
Chapter 186: Reunion after the Calamity

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Ling Tianyu tucked Duan Yanran in with the blanket, and despite his physical weakness, he went to prepare medicine. The original prescription could no longer be used, so he had to use another one. Fortunately, his medical technique was superb, and he had a way to solve the problem. Now that Duan Yanran's body had returned to its original state, she could only slowly address the issue by drinking medicine, a slow process.

An hour later, Ling Tianyu returned to the villa with a two-month supply of medicine and began to concoct it. This prescription did not contain any precious ingredients, except for two fifty-year-old ginseng roots.

Ling Tianyu, holding the freshly concocted medicine, went back to the bedroom and poured it down Duan Yanran's throat, waiting for her to wake up. He was very tired himself, with a severe loss of spiritual power and essence blood, so he was feeling completely exhausted. Before Duan Yanran woke up, he didn't dare to rest easily.