

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Người nổi tiếng
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41 Chs

Chapter II

"That was a great movie." Chanyeol says while he wraps an arm around your shoulders, as you walk towards the exit of the movie theater.

The two of you would've gone to the movies yesterday, but when your professor emailed you an online quiz consisting of numbers and letters, life suddenly happened, and you were forced to stay inside the comfort of your apartment. Whoever invented math and added the letters to it is just pure evil. You just seriously hate math. Chanyeol offered to help you with your minor subject, but you have no idea how he can help, when he's an even bigger idiot than you are when it comes to math.

"It would have been the best movie, if only you didn't let me pay for, oh I dunno, everything." You said pointing at the bucket of popcorn he is currently holding.

"What? I can't watch and not eat. You know me, and besides, you promised me an anti-pms kit." He beamed, feeling so proud of himself.

"Stupid me. No more pms jokes from now on." You inwardly sigh

"I'll treat you to dinner, don't worry sweetheart." He walked to the nearest trash bin and threw the bucket away.

"By the way, who were you talking to earlier? You were giggling like crazy."

"Just this stupid friend of mine." You reply nonchalantly.

"Oh you mean hair face?" He asked, referring to your Facebook friend.

"Yeah, him."

You laugh, finding your best friend's new nickname for the guy hilarious, yet Chanyeol is a little bit worried for you, so when you notice the look on his face, your brows automatically furrowed together.

"Aren't you a bit suspicious?" He said with a start. "Be careful who you talk to sweetheart. You need to take care of yourself now that I'm not always around. What if he turned out to be some old creepy guy who likes to lure young girls and rape them?"

You cringe at the thought of your friend turning out to be a pedophile rapist. But he can't be, he's too…different, and you love talking to him.

"Alright hun?" He says as he closes the distance between you and caresses your cheeks. "I'm not telling you to stop talking to him, just make sure he is not what I think he is."

This has always been Chanyeol's way of communicating with you. He likes looking straight into a person's eye to prove his point, and you get him, you really do. But for goodness sake, you are outside the movie theater, inside a freaking mall with a bunch of people inside. Needless to say you feel a little bit embarrassed. You want to remove his hands as you feel eyes on the both of you, but just when you are about to remove his hands from your face, he beats you to it and takes your hands instead. He then proceeded to cup your face once more, both your hands now cupping your face, making it look like the two of you are displaying your undying love for each other in public.

"I promise I'll be careful." You said as you remove his hands, then you turn your face away from him while you slowly give yourselves distance. This has just gotten into a whole new level of awkwardness. It would've been fine if you two were alone, but he was obviously doing this so you won't have any say in the matter.

"Stupid Chanyeol."

"Good." He beams, then he offers his hand for you.

"Let's go? Pizza's on me tonight." You're about to take his hands, when someone suddenly came out of nowhere and walked right between you and Chanyeol, making you walk back a little. If you weren't fast on your heels, you would've bumped into the stranger instead. Talk about rude.

"Hey watch it buddy!" Chanyeol barks, stopping the man from taking another step.

You frown at the stranger, feeling a little bit enraged and offended. Out of all the empty spaces in the mall, this guy decided to walk between you and your friend. It's not like the place is crowded and to make matters worse, he just stood there looking at you, scanning you from head to toe, he didn't even bother looking at your friend who is clearly furious at him. Personal space doesn't seem to be in this guy's vocabulary.

The guy looks at you from your white cropped top to your blue skinny jeans, all the while showing you his stoic expression, but instead of feeling intimidated, you automatically raise a brow and do the same. This stranger is wearing a black ripped jeans underneath legs that goes on forever and a black StarWars graphics shirt, his milky white skin in contrast with the dark fabric. He's tall, almost as tall as Chanyeol, and damn, those lips look like he can do wonderful things with them.

You swallow the imaginary lump in your throat. You can't help but stare at him. He's just so…

"Wait. Why does he look so familiar?"

The guy in front of you smirks as he sees your face scrunch up in confusion.

