
Flow of time

When Dheer signed the "one-year marriage contract" he didn't know that it would be the regret of his life...If he had known he would have made it a lifetime contract. But a dream stopped him from making more mistakes. Dreams are now guiding him to make the right decisions. Will he be able to change the flow of time with the help of those dreams? "Stop staring Dheer. You're gonna bore a hole on her face" Elisa growled. "I can't... She's looking too beautiful today and attracting all that unwanted attention from unwanted people" Dheer frowned. "It's her friend Dheer, and they are just having a chat there" "How can she smile that way towards other men. It's unacceptable. She's never shown that smile towards me except for those in my dreams" Dheer grumbled. "Yes, and those dreams are your future and you know it. You just have to win her heart for that future to happen" "You bet. I'll make sure that each and every one of my dreams about us being together will come true. I'll change the flow of time and make sure that my first dream will never come true" he was determined to never lose her.

Dwarika · Tổng hợp
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99 Chs


****Next day - New life hospital*****

"Good morning Dr. Anaya"

"Good morning Dr. Anaya"

"Good morning everyone" Anaya smiled at her staff.

" Sister Marie, bring the files of the patients of the private ward" Anaya asked a nurse of her department. It was her daily schedule in the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, she would change into her uniform and would go for a round to see her patients admitted to the hospital.

After that she started her round in the general ward of gynecology department where some of her patients were resting. The other Two nurses followed her to inform her of their respective patient's condition.

After seeing all the patients of the ward she reached the front desk of the room "Dr. Anaya, the hospital director called for a meeting of all the doctors and head nurse of each department of the hospital at ten." Marie informed Anaya as she brings the case files of the patient.

" Ok, we'll head there after we finish our round in private wards. We'll be done by then." Anaya said as she took a file from the stack in Marie's hand and headed towards the patient's room whose file she held.

***** Meeting room of the hospital*****

Around ten all the doctors along with the head nurses were present for the meeting and the director immediately started the meeting without waiting to not waste any of their time.

"Good morning everyone, without wasting your precious time, let's het started with the main subject of the meeting. Our hospital is recently having some issues with the management so the higher-ups have decided to create a post of a managing director for the hospital. So if you all face any problems with the management then you know whom to contact. So please welcome our new managing director, Mr. Dheer everyone." finished the director.

As soon as Dheer entered the room all the ladies present started to drool over him. Not their fault as Dheer was looking extremely handsome with his fitted black suit white shirt. Just like how you saw a person with a corporate job suit. But that look highly enhance his charisma so much that it seemed that this corporate look was specially made to make him look handsome.

Even Anaya was taken aback with his charismatic aura at the time. Even when she was used to seeing him daily, at the moment she couldn't help but marvel on his look.

Dheer smirked inwardly seeing Anaya's reaction although it was on her face for just a brief moment. ' Taking an hour to get ready really did pay off. I must thank Elisa for helping me with the look he thought inwardly.'

"Hey everyone, I'm Dheer and from today onwards I'll be your Managing Director so please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any problem with the management or any equipment of the hospital. I'll try my best to solve the problem at earliest." greeted Dheer.

After a quick greeting and introduction session, all the doctors and nurses went to their work leaving only Anaya behind.

After everyone left, Anaya looked at Dheer with questioning eyes to which Dheer said "Later. I'll tell you at home"

Understanding, Anaya quickly left to see her daily outpatients.