
Fluidity system

Calla was never able to see her system even thought it passed coming the age. Why was she in this system school if she didn't have one? Even if she would get it now, she would be the weakest of them all... Or so she thought. Even without a system, no one came to seek trouble with her. So why did everything change when this fluidity system appeared? She was happy without one. Now she has to do the tasks and beat people up. /Cover is not mine/

Gabriela_lungu · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Unlikely Friendship

"As you all know, in the past, there were no such beasts as today. They were called animals. You can call them harmless small beasts. Those weak animals were such a big deal for humans in the past. Oh and those small cats and dogs. Many had them… They had to feed them and play with them. It gave nothing back." The man coughed. "I mean, unlike ours, they didn't do much because they were that weak. Those dogs were somehow keeping strangers away and could track but alas, you know that their evolution is a lot better. Where was I? Right! Just like those harmless animals evolved and became stronger, us and the planet itself evolved. For those coming from the slums, it all started because of the earth core awakening." The teacher looked at me.

"I bet you know that in the past, humans were unable to possess power whatever they did. They did a lot of human experiments and could only create some ugly monsters that had a short life. It was impossible to wield the core power without the core awakening. Which is having a system. Those saying they can do magic were just frauds. Here I go again…"

"It is said that at the beginning of the earth's awakening, we couldn't see the system." Cause now we can? What am I? An idiotic potato? Uh maybe I am. Like the teacher said, the earth has a core and it awoke somewhere in the past. We can see our system after your core awakens. The awakening is at 13 years and you get your system when you are 16 years old. Normally. Dunno why, it didn't happen for me cause I don't have it yet. It's 2 years late. We don't actually have a core that we could dig off or body… At least I never saw one and the teacher didn't talk about the human core but the beast core. Maybe humans also have it?

"It was by pure luck that you could become stronger. In my theory it was because those people were so weak, they weren't worth it for the system to help them. It's a wonder we are still here with the pathetic strength they possessed. Luckily for them, some strong individuals were able to see the system and were able to save them. We aren't sure how you can get a system. Even today some people get bad genes and never have their system. Research says it's linked with your desire and the actions you make... I say, you need to be strong and worthy to have it! Trash can be in the slums" Why does he keep talking about the slums while looking at me! I know I'm trash but I don't wanna go there! Even they don't want me.

I whispered in my friend's ear. "He's doing it again. Saying all that like he is the strongest. Hope someone will beat his ass." My friend looked at me with a complicated look. 'Don't look at me like that! That look is saying it's regretting being friends with me!' I ignored her look and stared through the window. Not like I will let her stop being my friend.

"There are different kinds of systems. The system is like a mentor who will help grow your talent. At the same time, If you have no talent, it can't do anything for you. If you weren't born to control the heavens, the system won't show itself to you. Only dumb people would ignore the task and the system. Every person has different tasks. Of course, the daily tasks can be the same because everyone needs to practice that way to upgrade their affinity with their element or job. Life tasks can be a lot harder to do and you could get a penalty. Like loosing the system for not being able to do this little thing ha. If you complete any tasks, you will receive a reward from the system and get stronger. Don't overlook this. A strength enchanter could become able to use the wind to help him. Even though it's a waste to try to mimic another system and you will be weaker, it is possible unlike if you practice for years to upgrade your small control over an element. There are 4 kinds of systems. Elemental systems, job systems, enchanter systems and special systems. Here are some examples of special systems: the power to charm, power to steal other powers or a mix of many systems.Each has its weakness… What everyone would say. What the WEAK would say. I know most of you think elementalist are the most powerful and they sure are. Alas they still need some help from the other systems to create a powerful country."

About the countries. I learned that there are small islands that no country touches. Can you imagine? I learned all this in a year geography and… history… stuff in a year. I must be a genius. There are 4 countries. The biggest, at North but also the weakest, is called Dragshter. They only know how to tell lies and stories about having dragon systems. The second biggest is at East from Draghster. People there were always neutral, watching the show and never taking part. That country is called Dolphandro. The third country is kinda below Dolphandro is called Catrata. It is the country that is the farthest away from the earth core. It is also the country with the strongest navy. The last country is below Dragshter. That country is the country of gods. Even babies can ko me with one slap. The strongest country with the strongest people. Sharky. Everyone wishes to one day be there. But I never wished that. The thought never came to mind. I was good there. Trying everyday to survive. But here I am. Me, a person from the slums who is situated the nearest to the core and in between Dragsher and Sharky, found myself sitting here in a boring prestigious school of Sharky. Truly laughable. Why am I in such a dangerous place? The slums were bet- Oh! I am here because of the water.

