

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Người nổi tiếng
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41 Chs

Chapter XIV

"You asswipe! I specifically told you to come here before you start your leave, not after three fucking days!"

Standing up awkwardly, you watch as the male in front of you gives a lecture to the sulking male beside you. Your three-day leave has already expired, and before you came to work earlier, Sehun has warned you that his friend might be in a sour mood today. He explained not-so-subtly that the both of you were supposed to go to work a day before you start the short vacation. Baekhyun might have been looking for you, but Sehun, being the caring friend that he is, decided to just ignore the guy. You want to be mad at him for only telling you now, but how can you, when he looks so exceptionally handsome today?

"You didn't even call me back." Baekhyun said, sounding so much like a clingy girlfriend.

You watch as Sehun pouts at the older male, guilt evident on his face, and you witness how Baekhyun's angry exterior slowly starts to evaporate. You are relieved that you're not the only person who's a victim of that small gesture. Apparently, his charm works on both male and females.

Baekhyun shakes his head, then turns his attention on you, giving you a fond smile. "Of course I'm not mad at you love."

"But hyung-"

"No buts Sehun." Baekhyun cuts him off, still livid by the little stunt his friend pulled off. "You are going to work overtime for a goddamn week."

"But hyung!" He whined. "She couldn't walk, that's why we didn't-"

"Sehun!" You say aloud, horror painted on your face.

"-go because she sprained her ankle when we went to the beach." Sehun says as he tries to save face.

"Right. Sprained my ankle, like that really happened." You think while you scoff at the male.

You couldn't believe this guy! First he told Baekhyun that he apparently wore you out, and now this? Any person will think that whatever he said is a sexual innuendo. And he shamelessly blamed Baekhyun for having a dirty mind. The guts on this guy, seriously!

You cross your arms, your face filled with irritation. Looking at your boyfriend, you think to yourself whether that one week ban is enough or not.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun is gaping at his friend, as he listens to every word that's coming out of his mouth. Seriously, how can someone be so careless with information like this? But then again, they have been good friends for years, and he knows his friend will never converse this way with other people.

He shakes his head slowly as he tries to keep himself from smiling. He saw how you are looking at the younger male with daggers in your eyes, and he thought that his friend didn't need more punishment from him.

"Fine." He sighs. "No overtime."

"Yes!" You watch as the younger male beams a smile." You're the best hyung!" Only to be disappointed again.

"But," Baekhyun says, as he points one finger at him. "You are going to clean the storage room before this internship is over."

Sehun scratches his nape as he groans loudly at his punishment. You all know how difficult it is to clean the storage room, even the janitor is having a hard time cleaning it, with all the expensive gadgets and whatnots.

"Serves you right." You whisper not-so-quietly, and Baekhyun couldn't help but chortle out a laughter as he watches the poor male's mood dampen. Afterwards, the older male walks towards you and ruffles your hair in a mess.

"Hey, be gentle with this kid." He says, looking at you with that soft expression of his.

"This is the very first real relationship he's got, so he's a little too excited, that's why he couldn't shut his stupid mouth."


Now, it's Sehun's turn to shout at his friend, yet you didn't even notice him looking at the older male with great contempt, as thoughts runs inside your head.

"Very first relationship?"

"I know it's not believable, but you are his first and only girlfriend, others are just..." Baekhyun scrunches his nose, a certain look of distaste in his eyes."


"Hyung, stop telling her that, you're gonna scare her away."

"Shut up Sehun." Baekhyun is wearing a playful smile, as he reveals more secrets about his friend to you. "Just because you've got what you wanted, doesn't mean you can slack off from work."

"I'm not slacking off. That's why I'm here now." He wails, trying so hard to keep himself from putting his fist inside his friend's mouth, if only to shut him up.

You, on the other hand, look more than a little bit disoriented, your brows furrowing at their exchange of words. Every single revelation you've heard, made you rather curious, and when you notice how Baekhyun is giving you a questioning look, it gives you the courage to ask.

"What do you mean by-"

"Don't you dare say it hyung!"

Yet Sehun was fast on his tacks to stop his friend from revealing more things to you.

"It means-"

"Stop it!"

Sehun was devastated. He wants nothing more than to take you away from this room, far, far away from his friend.

"It means that this idiot likes you so much, that instead of having his vacation somewhere else-"

"Goddammit hyung!"

