
Flashes Twin

This is a Fanfiction about being reborn as the Flashes Twin. It was inspired by a fic with the same premise written by eric69 titled "Reborn as the flashes twin brother" All content creation credit goes to Eric69 ,CW and of coarse DC, except for my own characters . As stated above this is simply a rewrite with a new spin to it. Read at your discretion.

AsuraGodking · Ti vi
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Chapter 2

Nora and Henry soon arrived home with their two beautiful little boys, they soon headed up the stairs towards the room specifically prepared for the children and place them in a crib together. And proceeded to drag their tired bodies to their own room to finally rest.

For the first couple of days Alex found it incredibly hard to stay awake for any time Longer than an hour. But soon enough after a couple of weeks Alex finally had enough strength to stay awake long enough to start planning how his future will go.

He knew he had to save Nora from reverse Flash but he had no idea how he would do it not to mention he soon realised that he would have to effectively use his gifts of comprehension and edict memory as soon as possible. The sooner he could get his hands on books on knowledge of this specific universe the sooner he could build his empire and help those around him.

He remembered a lot of times where having resources and the corresponding political influence would have helped the Flash and his team overcome obstacles. And so he decided that after a few more months he would slowly but surely begin to show signs of high intellect so as to gain access to books and study material as soon as possible. There was however the matter of trying to not induce a inferiority complex in his brother as he knew all too well that Barry had issues with Confidence to begin with.

So whenever he had time away from Nora and Henry he would try to talk and get Barry to talk and try to move those infernal legs of his. He could not count the amount of times he had fallen and stared down at those chubby legs of his and sworn they were mocking him. After a short period of six months Alex found that he could now walk and talk as much as any person in his physical condition could but it took him a further 1 month to get to Barry to catch up to speed.And then it was finally time.

On a lazy sunday sitting on the couch were Henry and Nora sitting with the children watching the game. Where Henry's team was winning the game by a marginal score so he was in a good mood but also kind of tense as soon as he he looked to the game his team scored a touchdown and as he was celebrating jumping up in the air.

He quickly took Alex up and started jumping with him. Nora quickly berated him "Henry put the baby down" Henry turned around with the grin and said "don't worry I've got this besides he's a tough little soldier isn't that right Alex Who's your daddy yes I am yes I am." Henry continued joyously lift Alex up and down the air Alex kept giggling and soon started shouting "Dada dada" and at that moment everybody in the room seems to stop as Henry and Nora look to each other and then started really celebrating "he said it alright he said it he said Dada" Nora happily joined them and started jumping up and down with Barry in hand "now you Barry say mama say mama" and Barry as if programmed started giggling and saying "mama mama" and once again Noah and Henry looked at each other and thought we've got a bunch of little geniuses here.

The rest of the day was filled with joy as Nora and Henry called all their friends and relatives bragging about how smart their are little boys were.

2 years later

Alex continued to show feats of great intelligence at his age but always made sure to somehow include Barry in his fears. This had caused uminmaginable joy to Nora and Henry as they saw how loving their children were towards each other. But after 2 years no matter how much they tried to ignore it they saw that Alex was clearly a genius. So they eventually took him to get his IQ tested. These tests were obviously too easy for a grown man so even Alex had to dial it down a bit.

The results came a couple of days later with the Doctor frantic over the phone about how great this would be for the family. He insisted Alex start advanced lessons immediately as he had already proven to have the ability to read. And so after constant pressuring the parents relented to having Alex attend 4 hour lessons every week where the doctor who designed a specialized curriculum for Alex would be tutoring him in various subjects. This was however the limit the parents allowed as they still wanted to give Alex as normal a childhood as possible.

Alex would then come home and play games designed by him to teach Barry as much as he could handle. And so time slowly but surely passed.