
Flight or Fight

Watch a fairy princess, who was brought up to fight her own battles, jump at the chance of a lifetime. She is set to marry the mystery prince of Zalidia, and man no one has ever met, nor do they know his name. Follow her as she meets him and uncovers secrets of her past. - Warning may contain mature content

Boo_Bunny83 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 11 Girls Night

Jace's POV

Together Xera and I walked quickly to my chambers, almost running the whole way. Though I am still fuming from the events that just took place I still put on a smile for her. Being able to see Xera's smile has always made me feel better about whatever life throws at me, it is because he smiles are so rare that I cherish them so.

Taking deep breaths I calm myself and focus on the moment so that I can destress myself. Finally we make it to my room and I practically throw the doors open.

"We are going to have a girls night like no other, I will have Maze bring us snacks and prepare our baths with wine and candles." I informed Xera as I pulled her into my room.

"Wonderful! Are we also going to go to that place tonight, for old times sake?" She said out of breath.

"Obviously, it wouldn't be a true girls night if we didn't go to that place. But first we will be taking our baths and picking out new dresses." I giggled.

Not minutes later, after Xera and I had finally caught our breath, we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I commanded.

"Good evening, you highness." Maze said as she and the other maid bowed to me. "I am here to prepare you for the evening, would you like a bath?"

"Actually Maze, Lillian, I would like the both of you to prepare Xera and I a bath with candles, wine, and rose petals. We are having a girls night, so we want everything to be perfect." I couldn't hide the excitement in my voice. "After our baths we would like to look at, and pick out, the newest and most beautiful dresses and training outfits."

"Very well, Lady Jace." Maze hesitated. "However, your father has informed me that you are to join him in the morning for decisions regarding the wedding."

"I understand." irritation resounded in my voice. "Though I am not going to let the fact that I have things to do tomorrow ruin this night."

"Yes My Lady."

With that Lillian and Maze went into the bathroom adjoining my room and began to prepare the baths. As we waited Xera and I helped one another loosen our hair, pulling the pins and ties out of it.

By the time we were done Maze had walked into the room to tell us our bath was ready. So, grabbing each other's hand, we walk to the bath.

The room itself is filled with steam and the candlelight gives off and ominous glow, bringing a feeling of comfort and relaxation to my body. Finally being able to wash away the turmoil I felt earlier is going to be nice.

Getting undressed quickly Xera and I both laugh with each other about our past.

"If I recall you were the one who took that lieutenant helmet, not me." she snorted, stepping into the bath.

"Actually it was you, I just so happened to take it from you before he could catch you." I retorted stepping in after her.

"Yeah, I suppose that could have been what happened." she snickered. "Lieutenant Zeke was not too happy when he did finally catch us, he made us do extra training for a whole week."

"Yeah, we should invite Zeke to the castle to see how he is doing. Do you ever write to him or hear from him?" I sighed.

"Not in the past few weeks, he said he would write to me when he was free, but last I heard he ended up on a covert operation and is doing some investigations." she let her arms slip into the tube making a splash.

"That man should've retired long ago, too stubborn for his own good I guess." I mumble to myself. "I still don't understand why he always refused to take the position you have, I mean it fit him perfectly."

"I'm really not sure, something about how he didn't feel like he deserved it."

"I'll never understand him, or any man for that matter." I giggle.

"Same here, but next time I run into him I'll have him write you to let you know he is still alive and kicking." she burst into laughter.

As we talked the maids washed us and made sure we were clean. Though they have always been allowed to talk with us they remained silent the entire time, most likely because it has been almost two whole years since all of us were together.

Once we finished bathing and dried off the maids brought us our dresses for the night. Unlike normal nights where the maids would've brought us our evening gowns, the gowns they brought us were more for getting out.

These dresses were specially crafted for Xera and I, made from the finest silks in the land. Though they have a little something added to them for us, they double as armor and make it easy for us to move in when we need it.

Her long, sleek dress is the color of the night sky, and mine is the purest white. We only wear these dresses on girls nights, since we refuse to allow guards to go places with us my father forces us to wear protective clothing. Lucky for us the royal seamstress knows how to make every piece of clothing beautiful.

Now that we are finally dressed we are ready to go where we had planned, a place Xera and I have been going since we were little.

"Are you ready, Xe?" I asked.

"Totally!" she said excitedly.

I walk over to the maids and ask them to let my father know Xera and I will be going out, and that we will be back before it gets too late.

"Just make sure he knows that if he needs me he can send me a note, though I doubt he will."

"Will do Lady Jace." says Maze, "Just please stay safe and out of trouble, we don't want a repeat of the last time you two went out."

"We will be perfectly safe, we aren't going to a place known to the public tonight. Instead we will be going to a place only known by us, somewhere secluded and safe." I promise her.

"Brilliant, now you two must be on your way so you can be back before it gets too late." She says hurriedly when she realizes the time.

With her words she and Lillian both turned and left the room. Once they were gone Xera and I walked out to the terrace and prepared to fly.

"Just tell me if your wings get tired, Xera. I don't want you over doing it and hurting yourself." I tell her.

"I'm not a little kid anymore JJ, even though my wing still has that scar I can actually fly a lot better than I used to. I have been practicing for years now and working in the army has built my stamina, so I'll be fine" she assures me.

"Alright, well we should get going then." I say with slight skepticism.

We both take off at the same time and head towards the forest, flying over the village as we go. From the sky we can see all the villagers doing their evening routines, seeing smiling faces and beautiful lights as we go.

As we get farther from the castle and the village we can feel the darkness grow, making it harder for us to see. Luckily the place we are going to is completely lit up so we don't need lights.

After flying for almost half an hour we finally arrived at our secret place, the place of our childhood.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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