"He begged me to let him work here, in order to-"

The younger male couldn't take any more of this, so he ran towards Baekhyun, in an attempt to stop him from blabbering, yet Baekhyun was fast on his toes. You watch as the two "men" run around the room, one wanting to catch the other, while the latter is trying to get away. Yet Sehun's limbs are far more longer, and stronger than his hyung, and it didn't take him long, until he finally caught the other.

"In order to what?"

Hearing your curious voice made them stop with their childish act. Sehun mistakenly let go of Baekhyun, looking at you like he'd seen a ghost, while Baekhyun is wearing a smug look on his face.

"Isn't it obvious?" He smirks, eyes filled with a hint of mischievousness.

"He begged me to work here, so he can stalk your fine ass."

And with that, you feel your face starting to heat up.

Baekhyun can't mean that, can he? Sehun can't like you that much to give up his vacation just to pursue you, right?

"That's it! You are forbidden to talk to my girlfriend!"

Sehun walks over to you, he takes your arm as he gives his friend the stink eye. Baekhyun on the other hand, can only laugh at him as he walks towards the door.

"I'm leaving, have fun, you two." He waves a dismissing hand.

"And don't forget to use protection!" Baekhyun chuckles, as he closes the door shut, leaving the two of you alone inside his office.

You can only gape at him as your conversation earlier plays inside your head. Knowing the fact that you are indeed Sehun's first girlfriend, makes your head spin.

If you heard everything correctly, and that information was just not you hallucinating, then it means that the two of you are each other's firsts?

Should you believe Baekhyun?

Is it true that Sehun only interned here for the summer just to be with you? Is that why Chen isn't here working like he said he would? Because Sehun took his job from him?

Does that mean that Sehun is serious about this relationship with you?

There are so many questions swimming inside your head, that you fail to notice the male walking towards you, his strong arms scooping you so swiftly, carrying you in his arms.

"Sehun!" You gasp.

The male wears this awful smirk, as he stares at your shocked face.

"Well we wouldn't want that sprain of yours to go bad now, don't we?"

You frown, unable to understand why he keeps insisting to play on with that fake sprain of yours again.

You want to tell him to put you down, but the things inside your head kept you from doing so. You want to ask him questions, but you decide not to. You don't wanna assume things, besides, you've only been with him for less than a week and you don't want things to go awkward between the two of you.

"Why so quiet sweetheart?" He asked, his face wearing a playful smile.

Looking at his face, seeing how his lips are wearing that stupid grin, you remember how he carelessly gave away false information about you two to his friend. That is the sole reason why you banned him from sleep with you in the first place, why can't he just shut his mouth?

You frown, but then, you give the male an innocent smile, as you think of ways of getting even with him.

"Well, I was just thinking…" You said with a start.


"Maybe two weeks is good, no?"

"Good for what?"

"Oh yeah, definitely two weeks." You smirk, while the male keeps on staring at you, a curious look plastered on his handsome face.



"What are you talking about?" He questions.

"Oh, I was just thinking of extending your punishment, since you can't-"

"Goddammit woman! "He grumbles before you could even finish your sentence.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Seeing him this way, you couldn't help but laugh. Sehun's forehead creases, while his nose scrunches at you. He looks so distressed and he really isn't happy about you making him suffer a little while longer.

This little thing going on between the two of you has been going on for four days now, and Sehun is patiently waiting for the week to pass, so he can finally have his way with you. But now you're saying that you wanna extend it to two goddamn weeks? Are you trying to kill him?

Softly, you give his red pouty lips a peck, as you giggle at his sour face.

"I was only kidding, you dummy."

Sehun heaves a huge sigh, as relief washes over him.

"Now put me down and let's get outta this place, or oppa will think that we're doing some funny business inside his office."

"Let him." He smirked.

"I can't believe you!" You say, and you watch him leaning closer to you. He gives you a playful smile, then whispers words to you that you never knew can excite you in ways that you can't imagine.

"Only three days left, baby." He says in a husky voice.

"You better be ready for me."


"Should I let my hair down or not?" You ask Sehun, as you gather your dark locks in a ponytail.

Sehun walks towards you, eyes fixated on your bare nape. He heaves a sigh, as you let go of your grip and let the soft curls fall down your shoulders.

"I think," He says with a start. "That this dinner with him is uncalled for."

