
Flight or Fight

Watch a fairy princess, who was brought up to fight her own battles, jump at the chance of a lifetime. She is set to marry the mystery prince of Zalidia, and man no one has ever met, nor do they know his name. Follow her as she meets him and uncovers secrets of her past. - Warning may contain mature content

Boo_Bunny83 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Chapter 3 Brunch

Once the laughter died down Xera and I took our seats on either side of my father. He smiled at us when we were both seated, grabbing each of our hands.

My father is a heavier set man with a salt and pepper beard and hair. His skin around his eye is wrinkled, making it look as though he always bags under his eyes. He is the type of man to always have a smile on his face, but will turn cold at the drop of a hat. His wings are large and defined, sharp designs cover his blood red wings.

"Look at the two of you. You are both a mess." He sighed. "Maybe it was a bad idea to have you meet in the maze, seeing as you both don't know how to stay clean."

"Sorry father"

"Sorry my king" Xera and I said at the same time.

"Xera, you know you are like a daughter to me and, as much as I respect your words, I want you to call me by my first name. Please Xera, call me Alaster if not anything else." He smiled at her.

Father has been trying to get Xera to call him father for years, but she never would. So, now he settles for being called by his first name.

Xera is something strange, she has never used formalities with me, yet refuses to use anything but formalities with my father. She has always felt indebted to him, so that is probably the reason she treats him with such respect and high regards.

"Yes, Alaster. I apologize." She smiled at him.

"Very well. Now, the reason I've invited you both to lunch is to discuss Jace's wedding and the importance this union will hold for the kingdom." the seriousness in his voice was matched by a softness in his eyes.

"We know how serious this is, father." I looked into his pain filled eyes.

"Yes, my daughter, but this union is greater than just a marriage between two countries. Though we have tolerated them in the years you have been alive, it was only because King Drazar and myself knew a continued war would devastate our kingdoms and those around us. Instead we have a spoken agreement that each kingdom does nothing to antagonize the other so that our people can prosper." he paused and looked at me with tears in his eyes before looking away from me altogether.

"What is it father? Why are you crying?" Concern filled my features.

"Sorry, I told myself I'd keep it together when I told you." he cleared his throat before looking at me again. "I hope this changes your mind about this marriage, as much as it would benefit the kingdom and could hurt us if you end it, I think you at least need to know this before you decide on going through with the marriage."

"What are you talking about?" I looked at him with curiosity. "You know that I chose this and won't go back on that. Once I made the decision I knew that I would have to go through with it in order to keep the peace.''

"JJ, I know who killed your mother." I looked at him in horror. "It was the servant of the king of Zalidia, he had no clue it was happening. The attack was organized by his servant and other servants joined him, hoping that in doing this the king would give them his favor."

"T-that means I would be in a palace filled with people who want… who want our family dead. People who… people that killed my mother and attempted to kill you and I already." I started to feel dizzy, my head was spinning from all the thoughts running through it about my mother and what happened to her.

'What had I done in agreeing to this absurd union? Why hadn't my father informed me of this sooner? Why didn't we start a war with them and finish that godforsaken kingdom off after the attack?'

I stood as my mind continued to fall down the rabbit hole of thoughts. My heart rate starts to quicken and I almost can't see straight.

"Sit down and let me explain Jace, I know this is hard but I want you to know that every single servant of the kingdom involved was dealt with accordingly." I stood, walking over to me and pulling me into a hug. "Drazar made sure to hand every single one over to me and told me I was to do as I wish. He wanted to keep the peace as much as I did and knew that war was at hand had he done anything differently."

I sobbed into him as he talked to me gently. His grip tightened around me as I sobbed harder and harder.

I'm usually stronger than this, I never cry or get upset. I make sure to have on a bright smile and treat everyone with the kindness they deserve. Breaking down like this is something I haven't done since I was at my mothers funeral. Now finding out that I agreed to marry a man whose servants killed my mother, I can't help but completely lose it.

"Shhhh my dear, I know this is hard to hear. I just thought you deserved the truth, especially since you agreed to a union with Zalidia's prince of darkness." he pulled me away from his chest and wiped my tears away. "I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner my flower, but I didn't wish to burden your mind about things long dealt with. Especially because you were so young when it happened, but now, ten years later, you are stronger than I ever could have hoped. I knew the day you agreed to the marriage I would have to tell you."

"W-why… Why did you not… not tell me t-that day?" I asked between sobs as I tried to calm myself down.

"I had agreed with Drazar that you wouldn't find out, at least not that day. We talked about it and he wanted me to let you give his son a chance, in spite of the past. Seeing as his son was the same age as you at the time and had no clue what was going on I told Drazar that I wouldn't tell you until he had left the kingdom." He gave me a sad smile. "We were both afraid you would do something reckless if he was still here."

I moved from his grasp and sat back in my seat, thinking things over. Suddenly I felt delicate arms wrap around my chest, Xera was behind me lightly crying. I hadn't noticed during the talk with my father that she had gotten up and waited for my father to release me from his grip so that she could hug me.

