
Chapter 22 Beat them up! Beat them to death!

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Nan Feng was now beginning to doubt whether it was Brother Lang who had done it; after all, considering what happened at the bar, but their leader, Cat, had personally come to apologize and even offered a gift of apology; logically, it shouldn't be the case.

What Nan Feng was thinking was exactly what Dongfang Yan, who was rushing over, was thinking: both brothers initially thought the same, but dismissed the idea as unlikely—it must be someone else.

In an abandoned factory in Nanjiao, Su Ruoxin was hung from the beams, with a towel stuffed in her mouth, unable to free herself no matter how much she struggled.

"How could Brother Hao take a liking to such a woman? Sure, she's pretty, but she's sick," the man in red pants said, puzzled.

"How would I know?" The man in a black suit, smoking a cigarette, was also unclear; he remembered Brother Hao's taste was not like this. Brother Hao liked schoolgirls, especially the school beauties, and even had a thing for married women, claiming that's where the real flavor was. But now, taking a liking to such a sickly woman, he really couldn't understand.

"This woman does indeed look good, a pity she's sick; if she weren't, after Brother Hao is done with her, we could also have a go when the opportunity arises," the man in red pants lamented as he smoked, quite resentful.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm warning you, Xiao Bai, don't mess around. This woman is not to be touched lightly; she's got cancer, you don't want to live? Moreover, who knows what other diseases she might have? What if she has something else? You'd be off to the crematorium early," the man in the suit said irritably; his brother was a creature ruled by his lower half, unable to walk straight whenever he saw a woman.

"I know, I know, after we deal with the situation here, I'll go find some girls to let off some steam," the man in red pants said with a smirk, flicking his cigarette ash, frustrated by the arousal caused by the sight of the beautiful woman and feeling the need to quench it.

"Together," the man in the suit smiled. He was feeling a bit heated up himself, knowing that Brother Hao would soon arrive and wanted them to be spectators; he could barely handle watching, let alone stand being a mere spectator.

"Brother Hao is here," Xiao Bai said as he saw the car stop. He quickly discarded his cigarette butt and nudged the man in the suit.

The man in the suit also hurriedly threw away his cigarette, watching Brother Hao get out of the car.

"Clean her up nicely for me," Brother Hao ordered, his face filled with lust as he looked at Su Ruoxi, who was hung up in the factory. "Today, I'm going to take you by force. Since your man is already damn near killed by me, you don't have much time left to live. Might as well let me, your lord, enjoy myself before you die—it won't be a wasted trip to this world for you."

"Sure thing." Xiao Bai and the others lowered Su Ruoxin and took the water they had prepared in advance, pouring it all over her.


The sound of water kept ringing out as Su Ruoxi struggled incessantly, but she was restrained and could only let the water wash over her.

Su Ruoxin was naturally beautiful, even carrying a hint of innocence; with her clothes soaked, her devilish figure was unmistakably in view, causing everyone present to not take their eyes off her.

Brother Hao had great taste, it was just unfortunate that the woman was sick, or else they could have each had a turn with her, even if it was Brother Hao's leftovers—she was still a beauty after all.

"Heh heh, this is more like it," said Brother Hao, unbuckling his belt as he walked, his eyes gleaming with lecherous laughter.

"I'm going to enjoy you today!" Brother Hao removed the towel from Su Ruoxi's mouth, held her neck, and sneered.

Your man is dead anyway; it's better to let me benefit from it. I bet he would be ecstatic watching from heaven.

"Beast! Pah!" Su Ruoxi wished she could kill him, spitting a mouthful of saliva onto his face. He had broken her father's legs, and she would never let him off the hook, not even in death.

"Damn it, you're asking for death!" Brother Hao had never been treated like this; the nerve of her to spit on him— he had to slap her dead, raising his hand ready to strike.

"Buzz! Buzz!"


More than a dozen car engines roared to life, and the factory gate was soon occupied by a line of luxury vehicles. Aside from two Ferraris, the rest were either million-class BMWs or Porsches, all very opulent.

"Motherfucker, beat them, beat them to death!" Dongfang Yan and Nan Feng got out of their car and, seeing Su Ruoxi's state, they were incensed and ordered their men to take care of business. Whoever dared to lay hands on their Brother Yu's sister-in-law was asking for trouble.

"The...the Northern Sea Two Young!" Brother Hao was not stupid; he recognized them in an instant, proving more perceptive than his brother Chang Hong.

Dongfang Yan's and Nan Feng's men charged forward, giving Brother Hao's crew a thorough beating—some of them ended up with broken arms and legs, with no chance to retaliate.

The men of Dongfang Yan and Nan Feng were truly skilled fighters, handpicked from their families, capable of besting average bodyguards.

And Brother Hao's men? They were nothing but a ragtag mob. To put it crudely, they were scum!

"Sister-in-law, first wipe the water off your face. Our Brother Yu will be here shortly," Dongfang Yan instructed someone to grab tissues from the car and handed them to Su Ruoxin.

"Mhm." Su Ruoxin nodded her head gratefully. Fortunately, they had arrived. It seemed that Tianyu had come looking for her, and when he saw only her father, he must have known to come here.

"Wait a second!" Dongfang Yan looked down at Brother Hao lying on the ground, feeling that he looked familiar. Where had he seen this person before?

"Fuck!" Dongfang Yan suddenly realized—wasn't this guy the very Brother Hao that Brother Yu asked him to investigate?

"What's up?" Nan Feng noticed the change in Dongfang Yan's expression and curiously asked.

"This guy is the same one Brother Yu asked me to look into the other day, Brother Hao. I didn't expect him to show up here first," Dongfang Yan said, realizing why he felt Brother Hao looked so familiar—it was the man Uncle Quan had been asked to investigate.

"Brother Yu was investigating him? What's going on?" Nan Feng was puzzled.

"I don't know either." Dongfang Yan hadn't asked at the time, so naturally he had no idea.

Su Ruoxi overheard all of this, and it dawned on her that Tianyu had actually had someone investigate her. It looked like he wasn't planning to let her off easily.


Before Dongfang Yan and the others could continue, Ling Tianyu arrived, his Ferrari halting at the entrance as he got out of the car.

"Brother Yu," Dongfang Yan and the others quickly called out.

"Brother... Brother Yu!?" Brother Hao, lying on the ground, heard the Northern Sea Two Young's address and his lips began to twitch. How could that bumpkin possibly know such important figures?

Ling Tianyu saw his sister-in-law was unharmed and heaved a sigh of relief, but noticing her drenched state and the ropes at her feet, he knew she had been tortured and decided to settle the score for all of it.

"Sister-in-law, you go out first with Xiao Yan and the others," Ling Tianyu said, his fists tightly clenched.

"Got it, Brother Yu," Dongfang Yan and the others were perceptive and knew what Brother Yu was about to do. They took Su Ruoxi out of the factory and made sure to close the door behind them.

As Su Ruoxi was leaving, she caught a glimpse of Ling Tianyu and realized this was not the Tianyu she knew—he was a completely different person.
