
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


(3rd person POV)

In the land of the rising sun, a man in traditional clothes was smiling from ear to ear. As his plan is going to happen in a few minutes. He faced a couple in similar clothing as him.

"Well brother, I must tell you that you greatly disappoint me." the man said while still smiling.

"You will not succeed 'Nii-san!" (older brother) the younger man exclaimed.

"Onii-san please rethink your decision." the wife of the younger man tried to convince the older man.

The older man turned his back at the couple ignoring their pleads. He chuckled silently as he fondled the remote. One press from that remote will start the old man's plan. At the exact moment he wanted to press the button, a deafening scream from the woman was heard.

"Miss Maki! Please take my daughter out of here!" the stressed woman shouted hoping that Miss Maki would hear her.

The old man then laughed loudly at his sister-in-law. "Even if Maki does take your daughter away, everyone in this world will perish. As the Devil's Flame will engulf everything." He then proceeded to press the button.


In every corner of the earth a blue flame erupted eating and burning everything on its path. People started to panic even forgetting that they may have the power to stop this mess. On this earth, people are bestowed by God, magic. That magic is divided by the 4 elements, Fire, Earth, Water and Air.

As the fire was done destroying everything, there stood a few groups of people in the ruins of old Tokyo. Baffled by what happened, these people started to find any survivors, starting from the ruins of Japan to the other countries around the world.


A woman and her child were searching for survivors in the ruins of Nagoya. Hoping that the royal family survived. While scanning the vast field of ashes the child heard a muffled sound of a baby crying. With a spark of hope the woman desperately tried to locate where the crying baby is. Not far from where they were, they finally saw the source of the crying.

"Okaa-san, the baby looks hungry." Mumbled the child softly as the woman carried the crying baby.

The woman nodded at her daughter. As she softly tried to calm the baby down a piece of paper fell from the baby's clothes. The child notices it.

"Ah, something fell Okaa-san." As she picked the piece of paper. It read "Sa...saki Sh-shi... ho" as the child struggled to read the kanji characters. The woman then read the paper.

"Maybe it's her name. Sasaki Shiho. That's a pretty name, right Mina?" the woman asked her daughter.

"Yes Okaa-san! Shiho is cute." The young child responded smiling to her mother.


A month has passed since the day of the Destruction of the Earth as the survivors called it. The remaining survivors then tried to revive the dead city of Tokyo. They then named the city Shinsekai which means "New World."

The woman in Nagoya, Myoui Sara, became the leader of this New World Government. She is a righteous person. People saw her worthy enough to lead them. As she was becoming busier by the day, the baby that she picked up became hard for her to nurse.

One busy day in her office, she searched the city for a willing couple to adopt baby Shiho. As the day was nearing its end, Miss Myoui was again devastated that she couldn't give baby Shiho to a worthy family that would properly take care of her. As she was on the way home, she saw a couple waiting by their gate. As she parked her car, she went out to approach the young couple.

"Excuse me, do you have any business with me?" Miss Myoui asked the couple.

The young woman smiled at the latter and said "Yes Miss Myoui. We heard about you searching for a foster family for the baby you picked up."

"Oh! Are you willing to take care of the baby?" Miss Myoui asked happily. Finally, she was delighted that there are still people who have caring hearts.

The couple nodded at the woman. She then went inside the house and welcomed the couple and they saw a very heartwarming sight. The daughter of Miss Myoui, Myoui Mina, just with a tender age of 3 she was responsible and took care of baby Shiho. They saw young Mina sleeping beside Shiho as her arms hugged securely the baby.

It saddened Miss Myoui to take away Shiho from Mina, but she knew that this was the right decision. She then carefully took baby Shiho away from her daughter's arms and softly handed the baby to the young couple.

"Please take care of her." Miss Myoui looked teary eyed at the couple and saw them already nursing the baby. "I have a request. Please homeschool Shiho. Only let her go to school when she reaches 17 years old. Enroll her at Shinra Academy. By then my daughter will hopefully meet her there." She calmly told the couple.

"We will honor your request Miss Myoui. Thank you very much for trusting us." The young man bowed at Miss Myoui. The latter just smiled at the retreating figures of the couple. She then went to her daughter and woke her up.

Mina was startled by her mother's attempt to wake her up. She sat up abruptly and looked from left to right. "Okaa-san where's Shi-chan?" the child asked her mother.

Miss Myoui looked at her daughter sadly. Mina then understood the situation. "Don't worry Mi-" she was cut off by her daughter. "I understand Okaa-san. I will meet her again. If not by fate, then I will find her." Mina smiled at her mother. The latter then knew that her daughter really loves Shiho. I do hope you find her again Mina. For she is the sole survivor of the Sasaki Clan. Miss Myoui thought as she and Mina got ready for bed.