
Chapter 83: The Outburst of Duan Xinxin

Duan Yanran was certainly the most beautiful woman in Northern Sea and a well-known talented lady, but how many people knew of the pain behind these glorious halos, or even the grievances in her heart?

On the surface, her father and grandfather treated her well, but who really knows? That was all just for show for outsiders.

Since her mother's death, who truly cared for her? Only her thoughtless younger sister, who always kept the best for herself. Yes, her sister wasn't articulate, and sometimes even disregarded others' feelings, but that was just her straightforward nature, and at least she was good to her.

Just like the first time Tianyu came to their house and recognized him as Ling Tianyu, his words were harsh, but at least he didn't gossip behind her back.

And Duan Bingbing? She was one thing to your face and another behind your back.

I really don't know how you all think of her as the good girl.