All the pain and sorrow I felt was matched by hers as she held me close. Xera is the only person that ever truly understood what I was going through and knew what I needed, even when I don't say it aloud.

I sat there, letting her hold me, as we cried lightly together. We stayed like that for about ten minutes before Maze made her presence known to us. Xera then went back to her seat as the maids brought the food to our table, as well as drinks. Once they were done setting the table for us my father dismissed them and told them to come back in half an hour.

"Now, Jace," my father spoke to me "you will need to make a final decision about your union to the Prince of Zalidia. I beg you to reconsider your decision, I don't want to risk your life by sending you away."

I took a deep breath before looking him in the eyes with confidence. "I would be at risk with any kingdom I went to, no matter who I marry there will always be a risk. Plus with my standing I am not foolish enough to wait for the love of someone in our status." I paused. "However scared I am of this union technically I already accepted and can't go back on my word."

"But Jace-"

"Father, I can't blame the Prince for my mothers death, he was only a child after all. But, I would like you to inform King Drazar that before I can completely agree to the union I demand to meet his prince of darkness." my voice is shaky, but I refuse to back down. "If I am permitted to meet his prince before the union then I will agree to the union. However, I not only want to meet him, I want to challenge him to a sparring match."

"I figured you would say that" he hung his head "Drazar and I already talked and his son has agreed, since you are to be his bride. He will be here later this afternoon to meet you and spar with you."

"Is that who the maid told me my new sparring partner would be?"

"A maid told you of this? How odd, I specifically said for them to tell you only that you would have to postpone your training so you could have brunch with me." his brows creased as anger slowly rose through his features. "Damn maids know not of how to keep their mouths shut"

"Oh father, she probably meant no harm. The maids know how stubborn I can be when it comes to postponing my training." I smiled at him. "You may have started my training as a way to protect me, but it has become the thing I love to do most in this world."

"No wonder our soldiers refer to you as the Battle Princess of Xudla, you've beaten every member of the army, new and old." he chuckled.

I blushed and looked towards the food on my plate that was now cold. I haven't sparred against every member of the army, many refused. The refusals were typically because I am the Princess and they are scared of angering the king, I am a girl and they don't think I should be fighting, or because they didn't believe the rumors and thought it'd be a waste of time.

"Not every member, father. You know there were ones who refused, and that I would never force them to spar if they didn't wish to." I grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite.

"Come on, Jace, you are the most dangerous fighter there is. You even beat me and I'm the highest in command to the army." She beamed at me. "Also I have sparred against every member, as it is custom for them to be able to join, so by sparring against me you have sparred against all in the army."

"You both over exaggerate everything so much. I may know how to hold my own, but I could never compare myself to the soldiers that serve our country. Even if they can't beat me in battle they are still stronger than I could ever be." I continued to eat without looking up.

I never talk about my fighting skills because it isn't something I want to flaunt to the whole world. My battle skills are something that I want to cherish and keep to myself, as fighting is my escape from the world. It's something I've done everyday after the passing of my mother and I feel as though it somehow connects me to her.

They both began to eat once they noticed their praises fell on def ears. For a long while we sat in silence, eating our food, before the maids returned to take our plates.

"Jace, I want you to know that later once you meet the prince he is very dangerous. Now I know you can protect yourself, but it's not just his battle skills that you have to be weary of. The power he holds is the reason Drazar hid him from the public." His tone was serious.

"What is his power then?"

"Well, that is the thing, Drazar refused to tell me." He paused, taking a drink before continuing. "However, his son has promised to tell you and you alone. This means that he will want alone time with you, so that you can talk. Would you be okay with that?" His eyes looked at mine, pleading for me to say no.

"Where and when would he like to meet me?" I asked.

"In the dining hall for dinner after your sparring match around five." He replied, defeat filled his features.

"Very well, we spar at three, so that gives me an hour to prepare before dinner. Inform the prince that I agree and will be willing to meet him." I say, my voice more monotone than ever.

Though my voice was monotone when I spoke I feel as though my heart is going to pound from my chest. The prince no one knows will be having dinner with me. Alone.

'What if he tries to hurt me? That's ridiculous, he wouldn't dare, not here anyway. I wonder what he is like, what he looks like, why he was hidden from the world. That must've been a lonely existence, not allowed to know anyone or let anyone know you.'

As I continue to think about the mysterious prince of darkness I find myself feeling sorrow for him. Though I hold resentment for his kingdom, he himself did nothing to wrong me and was even being hidden away when my mother was assassinated.

Once the maids were completely done clearing the table and my father and I sorted the details of the day out I walked to my room to change into my practice gear. Xera followed me to my room so that we could catch up while I prepared myself.

Walking through the castle Xera and myself talked about how we have been and what has happened in the time that she was away. Talking about everything she did while overseeing the war with the southern region and battle strategies she used to win her battles.

Finally we made it to my room and walked over to my bed. I had dismissed the maids, telling them Xera would help me, so that we could have time alone together. After all my time with her was now limited with the prince being here.