
Chapter 17 The Duan Family Father and Son

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Everyone glanced over, wondering what Qin Tianyi stepping forward at this time could mean. Could it be that she had a solution?

"Tian Yi, do you have a solution?" Qin Li, who was still panicking, hurried over when she saw Qin Tianyi step forward. The two shared the same last name and had been in the same dormitory in college. They were very close, practically BFFs and partners in crime.

"I'll give it a try," Qin Tianyi said, not sure if it would work, but willing to take a chance.

"Li Yun, we were all classmates after all. You wouldn't want to see your fellow classmates in trouble, would you?"

"I didn't realize you were so close to Ling Tianyu. I also didn't know that upon his return, he could still mingle with someone of such a noble status, it's truly surprising to me," Qin Tianyi, although shocked by Nan Feng's earlier comments and the fact that Ling Tianyu considered his brother his brother and even got him a Supreme Gold Card, couldn't hide her disdain for him.

I have no grudge against you, yet you dared to break my husband's leg. This matter isn't over yet, once this trouble is dealt with, I'll still be holding you to account.

So you think you're tough? I'd like to see how many people you can actually take down.

The man I, Qin Tianyi fell in love with, must pay the price for being hurt.

"Yeah, Li Yun, we were all classmates after all, please, just help us out," Qin Tianyi took the initiative to ask, and following her lead, Qin Li and the others also began pleading with Li Yun. Ling Tianyu had such clout that just a word from you could solve everything.

Twenty million is no small sum, not everyone can easily come up with that kind of money.

Nan Feng remained silent, he had said before that he would settle the account, and he intended to. What intrigued him was how Li Yun would respond next, would he agree to intercede or not.

If he agreed, then there would be nothing to say; he would not offer this favor. Some things can be given, but there are some favors that cannot be granted.

He believed that if his Brother Yu were here, he would do the same.

Li Yun just shook his head, looking at Qin Tianyi and others, and said, "At past gatherings, which one of you ever treated me as a human being? Which of you has ever spoken to me continuously for three sentences? None, right?"

"Now I have the right to speak, because I possess this Supreme Gold Card, but why should I help you?"

"When I couldn't find a job, I sought help from you guys, but did any of you help me? Only Meng Xiaoyun helped me find this job. I, Li Yun, know gratitude and the principle of reciprocation. I can help Meng Xiaoyun, but why should I help you? What's the reason?"

Holding onto a sliver of hope, Qin Li and the others felt a renewed sense of despair upon hearing Li Yun's words. Right, who had ever helped him? Why should he help them? There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

"Can Meng Xiaoyun be let off the hook?" Li Yun looked towards Nan Feng. He didn't know if he could actually help Meng Xiaoyun, but he had to try; after all, it would still amount to over six hundred thousand each.

Nan Feng just smiled, not bad, someone who remembered kindness and was willing to reciprocate. This earned his approval; it seemed the people his Brother Yu knew were not bad, at least in terms of character.

"Who is Meng Xiaoyun?" He looked toward Qin Li and the others.

"Shh! Shh!"

Qin Li and the rest all turned their attention to Meng Xiaoyun, who was standing at the back.

"You are, aren't you?" Nan Feng followed their gaze and smilingly said, "This matter doesn't concern you. Each person's share comes to six hundred twenty-five thousand, you may go now. Old Zhang, call the police."

Meng Xiaoyun felt like she had been granted an amnesty. Grateful, she glanced at Li Yun, never having imagined that a casual phone call from the past would end up helping her so much today. What luck.

Qin Li and the others, upon hearing this, were filled with envy and jealousy, but even more than that, resentment—resentment towards Li Yun, and resentment towards Ling Tianyu, as all of this had happened because of his appearance.

"Li Yun, I'll remember you!" Qin Tianyi could never have imagined that Li Yun would be so unaccommodating. She glared at him venomously and turned back to Chang Hong, whispering a few words.

