
Chapter 138: Gongmu's Big Brother Qin! (1 More)

PS: Thanks to my readers for leaving supportive messages and for their recommendation tickets; your support is my greatest motivation! Writing a story that makes everyone happy and excited, a story that belongs to Yi Xiaofei!

Uncle Gongmu remained calm about his capable subordinate's departure because he knew his underling's methods. Whatever task he delegated was always completed to his great satisfaction.

"Uncle Gongmu! His name is Yi Xiaofei, and he has some tricks up his sleeve! Can your men handle him?"

Du Chao asked curiously.

"Rest assured! He's very easy to deal with!"

Gongmu clearly exuded confidence, speaking with a smile on his face.

"That's good to hear! Uncle Gongmu, besides discussing business with my dad, do you have any other business in Zhonghai City? If there's anything else, I do have some influence here in Zhonghai City and might be able to offer you considerable help!"