
Chapter 227 Oh My God!

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"Sister, Auntie called me just yesterday," Duan Xinxin said when her sister remained silent, mentioning the phone call she had received the previous night.

"Auntie called? Why didn't you tell me?" Duan Yanran responded in surprise. It had been a long time since she had seen her aunt, and ever since she stopped teaching at the university, they only contacted each other once or twice a year.

"You were resting, so I didn't mention it," Duan Xinxin explained. "Auntie's voice sounded a lot hoarser. I asked her to come over and told her about Uncle's hospitalization."

"You! That's just reckless, letting Auntie know—she must be worried sick," Duan Yanran chided, poking her younger sister's forehead with annoyance.

Duan Xinxin stuck out her tongue playfully and leaned on her sister's shoulder, staying silent as they both quietly enjoyed a long moment of peace together.