"I saw Qin Tianyi pull a bank card from Chang Hong's body and told Nan Feng, "Twenty million, split equally, amounts to just six hundred and twenty-five thousand each. I've paid my share."

"Fine." Nan Feng naturally had no objections, if the money was paid he could leave, he certainly wouldn't stop him.

Qin Tianyi hastily paid the money, not even glancing at Qin Li and the others, and left the hotel with her husband.

Qin Li and the rest watched as Qin Tianyi, with the help of Meng Xiaoyun, took Chang Hong and left the hotel. They were at a loss; they couldn't come up with more than six hundred thousand.

Police arrived soon after and took Qin Li and her group away in their car, that would give them something to worry about.


Northern Sea First People's Hospital, Ling Tianyu and Dongfang Yan sat outside the emergency room waiting patiently, while Duan Xinxin followed in the car and arrived soon after.

"Brother Yu, you getting all flustered isn't like you," Dongfang Yan said as he looked at his friend, puzzled by his uncharacteristic panic—it was a first.

"How is it not like me?" Ling Tianyu merely turned to glance at him before standing up again, looking toward the emergency room. It should be fine, the bleeding had stopped, there definitely shouldn't be a problem.

"Tap! Tap! Tap!"

Suddenly, the sound of dress shoes echoed down the hallway, and a middle-aged man accompanied by a white-haired old man walked their way.

"Grandpa, Dad," Duan Xinxin recognized them immediately; they were her family, and she hurried over to them.

"What exactly happened?" Duan Yanqing rushed over from home after receiving the phone call. How could someone get hurt just talking business?

"It's their fault!" Duan Xinxin became furious at the mention, herself and her sister were just walking when they got involved in the fight that led to her sister's injury; she would not let them off easily.

"Them?" Duan Yanqing and his father Duan Pengcheng exchanged glances before looking at Ling Tianyu and Dongfang Yan.

"Dongfang Yan!" To Duan Pengcheng and his son's surprise, they spotted Dongfang Yan here; the second young master of the Dongfang Family from Northern Sea was present, but why would he harm his daughter?

The Duan Family always kept to themselves, not crossing paths with the Dongfang Family. It was quite puzzling.

"Chairman Duan, here's what happened, I..."

"Shut up!" Dongfang Yan tried to explain, but an infuriated Duan Xinxin coldly cut him off, "Dad, Grandpa, this person even cursed me and used the earring from my sister's ear, stabbing it into my sister's abdomen. Now the doctors are still trying to save her, Dad, Grandpa, we can't let him off."

Duan Xinxin angrily pointed at Ling Tianyu.

"Young Master Dongfang, I don't wish to probe into this matter, you may leave, but he cannot," Duan Yanqing said, looking at Dongfang Yan. He didn't want to cause conflict with the Dongfang Family, but this man had to stay; with him daring to stab his daughter in the abdomen with an earring and cursing his younger daughter, the matter couldn't just be dropped.

"Chairman Duan, what if I don't leave?" Dongfang Yan became angry, not even getting the chance to explain, this young girl was falsely accusing a good person. Although he didn't understand why his friend Ling Tianyu used an earring to stab Duan Yanran's abdomen, clearly the bleeding had stopped, and it was obviously a lifesaving act, even a fool could see that.

"You won't leave?" Duan Yanqing merely gave him a cold look and said, "My daughter's life is at stake, and if something irreversible happens, and Young Master Dongfang is involved... do you think what the consequences would be?"

"You..." Dongfang Yan had never expected Duan Yanqing to threaten him by invoking the two families.

The Dongfang Family had a prominent standing in Northern Sea, as did the Duan Family. Although they had no overt conflicts, their business rivalries had long caused continuous discord. If anything happened to Duan Yanran and he was involved, it could indeed spark a feud between the families; this was becoming troublesome.

"Xiao Yan, you should leave first," Ling Tianyu spoke up, realizing that this matter had nothing to do with his brother, he was ready to take the responsibility.