
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

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15 Chs

Chapter 8

(Jeongyeon's POV)

Damn those girls. They left me while I was washing the dishes. I was already near the gate when I noticed Shiho spacing out while walking. 

How can she still be cute? I walked towards her and greeted her. I think there's something bothering her. I just shrugged at the thought since she looked like she didn't want to talk about it.


It's the second subject already and I'm quite excited. I want to see what weapon Shiho has, especially since she doesn't have any magical powers. My deep thoughts were interrupted when our professor told us that the White Class would be sparring against. I hope Nayeon gets to be first, she's flirting too much with my Shiho. 

Yes, mine.

"Our first pair would be Shin Ryujin from White class and... You. Sasaki Shiho." 


Ryujin is known for her specialty in weapon combat. I stared at Shiho getting ready and I noticed Mina whispered something to her and Mina blushed? What the hell? Even you Myoui? I silently wished Shiho good luck.

As the both of them were inside the arena they talked for a while and started to take out their weapons. I noticed Shiho's katana looked so familiar.

Where have I seen another one like that?

The first move was made by Ryujin, she was so fast for us to notice, it resulted in a cut in Shiho's cheek. It was bleeding profusely. The person beside me, who was Dahyun, held the hem of my shirt causing me to look at her. 

"What is it Dahyunie?" She bit her lip and looked at Shiho intently. 

"I'm so worried for her Jeongyeon-unnie." I patted her back and told her that I felt the same.

I looked back at the fight and saw Shiho getting the upper hand by continuously attacking Ryujin until she was at the arena line. One more step and Shiho would win this. But things don't go as you wanted it to be, right? 

Yes, it shocked everyone as Shiho was thrown to the other side of the arena. We all knew that Ryujin used her magic against her and that was prohibited.

I heard my friends shout at Ryujin to stop and some yelling Shiho's name. While I stood there frozen still gazing at Shiho's body being held down by a gush of air.

I got back to my senses when I noticed she was losing consciousness. Shit, no don't fucking die Shiho.  


After our professor stopped Ryujin I immediately ran towards Shiho and used my magic to form a makeshift stretcher with plants and stems. 

"Dahyun-ah! Come with me!" And I looked towards the girls and gestured to take care of Ryujin. Bless her soul after this, let's hope she's still alive to say sorry.



This is the first time we hear Mina shout that loud. The last time she did was when Chaeyoung accidentally took out the plug of the computer.

The girls quickly proceeded here after they talked to Ryujin. All of us were deeply worried for her, especially Dahyun. She's been spacing out ever since Shiho passed out.

"But Mina hime-sama there is some kind of force preventing me and the other healers from treating her." The healer said calmly at the raging Princess. 

"Then let me try to heal her." She said sternly at the middle-aged woman and gave Mina a basin of water. She's a rare water magic user, she uses water to heal not to hurt others, cool right? Very princess-ey worthy.

"Damn it Shi-chan! LET ME THROUGH!" Mina shouted again which confused us. 

"Wae? You also can't heal her Mina?" Jihyo sadly hugged Mina from behind as the princess silently cried her frustration.

"This is the first time you couldn't heal someone Mina. There's definitely something wrong with Shiho." Tzuyu also went to her and comforted her. We nodded in agreement except for Dahyun who was still spacing out.

"You guys get some rest, it's already late. Let's take turns in who's gonna look out for her. For tonight I'll be the one, okay?" I suggested. They nodded again, I guess we were pretty stressed out on what happened today.

Mina took one last meaningful look at Shiho before going out with the other girls. I felt kind of jealous because I know some of the girls already took a liking into her. I have to make my move soon. Please wake up Shiho. Everyone is waiting for you.


Sana's POV

I know that katana from the back of my soul. It has a twin. Yuki 雪 which means snow. It is white as it's twin is black. I know this too well, because the current owner of it is me. 

Sasaki Shiho, just who the hell are you?