
Flirting With My Ex-husband

As a nobody in the entertainment industry, Tong Gui, was plagued with scandals. Haters clamoured for her to get out of the industry, passersby warned 'beware of fire, theft, and Tong Gui', and it was said that Su Tu, a big gun in the industry and also her ex-husband, wanted her blacklisted. Later, Tong Gui accidentally won awards of 'Dance King', 'Song King', and even got promoted to 'Queen of Film'. The entire internet mocked her as someone who slept her way to the top. At this time, a suspicious photo of Su Tu forcefully kissing Tong Gui against a tree went viral online. The haters were in turmoil: I would rather die on the spot, there is no way this is my idol. Tong Gui urgently clarified: The photo is misleading, I don't know Mr Su well. But Su Tu posted old wedding photos with Tong Gui: You don't know your ex-spouse well? Are you trying to get me involved without taking responsibility? Hence, the headline exploded: Shocking! Tong Gui's ex-husband is Su Tu! Tong Gui can't explain it anymore: Everybody, Mr. Su is just my ex-husband. The next day, Su Tu made a surprise visit to the film set, and the scene of his live-streamed marriage proposal was a sensation......

Ten Million · Thành thị
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218 Chs

Chapter 36: In Tremor

Dịch giả: 549690339

Su Tu put down Tong Gui, his movements somewhat brusque.

Tong Gui didn't mind, calmly saying, "Thank you for your help, Mr. Su."

So, could Su Tu leave now?

She was afraid that if someone saw her and Su Tu together, they would accuse her of seducing him, a charge she would be unable to clear even if she was innocent.

She couldn't forget for a second that Su Tu was a man with a girlfriend.

Unexpectedly, Su Tu seemingly didn't understand, squatting down before her and removing her shoes.

The shoes, although freshly put on, were now stained with quite a bit of blood.

"I can do it myself." Seeing Su Tu proceeding to take off her socks, Tong Gui felt a little uncomfortable and quickly stopped him.

However, Su Tu didn't shy away, his movements gentle as he helped her remove the socks. Seeing the bleeding wound, he said solemnly, "If you want to continue recording the show, I recommend you go to the hospital to treat this first, in case it gets worse."