
Chapter 305 Yanran, Wait for Me!

Zhao Xiangde saw the wan smile on Ling Tianyu's face, and his heart clenched, his heartbeat accelerating. He had an ominous premonition that the consequences might be quite serious, even...?

Considering that possibility, Zhao Xiangde hurriedly dismissed the thought, hoping it was not as he feared.

"Speak," Zhao Xiangde forced himself to say calmly.

Ling Tianyu shrugged helplessly and replied, "Meridian damage, cultivation plummeting. If the seclusion is successful, I could break through to the Golden Core, and how many layers depend on destiny."

Ling Tianyu did not mention the consequences after the breakthrough, fearing to frighten Zhao Xiangde. Once he succeeded in breaking through, he could only maintain his status in the Golden Core Stage for three hours. After three hours, his meridians would completely shatter, and his essence blood would be exhausted, leading to only one outcome—death.