
Flash: Whispers In The Speedforce

"So, I'm in a coma?" "Yep!" "And you're here with me?" "Yep!" "So what exactly are you?" "It's a bit of an insult but I'm the personified child who can't live his life because angry yellow lighting killed his mom" "So is this like split personalities?" "No, because we're the same, but I'm just equipped with sarcasm and common sense, you see" "How long will I be then?" "...9 months" "WHAT!" ============================================================ Warning: Serious Topic, Gore, Violence and Rating = Mature June 20, 2024

Auther_Uchiha · Ti vi
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16 Chs

Chapter 10: Things You Can't Outrun

As Stagg eagerly discusses his plans to control and exploit the Flash, Wells listens intently, his expression unreadable.

He knows the dangers that lurk in Stagg's intentions and the potential harm that could come to Barry if his powers were to be manipulated and controlled.

In a moment of calculated decisiveness, Wells makes a chilling choice. He takes Stagg's life, ending his ambitions and ensuring that his plans to exploit the Flash come to an abrupt halt.


As he wonders how Harrison got up and then with a menacing stance he stabbed him Simon says, "W-well's...th" as his voice falls short and he dies of heart failure.

It's a cold and ruthless act, driven by a deeper understanding of the consequences that could arise if the mysterious black blur, the harbinger of change, is not allowed to fulfill its purpose.

"Sorry, Simon, but it would be detrimental for you to interfere with the birth of the black blur," Wells murmurs, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and determination.

At that moment, Wells reveals a side of himself that few have seen—a dark and ruthless nature driven by a hidden agenda. He is willing to do whatever it takes to protect Barry, even if it means resorting to drastic measures and crossing lines that most would consider unforgivable.

As the life drains from Stagg's body, Wells leaves with a tune that distracts from the dead body of the man there.


Barry and Iris stepped out of the movie theatre, the excitement of the film still lingering in the air. As they walked down the sidewalk, Iris couldn't contain her fascination.

"I can't stop thinking about the Red Streak, Barry," Iris said, her eyes shining with excitement. "He's incredible. Have you heard about him?"

Barry shifted uncomfortably, trying to redirect the conversation. "Yeah, the movie had some amazing special effects, right? That stunt scene was mind-blowing!"

But Iris's curiosity remained fixated on the mysterious speedster. "Oh! But you know what's even more intriguing? The Red Streak. He's this hero in Central City who saves people with lightning-fast speed. I want to learn more about him."

Barry felt a twinge of unease, knowing that he couldn't reveal his abilities. "Yeah, I've heard about him. He's certainly making a name for himself."

Iris's enthusiasm grew, fueling her desire to uncover the truth. "I think I want to start a blog about him. Document his actions, and try to unveil his identity. It'll be thrilling!"

Barry's heart skipped a beat, and he seized the opportunity when Iris received a call from Eddie, her boyfriend.

"Speaking of thrilling things, Iris," Barry interjected, "I just got a call from Cisco. There's a high-speed chase happening nearby. They need my help. I've got to go."

Iris, engrossed in her conversation with Eddie, waved him off without realizing his sudden departure. "Sure, Barry, go ahead. Stay safe!"

With a mixture of relief and concern, Barry hurried away, slipping into his Flash persona to respond to the chase. He arrived at the scene, where a police car was pursuing a speeding pickup truck. The driver, armed and dangerous, posed a threat to the officers.

"Drop the weapon!" the Flash commanded, his voice masked by the speed force. In a blur of motion, he disarmed the driver and swiftly restrained him, leaving the police officers in awe of his lightning-fast actions.

After ensuring that the situation was under control, the Flash raced back to the theatre, rejoining Iris, who was still immersed in her conversation on the phone, unaware of Barry's brief absence.

"Hey, Iris, sorry about that," Barry said, catching his breath. "Everything okay with Eddie?"

Iris finally ended her call, giving him a nod and a warm smile. "Yeah, just a minor disagreement. But let me tell you about the Red Streak! He was amazing today. Like a blur, always there when you need him."

Barry couldn't help but smile, though his mind was preoccupied with his secret life. "Yeah, the Red Streak is making quite an impact in Central City. So, overall, did you enjoy the movie?"

Iris's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she recounted her favourite scenes, blending her love for the film with her fascination for the speedster. "Absolutely! But my mind keeps going back to the Red Streak. I can't wait to start my blog about him. Uncovering the truth behind his incredible speed will be an adventure."

Barry nodded, admiring Iris's passion, yet unable to fully share in it. "That sounds exciting, Iris. I'll be following your blog. Anyway, I should get going. Duty calls."

Iris understood, acknowledging Barry's other responsibilities. "Of course, Barry. Take care. Talk to you later."

As Barry bid his farewell and headed to work, the weight of his secret identity and his unwavering determination to protect those he cared about settled on his shoulders.

He greeted Joe at the Central City Police Department, knowing he had to focus on his job to avoid the Chief's reprimand.

"Morning, Joe," Barry greeted with a smile. "Ready to tackle another day?"

Joe returned the smile, appreciating Barry's dedication. "You bet, Barr. Let's get to work and make sure we meet our quota. Chief Singh won't be pleased if we fall behind."

Barry nodded, his mind already brimming with thoughts of his dual life as both a forensic scientist and the fastest man alive.


"Hey..." as Barry remembered that he wasn't talking the entire time, "Yes, disembodied voice?" as he prepared his self-esteem "How do we run without killing people from the kinetic energy, or wind?" Barry was surprised by the real question.

"I've thought about that, but I most likely have a field similar to a kinetic energy absorption field...does that mean I can take more damage based on my speed?" as the entity starts thinking of how he could use it in more efficient ways.


"Allen, you've got my report ready, I assume?" as Singh nears the lab.

"Yes, Sir" as Barry moves faster and instantly does it as the Entity says "That is a waste of super-speed...but who really cares..." as he sigh internally and goes to mental sleep.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Auther_Uchihacreators' thoughts