
Chapter 12: Seeing Chang Hong Again

In the luxurious private room, Ling Tianyu was drinking a bottle of red wine worth a hundred thousand, chatting with Dongfang Yan. Li Yun, on the other hand, couldn't get a word in edgewise and could only drink in silence.

Actually, he was quite curious about who these two friends of Ling Tianyu were. Although he didn't often come to this five-star hotel, he knew about the hundred thousand per bottle red wine. After all, it was a famous wine that anyone with a bit of knowledge could recognize.

They had ordered four bottles of this red wine, amounting to four hundred thousand. He worked himself to death for a whole year and barely made forty thousand. The price of a single bottle of their wine was more than what he earned in over two years. He really couldn't afford to drink this.

"Brother Yu, this must be your brother, right? Come on, let's have a drink," Dongfang Yan saw Li Yun sitting silently on the side and took the initiative to raise his glass for a toast with Li Yun.

Li Yun, flattered, hastily stood up and raised his glass with both hands to clink with Dongfang Yan.

"Li Yun, where do you work?" Ling Tianyu had a good impression of Li Yun. During those months at the university, he found it easiest to talk to him.

When everyone was making fun of him earlier, Li Yun was the only one who did not join in. Instead, he stood up to speak for him. This camaraderie among classmates could almost compare to brotherhood.

"I work at a courier service center, and there's no hope for advancement. I'm almost thirty," Li Yun said somewhat embarrassedly, feeling a lack of pride.

"You're in the courier business!" Nan Feng was surprised and asked, "Which courier service?"

"The one by the university town, they have everything," Li Yun replied.

"How much do you make?" Nan Feng continued to inquire.

"Four... four thousand," Li Yun stammered, ashamed to say it. Although he didn't know Nan Feng, anyone who could afford this kind of hundred-thousand-per-bottle red wine must be rich.

Ling Tianyu looked at Nan Feng, knowing what he meant. It seemed his brother intended to help his classmate.

"Here's the thing, you're a university graduate, so quit your job. Go to a major courier center. Its headquarters are in the Capital, but there's a branch in Northern Sea, to the north of your university town, called Sky Tower," Nan Feng said, and then he directly dialed a mobile number, gave a few instructions, and hung up.

Li Yun was dumbfounded. Sky Tower; wasn't that DaTu Express? That was the biggest courier center.

If he got a job there, the opportunities for advancement would be substantial.

"Be there at nine o'clock tomorrow. Someone will meet you at the door," Nan Feng said after a sip of red wine, reminding Li Yun.

Since he was Brother Yu's classmate, that made him Nan Feng's classmate as well. How much can four thousand a month get you? In a city like Northern Sea, four thousand is far from enough.

"Thank you, thank you," Li Yun couldn't contain his excitement and quickly offered a toast to Nan Feng. He believed it was true; after all, someone who could afford wine worth a hundred thousand per bottle surely wouldn't deceive someone lowly like him.

"You're welcome..."


Before Nan Feng could finish speaking, the door to the private room was kicked open with force, and a swarm of people with steel pipes in their hands rushed in.

"Ling Tianyu, I'll make damn sure you can't leave today," Wang Yan said coldly, staring at Ling Tianyu. To be slapped by him and even dare to kick him, making him lose so much face, he couldn't just let it go.

Since Qin Tianyi was here anyway, I was just about to let my Brother Hong finish you off today!

"Little Yan, this bastard's all you got?" A voice Ling Tianyu knew all too well rang out. Chang Hong, with both hands bandaged, walked in with Qin Tianyi, who was nestled in his arms like a little bird.

"Damn it! It's you, you piece of shit!" Once Chang Hong entered the private room and saw who Wang Yan was pointing at, his anger skyrocketed. It was that bastard Ling Tianyu. Shit, all ten of my fingers are bandaged, and I was just looking for you, and here I run into you.

"Brother Hong, you got beef with this kid?" Wang Yan was curious. When Qin Tianyi said she was coming to the gathering and would bring her boyfriend, he was quite happy because this way he could prove how shortsighted she had been before.

He could also take this opportunity to show off quite a bit, so he had called his Brother Hong and asked him to bring people to teach Ling Tianyu a lesson. But when he arrived, he was stunned to find out that Qin Tianyi's husband was his own Brother Hong.

Before, Chang Hong had sent him a wedding invitation, but he hadn't looked at the name on it, just knew that there was a wedding. But today, he found out that Brother Hong's bride was Qin Tianyi.

So, isn't Qin Tianyi's affair partner none other than his own Brother Hong, who got to have his brother on top of him, which was pretty cool.

Brother Hong had always bragged about finding a leggy beauty and how he had tried every position with her, and it turned out he was talking about Qin Tianyi. He could imagine those erotic scenes; Qin Tianyi's long legs were famous in school. If it were him, he could play for a lifetime.

"The hell, of course there's a grudge! This guy broke my fingers and shattered my nose bridge, damn desert bastard, I was just looking for him." Chang Hong was now very excited, and he was determined to take this kid down today.

I'd love to make you watch how I play with your ex-girlfriend right before you die, especially doing all sorts of difficult moves. I want to make you regret, make you angry. The angrier you get, the happier I am, and the more fun I have.

"Damn it! Brother Hong, we've gotta take him down!" Hearing this, Wang Yan got angry too. This kid even dared to mess with Brother Hong, he sure had guts.

But no matter how tough he was on his own, today with so many people here, let's see how you fight back now?

"Tianyi, come over here, this is a man's business, don't get involved." Li Fei and the others also came running over, and as one of Qin Tianyi's besties, Li Fei hurriedly pulled her aside to the door. It was better for women to stay out of men's business.

After all, it was Ling Tianyu who had brought this on himself.

"Li Yun, you go sit over there," Ling Tianyu said after taking a look at Li Yun. It wouldn't be good if he got hurt when things started.

"It's okay, I'll just sit here and keep you company," Li Yun insisted with a gritted teeth and a stomp, refusing to hide. What's the worst that could happen? A beating?

Ling Tianyu was somewhat touched; he hadn't expected that there was still someone among his college classmates worthy to be called a brother.

"Li Yun, you better get the hell out of here! Out of respect for our past as classmates, I don't want to hurt you. Go!" Wang Yan looked down on Li Yun. It was true what they say, people of a certain income hang out with their own kind.

"What are you showing off for, Wang Yan!?" Li Yun lost his temper as well. Have I eaten your food? Drank your water? What do I care where I stay?

"Wang Yan, what's with all the bullshit, just hurry up. Once we're done teaching him a lesson, we continue the party," Li Fei was getting impatient. Teaching a dumbass a lesson shouldn't take this long.

Qin Tianyi just stood at the door, watching coldly, completely indifferent. This matter had nothing to do with her. Besides, visiting you every month, I have done enough by you, but you beat up my husband, so this needs to be settled completely and thoroughly.

"Who the hell are you?" Just as Chang Hong and Wang Yan were ordering people to take action, Dongfang Yan, swaying with a glass of wine in hand, curiously looked at Chang Hong.

"Who the hell do you think you are to ask about me? If you don't want to die, piss off to the side."