
Chapter 66 Three Hundred Million

Ling Tianyu endured the pain on his body, blood continuously flowing down, still unable to stop bleeding because he was in the midst of clearing out the shards of glass.

"Hang in there!" Zhao Xiangde once again reminded Ling Tianyu, pulling out a ten-centimeter-long piece of glass from his chest as blood instantly spurted out. Ling Tianyu had to stop the bleeding immediately, otherwise, he'd bleed to death just from that.

"All done," Zhao Xiangde wiped the sweat from his brow. There were too many glass fragments scattered across his body, very small ones, and it took a great deal of effort to remove them all.

Ling Tianyu stood up, looked down at his upper body. His lower body was fine, unharmed, but his upper body was more seriously injured.

"Shall I disinfect it?" asked Zhao Xiangde, holding a small spray bottle and standing in front of him, hesitating to proceed. The alcohol would certainly sting upon contact, unbearable for most people, but Ling Tianyu refused any anesthesia.