
Chapter 178: When it Rains, it Pours

"Have you found her?" the elderly man stood at the villa's entrance, looking at each person returning, knowing that if they hadn't found her, Ling Tianyu would inevitably find out, and Qing Ling would be in danger. The half of the estate that Benma Real Estate had just transferred out would all have to be returned.

Although he didn't have very high hopes for Ling Tianyu, it would still be problematic if the situation got out of hand, after all, Benma Real Estate was given to Duan Yanran by Ling Tianyu. For such a generous gesture, he must have some connections.

The elderly man absolutely could not allow Duan Yanran to escape. She had to be found.

"We haven't found her, we've searched everywhere possible," the returning people reported.

"Impossible!" Thought the elderly man, incredulously. There was no way she could have left the villa so quickly. It was such a large place, and she was just a girl who couldn't run very fast—especially with one high heel missing. How could she run?