
Flying flowers dance in the sky

Qi Jin accidentally rolled down the mountain while traveling in Tianshan, and by chance, he discovered a secret so big that it can't even be described as shocking. To this end, Qi Jin must call on the world to jointly develop earth civilization in order to reach the door to a safe world. But after entering the new world, we also face endless challenges...

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20 Chs

Chapter 15---Conquer everyone


"I don't quite understand it either. Is there anyone who understands it? Can you please tell me?"

"I can only say that it was so well said!"

"The truth?"

"Keep it safe!"


During the live broadcast, you talked to me one by one. Several other anchors were less popular and were scolded by a few water friends for not believing it, and they were trolled for broadcasting. Only this person's popularity had just reached around 50, and about half of them scolded the anchor for promoting superstition, and was blacked out by the platform three times. However, he was not convinced and wanted to live broadcast until the end of Qi Jin's sermon. But after seeing the sermon scene, more and more people came in to listen to the sermon. Now there are more than 2,000 people watching the live broadcast. For a small anchor with only a few dozen people in a live broadcast room, this is already a lot!

At this time, Wang Xianying looked at Queeni and the two of them. After both parties nodded, the three of them stepped forward at the same time, knelt down and kowtowed:

"Ren Qixian, I want to follow you and act as your ox or horse, please let me do it!"

Qi Jin was startled in his heart: Your uncle, do you want to be so exaggerated? Don't go overboard like this! However, Qi Jin thought that it would be better to work with several people around him than to work alone. I just don't know if these three people have spiritual roots... I feel calm inside.

"Get up and speak. As for whether to accept the three of you, I have to test it later before deciding."

The three people stood up quickly and came to Qi Jin's left side, as if waiting for a call. When Qi Jin saw this, he thought, why don't you stand on the right side? What does the left side mean? Qi Jin ignored this and looked at the remaining people who had not spoken.

The young male policeman stepped forward and said: "Bless you, Qixian. My name is Lu Feng. I was a little doubtful of you before, but now I am very convinced. There is no doubt, but whether you can cooperate with our police. Of course, some extremely We may not be able to handle difficult cases, but if possible, I hope you can help solve them."

The policewoman also looked at Qi Jin expectantly. Qi Jin's mouth twitched inwardly, and he said in his heart, "Don't do it. I am a Qi practitioner and an immortal cultivator. There is a difference between immortals and mortals. Do you understand?"

"There are differences between immortals and mortals, but that does not prevent me from slaying demons and defending the Way. If it is a very evil person, I will be happy to do it."

What he said was so beautiful that Qi Jin admired his eloquence and gave himself a compliment.

The two policemen were overjoyed when they heard Qi Jin's answer! Thanks again and again. Qi Jin also thought that he could catch a few villains if nothing happened, and it would be good to increase his reputation.

The man who whispered was also an anchor, secretly broadcasting live among the nine people. Qi Jin knew it from the beginning and just ignored him.

"Are you live broadcasting? Then go to the right and stay on the right side to live broadcast." Qi Jin said to the man who was secretly live broadcasting.

The man said to himself in horror: "Well, I've been discovered!"

His face was livid with fear, and he immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "I'm sorry, villain Zhang Yu, I shouldn't have broadcasted your live broadcast secretly, please forgive me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Qi Jin glanced at him playfully, then waved his hand to go away... Only then did Zhang Yu get up tremblingly and retreat to the place where he had just stood. The other six people looked at him with evil smiles, and some almost couldn't hold back their laughter. The other two had serious expressions, looking down at the ground. Only then did Zhang Yu realize that Qi Jin had just asked him to stand on the right side and watch the live broadcast, so he ran to the right side in a hurry.

Qi Jin laughed in his heart, this person is so funny, haha... But he concealed it well on the surface, but still had a slight smile. Then he looked at the remaining two people. They were two old men, a man and a woman, probably an old couple. There was a sad look on his face, with a lot of emotions on his face. So he took the initiative to remind him:

"Two old men, what about you, what's going on?"

At this time, the two old people were shocked. Are they themselves? Looking at the others, the others are also looking at the two of them. That's right, it's the two of them. So the two held hands, looked at Qi Jin anxiously, and walked forward slowly. When they were about to kneel down, Qi Jin raised his hand and made a gentle move. The two old men could not kneel down, so Qi Jin spoke.

"If you have something to say, there's no need to kneel down."

Qi Jin felt a little weak in his heart, thinking, if you two old men kneel down, what will happen to me? I can't let you kneel down!

The two old men saw that they couldn't kneel down, so they bowed and saluted, but they couldn't! A kind of warmth came from nowhere, and I felt that the person in front of me was definitely a living god. The old man said:

"Thank you for your understanding, old man. My surname is Li, and this is my wife next to me. My only son accidentally fell down when he went out a few days ago and broke his leg bone. My family does not have much money to go to the hospital for treatment, so I am very worried. . Please ask the immortal to use some magical powers to save me."

After saying that, I wanted to pull my wife to kneel down again, but she still couldn't kneel down!

Qi Jin thought to himself, someone was broadcasting live next to him, and there were police witnesses. He had to save a seriously injured patient. Hehe, this reputation would soon spread throughout the country! Then the President should also come to me! ! ! Think so.

"Okay, can I bring it to you?"


Qi Jin complained to himself in his heart: Damn it, I said the wrong thing, how come someone has a broken bone?

"Okay, please wait a moment, the old man will go back and carry him over." The old man said immediately.

Qi Jin immediately said: "Wait, forget it, I am in a good mood today, I will go with you."

Make amends immediately. Thinking of this as a remedy, it's perfect!

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the old man to speak, he said in a tone that left no room for doubt:

"Lead the way."

And secretly instilled a trace of spiritual power into the two old people with his right hand, making them walk faster! Others followed suit.


We were speechless all the way, and soon we arrived at a private house. It was simple but not bad. It could be seen that the house was carefully decorated, simple and unpretentious, but unique.

"The house is simple, please be considerate!"

A young woman came out and saw so many people and the presence of the police. She suddenly didn't know what was going on and was shocked.

"What are you doing? Two police comrades, what is going on? We didn't commit anything?"

Ignoring the two old men, they blocked their mouths. At this time, the old man pulled her and told her something in detail, but Qi Jin couldn't understand...

After a while, the young woman was a little confused and didn't want to lose the old man's face, so she smiled and said:

"I'm sorry, everyone, I was rude just now. Please, please."

Ignoring Qi Jin and the police, he left and entered the side room.

"Qixianren, please forgive me, she is ignorant..."

Qi Jin directly waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

"It's okay, I'll go check on the injured. One policeman will go in, one will live broadcast, and the rest will wait outside."

After saying that, the old man hurriedly led Qi Jin and three others into the side room.

In front of him was a sturdy man of about thirty, his right leg simply tied with a white cloth bandage. Qi Jin didn't look at anyone else. He stepped forward, stretched out his right hand, and hung it above the injured leg. He injected spiritual power into it. After some investigation, he understood it clearly.