

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Người nổi tiếng
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41 Chs

Chapter XXVII

As days pass by, you slowly start to realize how your lives are worlds apart. You led a simple life, while he has the world in his grasp. You have no idea how rich and powerful Sehun's family is, and you don't plan on finding out, afraid that knowing how untouchable he is might make you run away and leave. You know that being ignorant about these kinds of things isn't a good thing, but you're afraid you'll be dragged into this whole different world that you tried to avoid so much. Knowing he loves you is enough, knowing how much you mean to him is enough, and being with him is more than you could ever ask for. But when you remember the little incident that happened a month ago, it makes you think otherwise.

A month ago, when you spent your days at his condo, something out of the blue happened. When night fell, and you've fixed yourselves to leave the place, with Sehun's left hand intertwined with yours, and his other hand clutching the shopping bags he asked his caretaker to buy for you, you went your merry way to the elevator. Smiles were plastered on your lips, both faces glowing, radiating from so much bliss, anyone who can see you can tell you're fools in love. But all that disappeared when you were welcomed by the presence of a woman. Her stature and built screams sophistication and wealth, and she executes a strong aura, which can intimidate anyone, yet the moment she set her eyes on him, it all came crumbling down.


You remember how weak her voice sounds, and how the male's body stiffened at the sight of her. You have no idea what's happening right that moment, but when you stared at her face, realization dawned on you.

"Sehun, forgive me, please…"

She pleaded for him, and she pleaded again and again, but for what? You don't know. Maybe she wants to make amends, maybe she wants to make things right, but Sehun did and said nothing. He just stood there, staring at her with his eyes void of all emotions, it was so heartbreaking to see. You've experienced him being that way before, and you know how much that look can cut through one's soul.

"I'm so sorry."

You remember how her voice started to crack, and how it seemed that any moment she will break. Sehun, on the other hand, only walked away, while you were left immobilized. You couldn't talk back then, you couldn't move, you didn't have any idea what to do. Should you follow him, knowing he was there waiting for you, or should you give aid to the sobbing woman on your left?

You chose the latter.

"Ma'am, it's okay. Everything will be okay."

You remember how you boldly went near her and pat her back reassuringly. Although given the fact that that was your first and only encounter, the situation was asking for it, and seeing her cry breaks your heart.

"It's going to be alright, he'll come around."

You recall how she tried so hard to stop crying, and how she stared at you for a good amount of time.

"Please…" She sobs. "Take care of him."

Those were the words she said before you heard him calling your name, and your heart bleeds for her, knowing she trusts you with her son's life.

"I promise I will, but only if you promise that you will never give up on him."

You were reminded of how she smiled at you with tears in her eyes, and how she told you how right Mrs. Lee was. For whatever reason, you have no idea. All you have etched inside your mind is how broken she looks, and how it determined you to help her, to help them.

You heave a sigh. Remembering that incident makes you feel like such a failure. Sehun didn't say a word on your way home, and he didn't stay for the night, unlike he told you he would. You understand him, you understand his situation, so you let him be and have his space. You were itching to call him, to know how he's doing, but you stopped yourself before you could, yet Sehun was the one who couldn't deal with things, and he called you right before you went to bed.


His voice is hoarse, and a little bit husky, and it makes you wonder if he was okay. Was he crying? If so, then why doesn't he want you to be there for him? It's so heartbreaking just thinking about it, and you wish you could run to him and ease away all his problems, to ease away all the loneliness he's feeling, but you can't, and you won't. If he really needs the space, then you will give it to him.


You bite your lower lip to suppress yourself. You don't know why you're starting to cry all of a sudden. You never were one to cry so easily, but seeing him this way, it breaks your heart.

"Are you going to bed?" He asked.

Sehun was hesitant for a while. You can hear him heaving sighs of frustration on the other line.

"Yes, but it looks so empty without you." You reply.


"I miss you." You finally say.

Even though you've only been away from each other for a couple of hours, you still miss him, terribly.

"Don't say that, or I might just come over and stay the night."

"So why don't you?"

You challenge him. You know he will give in eventually, and you wish that he will soon, because you want to see his face, you want to feel the warmth his smile gives you, because without him, home just doesn't feel like home anymore.

"Open the door sweetheart." He finally says, and your ears perks up at his words.

"The door?" You ask in confusion.

Why would he ask you to open the door in the middle of the night? Unless…

Immediately, you stand up and run from the bed, and when you finally are in front of your front door, you turn the knob and open it in haste. You came face to face with him. His clothes are soaking wet, and there's little droplets of water falling on his hair, but what worries you the most, is how sullen and broken he looks.

"What are you doing Sehun? Are you trying to get yourself sick?"

You grab his arm and pull him inside, but the male stayed put and said nothing.

It has been raining for almost 20 minutes now, and you don't know how long he has been outside your apartment. If he doesn't get inside and change fast, he'll wind up getting sick.

"Baby please, get inside, you'll catch a cold."

You plead him, but he only stares at you, but not a minute after that, he lunges towards you, crushes you in his wet embrace, and kisses you full on the mouth.

