
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

(Shiho's POV)

Another day. I'm walking towards the academy right now. Hay. How am I going to face Nayeon-unnie later? I might be a blushing mess when she talks to me later. My thoughts were cut short when someone tapped my shoulders. I looked towards my right and saw Jeongyeon-unnie smiling at me.

"Good morning Shiho. Is there something bothering you?"

Yeah, your friend.

"Ah, hello. It's nothing. I'm not a morning person actually." I laughed lightly. She just nodded and we proceeded to walk towards our room. As we reached the classroom door it suddenly opened revealing a squirrel.

"SHIHO-CHAAAAAAAN!" Sana-neesan hugged me tightly. Too tight.

"I... Can't breathe Sana-neesan" she immediately let me go and she was blushing? Huh? Did I say something weird?

"Yah! Sana let us in." Luckily Jeongyeon-unnie snapped Sana-neesan from her trance and made a space for us to go inside. I smiled at her again before sitting in my seat.

Then suddenly someone kissed my cheeks. "Good morning Shiho."

THAT VOICE. I snapped my head towards her seat.

"N-nayeon-unnie. G-g-good morning." Shit do I really need to stutter? I heard her chuckle at me and I could feel my cheeks become hot.

"Tsk. Nayeon-unnie it's so early to be flirting around." A voice beside me scolded her. I turned to look and viola, lo and behold. It's Myoui Mina. Fuck she looks like a princess.

"Good morning Mina-neesan." I greeted her. She just smiled at me and went to her seat.


Finally, it's the second subject. I have been waiting for this. It's a practical subject, meaning I can show off my skills. It's Magical Arts Defense, since I don't have magical powers I can still participate by using my katana.

"So Black Class, today you will be sparring against the White Class." The professor announced as the other class went inside the hall. We are at the Magical Arts Building. The professor then proceeded to announce who's gonna spar whom.

"Our first pair would be Shin Ryujin from White class and..." He scanned our class looking for someone.

"You. Sasaki Shiho."

"Be careful around her. She's strong." I heard Mina-hime whisper to me. I smiled at her and bowed a little.

"Wait for me then."

I went to the middle of the arena. I saw Ryujin smile at me and walked towards me. She offered her hand "Hey. I heard a lot about you. Let's have a good match aye?" I responded to her handshake and gave her a nod and smile.

"Alright, ladies. Into position. No elements since Shiho is non-magic. Use weapons. You may start!" The professor beamed at us.

I took out my katana and got into position. My opponent then took out two knives. I was eyeing her stance looking for an opening when she suddenly lunged at me slightly catching me off guard. Shit. I felt her knife get in contact with my cheeks.

I didn't waste any time and immediately swung my sword towards her and of course, she blocked me.

"Hey, not bad. Show me more." She smiled at me.

I then gave her continuous attacks and she successfully blocked or avoided them. Shit. Again. I continued to attack her until she got near the line. She looks kinda pissed off.

"Damn it." She murmured under her breath.

What happened next totally shocked the hell out of me. I felt a gush of air pushing me away from her. I landed on my ass. Fuck that hurts. As I attempted to stand up I felt that gush of air again pinning me down. It was so heavy that I can't breathe anymore. Shit. I'm losing it. I lost the strength to hold my sword and heard people shouting but it was too late as darkness then took me away.




Hi guys! If you've noticed, Shiho calls the Japanese members as onee-san while the Korean members as unnie. But she calls Mina, Hime which means Princess in Japanese. Since Mina is the daughter of their leader. I hope you won't get confused about it. Stay safe!

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