
Chapter 42: Dying in Anger

"Tianyi, come with me. Your man is finished, do you really want to stick with a good-for-nothing? Come with me, if you want luxury cars, you'll have luxury cars, if you want a mansion, you'll have a mansion." The stranger holding Qin Tianyi, clad in branded clothing, hugged her tightly, his hands not behaving. And this was happening inside a KTV bathroom, no less, the women's bathroom; what daring.

"Stop that! I'm on the phone with my… my brother." Qin Tianyi was somewhat overwhelmed and covered her phone tightly with her hand, scolding him. What a bad guy, she thought, she was on the line with her own brother.

What if her brother noticed something was amiss? Could she still show her face then?

"This is for the best, don't you want it?" The strange man grew bolder and bolder, without a care in the world. Her husband was still in the hospital, and she had come out—what was there to be afraid of?