
Chapter 293: Overnight Incident

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"Are you kidding me?!" Dongfang Shuo, upon hearing the news, was also shocked. If Elder Zhao were to come out of retirement, things would be bad—his family was still in the Capital. Once Elder Zhao came out, his family was definitely going to be unlucky, the first to die.

"I'm not joking, it's true. I just found out; the Capital is already aware. I'm afraid..." Nan Wuji couldn't finish his sentence, the words stuck in his throat, unable to come out.

The incident with Zhao Xiangde back then was something they knew about. Through multi-faceted maneuvering, they had managed to keep him safe. His proud student had exerted the Clan's full strength, friends had pulled strings, and they had held a stalemate, just learning to steady the situation.

Now, saying he would come out of retirement—wouldn't that render all their efforts futile?