You step back a couple of steps, surprised by his attack, and he steps inside, with his hands grabbing your face, and his foot kicking the door shut. His lips feel so greedy, like he couldn't get enough of your lips, it was literally taking your breath away. Slowly, you pull away from the kiss, your breath shallow, your lungs greedy for air. He was doing the same thing, while he stared deeply into your eyes.

"I was just taking a walk, trying to get some fresh air." He said with a start. "Then all of a sudden, I just found myself in front of your door.

You stare at him, while he explains himself. There is a small puddle of water from where he's standing, and his clothes are sticking on his skin like a glue. The buttons of his shirt are removed, showing a good amount of his chest, and you wonder how long he has been out in the rain. If you remember it correctly, his apartment is a 30-minute walk from here, which means he has been outside ever since the rain started.

"Come, let's get you changed before you catch a cold."

And change he did, but that didn't save him from getting sick. You stayed there at your apartment for three days, taking care of him, not minding how much you're missing out on school. He is way more important than paper works and exams anyway, and you don't mind being stuck with him like this.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I'm being such a burden to you." He says while you feed him the soup you just made."

"I don't mind taking care of you."

"Have I told you how much I love you? I don't think I've said that enough."

You give him a small smile. Sick Sehun is a lot mushier than he normally is, and you couldn't help but blush. It was a good thing that he was too sick to notice, if being too sick is a good thing at all.

That day, when he was resting peacefully at your place, you went out to buy his medicine at the drugstore, and when you're on your way back, you bumped into an old friend, a friend you haven't seen in a while. He looked way worse than Sehun, and stubbles were growing on his face. It seems like he hasn't been taking care of himself.

"I haven't seen you after the party. How's Sehun?"

"He's down with a fever, but he'll be alright." You reply and stare at his face. Dark circles are evident in his eyes, and it may just be the cause of stress from uni, but you highly doubt that's the case.

"How have you been Jongin?"

"Missing you and my best friend." He smiles bitterly.

Ever since that incident at the club, things were never the same with the two anymore. You pray and hope they will be alright, that in time they can save their friendship.

"I'm sorry princess, I don't know what came over me. I was-" He sighs. "I wasn't thinking straight."

You've heard a lot of sorrys the past few days, and you're getting sick of the word. Sorry is meant for apologizing, and Kai needs to apologize for nothing. You walk towards him and caress his face with a soft smile plastered on your face.

"I'll forgive you." You say. "Only if you'll get rid of these damn stubbles."

And with that, all was forgotten, and after a day, Sehun was back to his healthy self. But if you think after all that, everything will turn out alright in the end, then you must be a total fool, because that's not how the world goes.

Just when you think that everything is alright, just when you're finally happy, life has a funny way of fucking things up. As you prance around your room, feeling so worried for your life, you dial his number one more time, but again, no one answered.

Yes, a month has passed since then, and Sehun became so distant, so unsympathetic. He was no longer his normal, cheery self. He no longer is that cheeky bastard who loves to tease his girlfriend all the time, and you know it was because of the meetings he has been going to with his father. He became aloof and distant, and he never touched you again, never.

Over the course of time, Sehun sold his apartment to come live with you. It was alright at first, but the past week he has been gone every night. You don't know where he is, or what he's doing, or which bed he's sleeping at, but you let him be, until today. Today is the last straw.

Suddenly your phone rings, and you light up when you see his number calling you.

"Sehun! Oh my god, where the hell are you?"

You answer in panic. It's already 3 in the morning, and you wish he'd stop making you worry like this.

"Hun, what's your address?"


You're a little confused why it's Baekhyun's voice you're hearing on the other line, but nevertheless, you give him your address.

"I'll be there in a bit, wait for me." And then he hangs up the call.

You feel so confused. Why does he have Sehun's phone? Did something bad happen to Sehun? In a total state of panic, you run towards the front door and wait for Baekhyun to arrive.

Fifteen minutes later, you find yourself looking at a midnight blue Ferrari, and how the owner of the expensive car gets outside to help the other person with him to get outside the car. Seeing how drunk the person is, and how Baekhyun was finding it difficult to carry all his weight, you run towards the two, and help the older male out. Without a word, you walk inside and put his body on your bed. The older male then wipes the sweat that is now dripping down his face.

"Whoa, Sehun, you gonna have to lose some weight, you're so fucking heavy."

"Fuck you Baekhyun." The younger male chortles out a laugh, his eyes closed shut, his world spinning from too much alcohol in his system.

"That's hyung to you fuckwad."

But Sehun said nothing, as he drifted off to sleep, and you could only stare at his drunken state.

"I'll get some warm water." You said, but before you could leave, Baekhyun starts explaining to you, easing your fretful mind.

"He has been staying at my place for the past week." He says with a start, and you feel relief wash over you. "He's been talking about you non-stop, it's starting to bore me."

You smile at how cheeky the male is, and you notice how he looks at you with a fond look on his face.

"Whatever happens, don't give up on him." He says all of a sudden. "You're the only person I can count on."

You heave a sigh. You know Sehun's issue with his family is getting out of hand, but you refuse to make that come between the two of you.

"I promise."