"Public display of affection is sickening." He sneers, and just like that, he left the scene, leaving you dumb-founded and confused as hell.

"Bastard." Chanyeol mumbled. "Are you okay?"

"He thinks we're a couple? Great, another one for the scoreboard. What else is new?" You think to yourself, ignoring Chanyeol in the process.

"Do you know that jerk?" Chanyeol asks while he sees you eyeing the man's leaving figure.

"I think I do. He's so familiar."

And then it hit you.

"Oh, I do know him." You say, still looking at the guy, you watch closely as he walks towards a group of guys, laughing with them and man-hugging them. Must be his circle of friends.

"He's one of those popular assholes in uni."


You: Weirdest thing happened to me today.

Him: Yeah?

You: Can you believe it? Ugh. I just, I cannot really put my head into it. It's so surreal.

You type away as you sit alone inside this little coffee shop near the University.

Him: Did you happen to meet someone? A guy perhaps?

"A guy? What's surreal about meeting a guy?" You shake your head.

You: Nooo! I passed my math exam! Holy hell! I did it. Take that Trigonometry!

Him: 😅

You: If I wasn't so broke right now, I'm gonna treat you to anything you like. But I am, so I won't. 🤑

Him: Do you need some kind of...help? You can tell me, I'm just here.

You: What? No, no, no. I'm not broke, broke. I just paid for anti-pms kit for my bff. But I'm not really broke.

You: Nvm. You won't get it.

Him: Anti-pms? Wait, but isn't your friend a dude?

You: Yes. Oh god, why did I tell you that?

You: It's complicated best friend stuff. Just...nvm.

Him: 😂

"He seems to be in a quiet mood today. Why all the emojis?"

You: You're awfully quiet today, why?

Him: I thought you were gonna talk to me about boys, like if you met a handsome stranger somewhere.

You: Me? Talk about boys, with you? No thanks. I won't bore you with that stuff, and I don't wanna torture my only friend. 😜

You: Although I did bump into one, he was rather...rude.

Him: Do you happen to know who he is?

You: Um hmm, he's one of those popular jerks in school. Don't really know his name.

Him: He's popular? And you do not know his name? ☺

You: Yes? He looks like a Paul or Billy. I dunno. That's usually the name of popular assholes, at least that's what movies taught me.

You shrug.

Him: Movies? Baby, we live in Seoul, you can hardly find anyone here named Paul or Billy.

You: I tried. ☺

Him: 😂😂😂

You: Yeah, keep laughing.

Him: Can't help it, you're amusing. 😊

You: Amusing? How so?

Him: Because talking to you is nice and interesting.

You: Continue...

Him: That's about it sweetheart.

You: Laaammmee!!! You're so lame.

Him: :)))))

You: So...so many chins.

Him: That means laughing missy.

You: Fattie 😝

No response.

"Oh shit. Did I hit a nerve? I should apologize. I am so stupid sometimes."

You are about to type a response, but he beats you to it.

Him: Funny how you can hold my attention for long periods of time.


Him: No girl has ever done that before.

You blush at his response. Somehow this guy forgot how to tease you and act all cheesy towards you instead, which is way worse than his teasing.

You: Would it make you feel better if I tell you I'm actually a girl trapped inside a man's body?

Him: I don't believe you sweetheart. No one can mistake you for a man.

You: You talk like you've seen me before.

Him: We attend the same University, of course I have, and your profile picture doesn't actually scream masculinity.

You: I dunno if I should be flattered or creeped out.

Him: 🙂🙂

The thought of him seeing you made you curious of what he looks like, if he's someone you know or maybe even a classmate at some courses. You want to meet him in person, you want to be able to talk to him personally, not like this. Texting him isn't bad at all, it just gets frustrating knowing how close he actually is, but you're too chicken to actually meet up with the guy.

Him: Baby...

Him: Don't you think it's about time we meet up? We've known each other for a month now.

Him: I mean, don't you wanna see me?

"This guy, I'm a hundred percent sure, is a mind reader. But he's really pushing the topic this time and I can't ignore him anymore. I am curious too." You think to yourself.