"Why? He just wants to meet you."

"Can't I just have you for myself tonight?" His eyes roaming your entire face.

"He really isn't that bad once you get to know him."

"Alright." He sighs. "But are you sure he's just your best friend?"

You smile reassuringly at him. You know for a fact that Sehun has always been jealous of Chanyeol, mostly because he thinks that you two are more than friends.

"Sehun, you have nothing to worry about." You shift your gaze towards him, and you notice how the buttons of his shirt are mismatched. You took the liberty to remove and fix them for him.

"Besides, he's bringing food." You said as you remove each button slowly. "And you know I can't say no to free food."

You are unaware of the male staring intensely at you. As you remove the last button of his shirt, you watch as his bare chest rises and falls from his shallow breathing. His well-toned body is exposed and you drown your eyes at the beauty that is in front of you. He looks so masculine, so gorgeous that you couldn't stop yourself

from touching him. You place your hands on his chest, caressing him gently, down to his stomach, setting him inside this euphoric state, and then lower still.

"Baby…" He breathed out.

It was very noticeable how shaky his breathing is, yet you chose to ignore him, as your hands traveled south. You wrap your hands on his belt as you play with the buckle, and you can hear him groaning, as he waits impatiently, eager to see what you'll do next.

Sehun watches you, his eyes like a hawk's. Your hands left the fine leather, proceeding to caress his stomach, up to his chest again in a very slow manner.

Teasing him.

Taunting him.

You are well aware of the fact that your touches are making him a bit excited, however you did not know that it has ignited a fire inside him. Something he has been trying to contain for a couple of days now.

"Fuck! Don't tease me babe." He warned you as his rough hands envelop your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"You have no idea what's coming for you." He warns, his hands pulling you a little closer.

The male was about to give you a kiss, but you moved away, just before his lips can even touch yours.

You smile slyly at the guy, as you watch him shutting his eyes closed in a very frustrated manner.

Your touches are turning him on so bad, yet you wouldn't even let him kiss you.

"Language baby." You tease, moving closer to him, your lips kissing the side of his lips.

You can hear how Sehun moans as you give him wet little kisses, urging you to nibble on the sensitive spot on his neck, while you remove his hands that are gripping the sides of your waist. The sexy sounds he is making is turning you on, and you only plan to make him feel unsatisfied, but the wetness that is starting to form between the lower region of your body is making you lose all your self-control. Luckily, you are sane enough not to act on it, as the thought of your best friend plays inside your head.

Your hands slowly start to place the buttons of his shirt, you start from the bottom up to the top while you give butterfly kisses on his neck, up to his sharp jaw.

"Baby please." Sehun pleaded, his voice hoarse from arousal. "Don't tease me."

"I'm just trying to fix your shirt for you." You said as you put the last button in place, then you move your body away from his and smoothen out the wrinkles of the white fabric.

"There." You give him a soft smile. "Now you look presentable." You said, staring at his flushed face.

There is a trickle of sweat at the side of his forehead, and you feel satisfied knowing you are the cause of his distress.

"Come, let's wait for him in the living room."

You offer your hand to him and he takes it, only for you to gasp as he pulls you roughly against his body. The male buries his hands on your soft locks, as his face goes closer to yours.

"Finish what you started baby." He said in a deep husky voice.

You feel so turned on right now, that you couldn't even let yourself move away from him. The way Sehun presses his body unto yours, sends you into a frenzy, and you can clearly feel something hard poking your stomach.

"Sehun!" You gasp.

"You started this." He says as he presses his hardness even more, making you mindful of his arousal.

"Now you have to fix this babe." His eyes staring at you, asking for permission.

Another thing you like about Sehun, is that no matter the situation, even if it's like this, even if he can't take anymore, he will never do things on impulse. He doesn't wanna force you into doing something you don't like, even if it is killing him. That's how much respect he has for you.

Unaware of your actions, you accidentally move your body near his, brushing his sex, making him groan out loud.

"Fuck! I just wanna bury myself inside you." His eyes dark and his breathing heavy.

"Do you have any idea how hard this is for me?" He breathed out, frustration laced in his voice.

"I want you sweetheart, please..." He said with pleading eyes.

That's all it took for you to launch yourself at him and give his soft lips a kiss.

