left and right like it was nothing. In the first-place teleportation itself is already on the realm of real magic, unobtainable by modern means of magecraft. He went to find Zeltretch after going out of his seclusion, he asked his former mentor if he has some mystic code like his Jewel Sword that can supply him with an unlimited supply of mana.

He suspected the worst when he saw his former mentor's mischievous grin and was told that he does have something of the like in other parallel worlds, but it will turn him into a certain magical girl, no, in this case a magical shonen! He stormed out after the outburst of Zelretch upon seeing his face contorting to disgust by the idea.

He could try to recreate Zelretch's Jewel Sword but he is not proficient in jewel magecraft at all and not that really knowledgeable with real application of the Second Magic to replicate the mystic code. He went to his sister to ask for a solution, she told him plainly he could inherit her magic crest after she dies, saying it has more than enough magic output for him to use his Flying Thunder God efficiently after seeing it. He outright denies her sister that was willingly offering their family magic crest, she was basically saying that it was alright with her to die so he could inherit her magic circuits.

His last resort was after all the library of the clock tower, he searches for ways for him to increase his magical energy output. He found many answers but most of them were forbidden, mostly it included a forbidden ritual turning him to a dead apostle or the use of grimoires, which he would never ever consider or his sister herself would be the one to hang him.

The only thing he found that does not involve turning him to a vampire and the use of forbidden artifacts besides the use of Zelretch's Jewel Sword is turning his Magic Circuit to a Magic Core. King Arthur, no, Artoria Pendragon has it when she was alive granted by her dragon blood. The Hero of Völsunga saga; Sigurd, also has it by slaying the Evil Dragon Fafnir and eating his heart giving him a magical energy reactor core like that of a dragon.

Sadly, dragons have already left the present world with the coming of the Age of Man, they went beyond in the Reverse Side of the World where the Phantasmal Species and presumably Divine Spirits resides. He went home gaining nothing from his research, well he could still use his FTG magecraft considering his impressive Magic Circuits can also generate a good amount of magical energy to use it a couple of times before draining him.

When he arrived at the Barthomeloi Castle, he found the answer he was looking for when his sister told him that she'll not be around for the new year. Lorelei will be going to Wandering Sea, one of Mage's Association branch, it was the first time that they contacted the Association since the Wandering Sea ceased all communication after the Clock Tower became the Head Quarters of the Mage Association.

He read before in the Clock Tower library about the Wandering Sea as one of the locations where the Texture of the world between the world of man and the Reverse Side of the World lies. With his Personal Magecraft, he could try crossing that boundary and find himself some dragon heart to eat as well as tour this dimension where remnants of the gods reside.

Barely hiding his excitement, he asked his sister how strong he could fare against a dragon of the ancient times. Lorelei was bewildered by his younger brother's question, thinking up of whatever wild things he was cooking up in his brain this time. She told him that she does not know, as the last dragon has died long ago and didn't had the experience to fight one. Lorelei taught of her brother as not that good in standard use of orthodox magecraft as her, but in terms of combat power alone with his bizarre use of his magecraft, if push comes down to shove; he could even rival her in a real fight. That's how terrifying her little brother is despite a 10-year gap in their age, and the quality of his magic circuits considering he does not bear their family's Blue Blood: Noble Magic Circuits.

Not getting his question answered, Aciel bade his sister accompanied his sister to the Clock Tower as he told her she would be spending his time at the their while she was away. He has been a formal resident of the tower after his sister took over as the vice-director of the Clock Tower when their parents died when he was 5 years old. The mages even gave him a nickname of "The Little Wicked Barthomeloi" after a few pranks he's done to the different departments in the tower both the student magus and Lords. Lorelei flinched a bit upon hearing his brother, she could already hear the roars of madness of the mages in the tower will experience without her being there to control the little imp.

After seeing her sister off at the clock tower with some of the members of her Brigade accompanying her. He went to find the old man, the Director of the Clock tower. Though he always found it really bothersome to go through the Bounded Field of this more than 2000-year-old magus, he remembered the first time he tried going to his office, he got stuck when he was 7 years old in this bounded field for 1 whole week before managing to reach the old man's office.

Arriving at the Director's office, he found the old man writing in his ancient scrolls as always, according to him he was writing down and recording the never-ending mysteries of the world. Aciel got tired of waiting for the old man to finish his work and impatiently asked him how he could fare against a dragon. This got the old man's attention as he looks up his table and turned his ancient eyes at him.

The old man told him tales of the dragons of old and how mighty they were back at his time, back when it was still the Age of the Gods, and how they left the Present World and migrated to the Reverse Side of the World as the Age of Man arrived. According to the Director, Aciel at the moment could fight and kill a Monstrous Dragon, perhaps fight to a stand still with a Phantasmal One, but he should never try fighting a Divine Class Dragon, he said he might be able to escape with his newly mastered magecraft, but he must never fight one, not now at his very young age.