I sighed. I feel thirsty. All those years in the slums with no food and water. Now I drink water every minute and if I don't I'm sooo thirsty I'm dying. Can't the teacher stop talking. It's so long, I will become so dry, I will break and die.


Ughh my mouth is so dry. I want this class to quickly finish so I can run… walk to my dorm room and drink all that water. Running is bad, it will make me more thirsty. I might faint from the lack of water in my body. Do I really lack water? I'm thirsty so yes I do.

"Calla!" I flinched. "What?" I asked in an annoyed voice. My friend flinched but then gave me that look again. "The teacher stopped talking. We can leave." I didn't even notice. Was I daydreaming for so long? I got up while saying "YESSSS" which got me the attention of the teacher. He gave me a judgmental look. I remember the first days in class… He kept nagging me about how bad my grades are and about how I disrespect him by not listening to his bullshit… Like I got a 0. It's not that bad. It's not my fault I didn't know how to write. I didn't go to school all my life! I'm 18 and this is my first school… It's a good school… it's paradise for the likes of me. I really wonder how the fuck I got accepted here and why wasn't I kicked yet. Are they doing a charity ad with me? Showing how they accept students with no system and brains? Was it the people from the slums who wanted to get rid of me? I guess I'm too weak even for them. At least no one bullied me for not having a system… I wonder why no one tried… l look skinny and weak.

My hand was pulled and I started walking. "Oh." My friend sighed. "Stop daydreaming. It's so weird. I thought you would be thirsty after class and run to drink but I guess your daydreaming is stronger than your thirst. What were you thinking about this time? Your crush again? What perverted thought did you have? Did you think of ways to kidnap her?"

I blushed. "W-what n-no. I just thought about the s… uhh…" She doesn't know I'm from the slums… It was filthy there. The air was too. So hard to breathe. Wonder how people can still be alive there. I heard something but didn't pay attention.

"Calla." My friend said with a sigh. "Yes Ada?" I smiled, fainting innocent. "If you don't stop randomly daydreaming ALSO in the middle of the conversation, no one would have the courage to talk to you. You are being misunderstood so hard… And the look in your eyes when you daydream…" Ada shivered. "I wonder how I became friends with you..."

"If you are talking about when we became friends it was… "I stopped talking and got submerged in my memories. Ada facepalmed. It was my first day of school, last year. I NEVER WALKED INSIDE, OK? Some bastard must have used me as a scapegoat. I woke up, sat on a chair and heard a loud voice with some whispers. I was so shocked. I kicked the person who was sitting in front of me. The girl I kicked turned around and looked at me with such a scared expression I choked on my small amount of saliva.

The look she gave me was as if I bullied her all her life and one day she escaped from my claws but then I appeared again in front of her like a demon coming for her soul. It was so funny, I laughed hysterically. I never heard such a weird laugh and the ones around me neither. This place seemed like fun if I had that girl around. I kept staring at her back during all the time people talked.

I didn't want to let go of that fellow so I tracked every inch of her movements. She looked really stiff. She should get more relaxed. Maybe I should give her a massage later? The girl kept shivering and stealing glances at me once in a while then got more stiff and stared in front of her with her back really straight. In the meantime, I think some old man was talking but I didn't care cause this girl was so amusing. I would have laughed some times if my stomach didn't ache. I let out some "hehe" instead. For some reason the people around me seemed to be so far away unlike when I first woke up. Not like I cared about them. This girl got all my attention. I wanted her!

Well after the voice stopped buzzing in my ears and everyone got up, I coughed at Ada, who was about to run. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and gave her a grin. "Hi, I'm Calla. I like you so what's your name?" The look of resignation on her face. She seemed like she just made up her mind for going to hell. It was priceless. But why such an expression? Did she see something that bad? Wonder what it was. It's not like I'm stronger than her, right? I'm such a weak person... hehe. "A-Ada. I'm Ada."

That was the beautiful first day of our friendship. Ada shivered while still pulling my hand, making me follow her. She mumbled. "I don't want to remember that scary day."

I added more info about the system and wrote about the countries and stuff. Thanks for the help! I some times forget to talk about where mc is cause I find boring reading about that. hehe sorry. I'll try not to forget for the next chapters~

Gabriela_lungucreators' thoughts