
Chapter 130: Do You Have a Stomach Ailment?

Before long, Dou Yi drove a BMW to the company entrance and hurried over, respectfully offering Ling Tianyu a cigarette, saying, "I was caught in traffic on the way here; I'm really sorry. Otherwise, I should have arrived earlier."

Dou Yi was now on tenterhooks for fear that Ling Tianyu might get angry; otherwise, the person back at his home would clean his clock, having repeatedly instructed him to treat the situation seriously—that person's word was law in their household.

Even the family patriarch doted on Ling Tianyu, hoping he wouldn't get angry; otherwise, Dou Yi would be in a lot of trouble.

"It's fine, no need to be in such a hurry," Ling Tianyu replied, having a good impression of Dou Yi. He couldn't possibly be displeased just because someone was late—they didn't owe him anything.
