
Chapter 296: On the Brink

The fury in the hearts of Nan Wuji and his companion was nearly uncontrollable, that old hag was just too despicable. Once they saw her face, they would get physical with her first.

"The attitude of Sun Aoyu's father, Sun Lubu, is very firm, believing Miss Duan is their daughter-in-law, a member of the Sun Family. They nearly came to blows over it," Long Qiuhua said as he walked, his expression growing darker with each word. He was also extremely angry, especially at Feng Jiayin.

If word got out that Duan Yanran's identity had been switched, those five old men might come knocking, and then there would be a real scene. That old woman spoke without using her brain.

"Daughter-in-law?" Long Qiuhua's words made Dongfang Shuo and his companion stop in their tracks, frowning as they looked at him.