"That's it baby." Sehun says in between kisses. He is caressing your back, kissing you with equal fervor.

"Give yourself to me."

You let out a moan, as you feel his tongue entering your wet cavern. He is kissing you with so much passion, making you weak on the knees. Your mind went blank as the pleasure you feel starts to consume you.

To hell with that one week ban! You want him, and nothing will ever get in the way with that.

Suddenly, you hear the doorbell ringing. It took a few seconds for you to hold yourself back and free yourself from the lip lock. You pushed Sehun away as you pant, eager to fill your lungs with air.

"He's here." You said weakly and you hear him grunting out of frustration.

"You know, I'm starting to hate your friend a little more than I should."

"We'll continue later, I promise." You smile softly at him

"Now come, we can't keep him waiting."


The dinner went smoothly, despite the hatred Sehun felt towards Chanyeol earlier, they went along fine, surprisingly. There were chit chats about how the two liked this and that, and Chanyeol was only too eager to share stories about your friendship with him.

"You remember back in grade school?" You give Chanyeol a questioning look, as he stares at you.

"That proposal you gave me?"

"What proposal?" You ask.

You don't quite remember anything, and your memory is as sharp as it can be.

Your friend rolls his eyes, then proceeds to turn his attention on Sehun. It didn't help that the latter is looking at the two of you with a dead-pan expression.

Meanwhile, Chanyeol proceeded to refresh your memory, giving you a sly smile in the process.

"Oh you know, that time when you thought I was gonna leave you? You were crying so hard that day, and you made me promise to marry you when you turn 30?"

"What the actual fuck? That never happened. Is he trying to get me in trouble?"

Your face turns crimson, and your heartbeat starts to raise, as you see your best friend smirking at you. He is wearing that evil smile that you loathe so much, and it made you turn the other way around.

It was a wrong move.

As you move your gaze away from him, you notice how Sehun is giving him a deadly glare. His mouth is closed shut, as he clenches his teeth. He looks so angry, and you lower your gaze as you try to look away, but when you do, you see how his fist clenched into a ball as he tries to contain his anger.

You've never seen him like this before. You know for a fact that jealous Sehun is never a good thing. You can tell just by looking at him that he will do something that you will regret later.

"Oh will you look at the time." Chanyeol stands up, taking a peek of his watch.

"It's late. I should leave." He excuses himself. "I start work early tomorrow."

Slowly, Sehun stands up from his seat, while Chanyeol offers his hand for a handshake.

"It's a pleasure meeting you bud."

Yet Sehun only nodded in answer, trying his best to contain his anger.

"Take care of my girl here, she's very precious to me." Chanyeol sniggers, then he turns around, and takes your hands.

"Walk me to the door?"

As you walk your way towards the door, you grip his hand tightly, making your best friend look at your angry face.

"Why the hell did you say that?" You whispered. "You're a jerk Park Chanyeol."

"Oh sweetheart." He grins as he walks outside the door, then he turns his face on you. "I was only trying to see if he really likes you."

Chanyeol's face moves near yours, he whispers in your ear as he looks at the fuming man behind you.

"And judging by the way he's looking at me right now, I can tell that he really really likes you."

He then gives your forehead a peck, then turns around to leave. You watch him walk to his car, then he waves goodbye to you, his back facing you. The moment he left, you immediately closed the door shut. You heave a sigh as you turn around only to be surprised when you come face to face with an angry Sehun.

"So…he's just your best friend eh?" He says in a very dangerous tone.

"O-ofcourse." You stutter.

"Umm hmm." He hums.

"And I'll make sure that he'll stay that way.

You let out a gasp, as he leaps towards you. The sudden feeling of his rough hands stroking the side of your hips, while his finger nails are sinking in your flesh, makes you nervous and excited at the same time. He grabs the hem of your skirt, moving his hands towards your thighs. Sehun is looking at you with so much intensity, that you feel your knees grow weak.

"I will mark you tonight."

He says, his hands grabbing the sides of your panties. He pulls it upwards in a very rough manner, giving friction to your heated core.

"I will fuck you so hard, that no other man can ever touch you again."

You gulp as you feel his hands pulling the thin garment. He is trying to rip it apart, and you wanted to stop him, but you were lost in his eyes.

"Because you're mine baby."

"All mine."

I'm back! Will update more chapters later :'3

Lucidbunnycreators' thoughts