"He loves you so much, love. Even before you two started talking on that darn social media, I knew he was head over heels with you." Baekhyun lets out a chuckle, then he gives the sleeping male a wary look.

"Don't break his heart."

And with that he left, leaving you with some things to ponder about.

Walking towards the kitchen, you take a bowl filled with lukewarm water and a clean towel. Idly, you sit next to Sehun's sleeping figure and slowly take his shirt off. You dipped the towel with the warm water, and carefully wiped his face and body with it.

You have no idea what's happening to him, he was never one to get himself this drunk, but you will stay with him and take care of him, just like you promised his mother.


The male twisted and turned, and slowly, he opened his eyes and stared at you.

"Hey." You give him a small smile.

"Do you want me to make you coffee?"

But instead of replying, Sehun grabs your arm and pulls your body to the bed. He rolls around, putting all his weight on you.

"I'd rather drink you up baby."

He buries his face on your neck, and gives you soft little kisses.

"Sehun, you're drunk."

You put your hands against his chest, and push his body off of you, but he starts to ravish your lips, and his hands start to fiddle with your clothes.

"Sehun, don't."

But he only lets out a chuckle while taking your clothes off effortlessly. Even with his drunk state he knows his way around your body, and when he gets rid of the last garment, he puts his hand on your sex and slaps you right on your sensitive spot. You moan and writhe as he continuously slaps you down there, turning your skin into a deep shade of red.

"Stop it Sehun!"

And he did, but not long after that, he puts two fingers inside you and moves it in a hither motion, making you gasp at the intensity of his actions.

"You're so wet my love."

He grins and then he starts to pump his fingers in and out of your sex. Sehun then takes his fingers off, showing you how your wetness coats around it, then he starts sucking it, making you blush at the sight, after that, he lungs towards you and kisses you full on the lips.

"You always taste so good baby, I can't seem to get enough." He whispers against your lips.

Sehun then sits down and pulls your body with his, making you straddle him in the process. He takes your hand and puts it on top of his shoulders, then he leans his hands on the bed and starts dry humping you.

"Baby." You moan.

The way his body moves, the way his face looks like he's in pure bliss, it turns you on so much. There is a large tent on his jeans, and its poking your naked sex so deliciously, that it sends you over the edge.

"Ooohhhh!" You cover your mouth with one hand to keep yourself from moaning when Sehun keeps on grinding his clothed sex against you.

"Oohhh god Sehun!"

You let out soft whimpers when you feel yourself convulse. Your knees are shaking, and your juices are flowing, making his jeans wet, leaving evidence of your vulnerability.

"Did you just fucking cum?" He chuckles, turning your face a crimson color.

"Y-yes." You admit shyly.

He pushes your bodies down on the bed and runs his fingers on your brown locks.

"I swear, I'm so fucking in love with you." He grins, catching you off guard.

Sehun stands up and takes his remaining clothes off in haste, then he gets on the bed and pulls both your legs to his direction. Not a word after that, he gets down on you, his tongue tasting every inch of your wet sex. He licks you inside, making you a whimpering mess with his expert tongue, and when he runs his hands on your body, you shiver with his every touch. His fingers slowly play with your clit, and not long before that, you let out all your juices, while Sehun drinks up every bit of them.

You try to catch your breath. Sehun was never a greedy lover, he always makes sure that you're satisfied, because for him, seeing you lose control is enough to turn him on. He stares at you for a couple of seconds, feeling so proud of what he's done, then he positions himself on top of you, and buries his entire length inside you.


You moan in shock, but Sehun didn't wait for you to adjust to his size. He plunges his cock in and out, his movement getting faster with every thrust.

"Cum for me baby." His meat is wet from your juices, and you can hear the slick sounds your sexes are making.

"I'm so close, fuck!" He groans, then he hovers over you and kisses your lips with so much fervor.

Not having any release for a week has made you so sensitive, and when he pumps his length faster and faster, his body moving so sensually, it sends delicious shivers down your spine, and sends your body into a frenzy.

"OOHH FUCK BABY!" He grunts.

Sehun bites his lip and fucks you harder when he feels your walls getting tighter.

"Fuck! Cum for me, cum for me baby!"

You start to convulse around his thick member, and every thrust sends you over the edge. Your walls wrap around his cock so tightly, that it makes him lose himself.


He groans as he coats your insides with his cum, and for the very first time, after your love-making, he is the one who falls deep into slumber.


You awoke to an empty bed, sending you into a panicked state. You sit up and look around you, only to find the person sitting on the couch near the windows. His head is leaning against his hands, his body in a slouching position. He looks so troubled, so distressed.


Your voice came out in a soft whisper, and immediately, he turned his head towards your direction, his entire attention now on you.

"Come back to bed baby."

You give him a soft smile, but that smile slowly disappears, when you see him staring blankly at you.

"Whatever's bothering you, we'll work it out." You say. "I'm here for you."

Yet the male only heaves out a sigh as an answer. You wait patiently for him, and when you see his mouth start to open, speaking words to you, your ears perk up.

"I-" Sehun heaves another sigh, and this time, it was heavier than the last one.

You wait for him to speak his mind, while the sun slowly starts to rise.




"I'm breaking up with you."