Somewhat surprised that the old man already new of his new tricks, he put the thought at the back of his head as he ponders about his power levels compared to Dragons. He then asked if there is a Magus that could fight toe to toe with a Divine Class Dragon. The Director said that the Wizard Marshall Zelretch could, and mentioned Miss Blue as well, which earned him a scowl as both persons were wielder of cheats called Magic.

He does not want to deal with Zelretch considering the old man's persistence on him inheriting his Second Magic which he does not want, Tohsaka should have it "if" only if he dies, the old man's been living for more than a thousand years and guarding the parallel worlds which seems like a very tiring job. His only option for now is Miss Blue, he's been planning to find her anyway and pay his respect as a fellow troublemaker of the Association.

Though he doesn't know where he could find Miss Aozaki, this old in front of him might have some ideas of her whereabouts considering her sister as one of Sealing Designations and her being the holder of the Fifth Magic. With some convincing and mention of my sister's name to the Director, he told me of where I could perhaps find her with a cold sweat. Just as he taught, the old man has soft spot for him and his sister, he thanked him and went to prepare to find Miss Blue.

After a tiring week he managed to find her and introduced himself to her with his title as the "Wicked Barthomeloi", and her fellow kindred soul as a troublemaker. He demanded on the spot to take him as her apprentice and teach him her Magic Bullet spells, which Aoko looked at him with dead eyes, ignoring him and continuing on her own business walking past him. Her rejection of his demand turned to a chase of cat and mouse for several days, as he relentlessly followed her everywhere and requested her to teach him her powerful magecraft.

He already has various powerful magecraft that her older sister has taught him, but they were bothersome and quite costly even to his quite vast supply of magic energy considering he'll be using FTG that uses quite a lot of mana. He's only good combat magecraft is his mastership at using Almighty Reinforcement and his close combat proficiency which he prided himself with, even beating her elder sister with hand to hand combat.

Miss Aozaki was the first to give in as she finally gave up with my unyielding will and tenacious hold of her, appearing at her out of nowhere whenever she taught that she has finally lost this crazy child of the Barthomeloi. Unknowingly to the Fight Magician, she could have never escaped this little devil with Aciel secretly implanting his modified rune to her butt one time when he slapped her butt earning him thousands of her magic bullet chasing his sorry ass. Locating her wherever and teleporting to her wherever she is with his FTG was as easy as breathing as long as she doesn't go to other dimensions or parallel worlds.

The training with her was a bit unfamiliar and unorthodox compared to his training with her elder sister, but he gained a lot with her teachings. For one year he followed her wherever she goes, learning her magecraft and improving his combat prowess by sparring with her every now and then. Aciel greatest gain that he learned from her was her impeccable use of her limited magical circuits despite its low quality to produced one of the most destructive magecraft in the form of bullets he has ever encounter in the most efficient and destructive way.

This gave him massive boost to his combat powers that greatly suited his FTG, he has now the confidence to try his luck with the Reverse side of the World. He left Miss Aozaki after that one year, which his mentor celebrated that even bringing tears of joy to her eyes as mentor and apprentice bid farewell to each other.

His plan for his venture to the Reverse side of the world was now ready, he went home and got scolded by his Sister for his absence for 1 year telling him to at least write to her if he'll do something like that again. He was able to appease her anger with his childish charm and little brother powers earning him a tight hug from her as she made him her personal teddy bear; hugging her all night as she sleeps. Only at these moments when we're alone that she shows this soft side of her, contrasting with her strict and noble appearance she shows outside.

With her elder sister case settled and the upcoming new year which the next resurfacing of the Wandering Sea. He told her about him going for another trip not telling her exactly where and asked for her permission which she thankfully accepted with the only condition to write to her from time to time and return alive.

Before going though, Aciel asked a favor to his former mentor Zelretch to send him to the Wandering Sea, lying about wanting to learn magecraft from the Age of Gods. The old vampire laugh; gently at first, then wholeheartedly before sending him off with a smirk seemingly knowing what he's about to this time.

When the effects of teleportation disappeared which he was now very much familiar with, he stared dumbfoundedly face to face with two magi guarding a huge stone gateway. The two guards quickly recovered and chanted spells at the him shouting in alarm about an intruder.

Seems like the old man sent him straight to where he wanted, he could feel the layers of reality from the gateway which separate it to the Present world and the Reverse Side of the world. When he was about to be hit by the spells by the two guards, he casted FTG in a flash and disappeared from the Present world as he crossed to the Reverse Side of the World.

That day the Wandering Sea send a report to the Clock Tower about a child intruder who managed to get inside their institution and crossed the Gateway disappearing to the reversed side of the word. This news only reached the Lords, much to the Director's amazement, Zelretch laughter roaring across the tower, and the Vice-director Lorelei Barthomeloi fainted from shock and anger having a clear idea of the intruder.

Yooo! I got some problems with my other fic, and got so busy with the summer event at FGO. Anyway, please comment what you think about this one. Still, i wont be abandoning my other one, just it'll be a while before another update.

ArgosBestDoggocreators' thoughts