
Create Some Drama

As soon as Father Han brought up this topic, the media began to ask questions, "President Han, while saying this, have you not considered that you and your secretary were also caught having an affair?"

"The evidence was fake! Someone created it! Everyone knows that I'm a family man. I can't believe that after 20 years, that woman would create evidence to slander me. I swear I haven't done anything, I have nothing to hide!"

"My secretary and I got together after our divorce was finalized."

"Both my sons are witnesses to that."

Father Han was confident, but he emitted an annoyingly overbearing vibe. This made it difficult for the reporters to ask further. All they could do was roll their eyes; the Hans obviously weren't there to explain anything. Instead, they were forcefully telling everyone that they were innocent and anyone that opposed them was trash.

So, it wasn't hard to guess what was to follow.