You: Are you sure you're not Psycho the rapist?

Him: Who?

You: Psychotherapist. Heh. I mean, are you sure you're not some pedophile creep who likes to pounce on young innocent girls like me?

Him: Oh baby, I highly doubt you're innocent. With that smart mouth of yours? 😂

You: Yah!

Him: I assure you I'm not. But I do like talking to pretty and clever girls on the internet, I could last for hours and not get bored. 😜

"Oh. My. God. Stop being such a flirt. Please, just stop it."

Him: Sweetheart please?

Him: I really wanna see you...

"I really wanna see you too." You sigh. " Maybe it isn't too bad of an idea."

You let out another heavy sigh. You know this setup cannot go on forever, and you don't want to lose whatever this is you have with him. So you reply with a heavy heart and mind and finally give in.

You: Okay...Let's meet up.


Sweaty palm brush against another as you stand near the old tree that has probably been alive even before your grandparents were born. There is a constant battle inside your head on whether you will sit or stand up, sit or stand up.

You are absolutely, positively, and undeniably nervous as fuck.

Meet me at the park near the library. :)

That's the only thing he sent you, and you were distressed enough to even type back a decent reply. He's lucky you managed to somehow type an O and a K, letting him know that you won't stand him up.

First impression is everything, but it isn't like you to dress fancy and you definitely don't want to wear anything you feel uncomfortable with, so you settle with a simple black skinny jeans and a graphic white shirt, which is a size bigger that what you usually wear.

"This is good. I mean, it's not like I'm on a date. We're just friends hanging out at the park." You murmur, trying so hard to keep yourself from getting any more nervous than you already are.

"Yep. Just friends seeing each other" You huff.

"For the first time." You inwardly groan.

"Oh brother. I should have worn something girlier, like a skirt or heels, not this."

You stand up and fan yourself with your hands as you breathe in and out, trying so hard to calm your senses. It was doing the trick, really it was. But the sudden pair of hands snaking around your waist has put you to a stop, making your heart beat faster than it already is. You feel those hands rubbing the sides of your waist and for the life of you, you cannot find your voice and scream at the person behind you doing that. It took you a good five seconds for your brain to finally function, telling you to do something to save you from this physical assault.

"Can you please kindly remove your filthy hands off me? Do it now or I swear you'll be sorry."

You say as you try to put up a brave front, but the man behind you only chuckled in response, his breath fanning the sensitive spot on your nape, telling you how close he actually is to you.

"Oh god, Is this how I'm gonna die?"


You hear the stranger's deep husky voice say, his lips touching the tip of your now red ears. You turn around in haste to look at the man behind you, and you are welcomed by the sight of those beautiful orbs boarding into yours. You instantly freeze on the spot. Your eyes roam his face freely. His tall nose and those pink plump lips, oh those sinfully beautiful pair of lips are all too familiar to you. You cannot believe your eyes. Is he the one you've been talking to all these time?

"H-hunnie?" You stutter.

You wanna make sure if it is really him, and you pray to God that this person in front of you is just some bored kid who just wants to play jokes with you. You are reminded of how harsh he has been, accidentally bumping against you at the mall so rudely. He can't be the same guy, it just isn't scientifically possible for someone like him to waste his precious time talking about nonsense with someone like you.

When you see the side of his lips turn into a grin, you know for sure that you are doomed.

"I prefer Oh Sehun missy." He sneers, his eyes turning into little crescents.

"But yeah, I am Hunnie."

He offers his hand to you while you hesitantly give him yours for a handshake, but you were fazed when he suddenly bends over a little, and kisses the back of your hands. You feel the tip of his tongue touching your skin, making all the hairs at the back of your nape stand up at full attention. You know he did that on purpose, why else would his tongue graze the back of your hand? The kiss took forever before he decided to remove those soft pair of lips from you, anyone who can see you right now can tell how red your face has gotten due to the physical contact.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." He smiled that oh-so-charming smile, and you are convinced that your peaceful days will be over.

These two finally met. Finally. :))

Lucidbunnycreators' thoughts