
Chapter 120 Filial Piety

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Ling Tianyu made sure the door was locked, then drove with Duan Yanran toward the Mu Family residence.

The entire way, Duan Yanran didn't utter a word. She really didn't know what to say, and if it weren't for the music playing in the car, the silence would have been unbearable.

Only when they needed to make a turn did Duan Yanran speak up. The Mu Family lived in a villa not far from Northern Sea University of Technology, quite close by.

"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"

Duan Yanran, with Ling Tianyu, arrived at Villa Number Three and rang the doorbell.

Soon, a maid opened the door of the villa.

"Is my grandfather in?" Duan Yanran asked, carrying the gifts they had bought on the way.

"Yes." The maid hurriedly ushered both Duan Yanran and Ling Tianyu inside.

Mu Yingxiong was sitting in the living room, but his two daughters and Duan Xinxin were not to be seen.