
Chapter 295 Xiangshan Mingyuan

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Ling Tianyu opened his eyes, and in an instant, a boundless sword qi oozed out, sending chills down one's spine. Moreover, in those eyes, there was a released radiance that was indescribable.

"Crackle! Crack! Pop! Pop!"

Ling Tianyu, in the bathtub, slightly moved his body, and a sound like popcorn crackling came from within him.


Two blazing flames wrapped around his hands, at times the flame was white, at times it was yellow, and at other times, it was red.

"Foundation Establishment Fourth Layer, such powerful Spirit Fire, and Foundation Establishment Fifth Layer, wouldn't it be unimaginably stronger?" Ling Tianyu looked meaningfully at the flames swirling around his hands.

The flames in his hands were enough to cover the sky and sweep across anyone. Within the range of his Divine Sense, as long as anything was alive, everything would turn to ashes, no, not even ashes would remain, and the ground would crack open from the scorching heat.