
Chapter 81 Chu Zhongtian

"I won't cry, I won't cry anymore," Huang Tingting hurriedly wiped her tears, forcing them back, striving to keep herself from crying.

Su Ruoxi smiled faintly, her right hand on her waist. Her body was in so much pain; it truly was her time, probably only a few days left. Despite her unwillingness and having regrets, it was fate—everything was predetermined. She wanted to live, but who could save her?

"I really hope they can establish a relationship," Su Ruoxi said weakly, full of hope, "If I could just see that before I go, it would be nice. Then I could take this news with me to see Tianfei."

"Don't talk like that!" Huang Tingting, hearing these words, knew her best friend was arranging her affairs and begged her not to go on, as she wouldn't be able to bear it.

"I won't talk about it anymore," Su Ruoxi shook her head, taking out an iron box from the bag behind her.