
Chapter 104 Tiger

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"Sigh," Su Ruoxi shook her head with a sigh, realizing that her friendship was probably over. No matter what, Xu Xue'er was Xu Yue'er's younger sister, and considering how Tianyu had handled the situation, it was unlikely that he had been lenient—their first encounter had already made that clear.

Xu Xue'er was not someone easy to converse with; she had once left Su Ruoxi speechless and unable to retort, showing a lack of manners.

She believed Tianyu's words that he wouldn't have laid a hand on Xu Xue'er if she hadn't started the trouble first—it must have been her provocation that led to Tianyu perhaps being a bit too heavy-handed.

Su Ruoxi returned to the sofa and sat down. Su Jinhua, witnessing the scene, had already heard about the incident, but he didn't fully understand the details. Could it be that Tianyu hit a woman?

That seemed unlikely; after all, hitting a woman was not very polite and was not something a man should do.

"What happened?" Su Jinhua asked.