
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

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15 Chs

Chapter 3

(Shiho's POV)

I knocked three times at the Principal's Door. I heard a faint "come in." from the inside. As I entered the principal was sitting at a big chair more like a throne.

I gently smiled and bowed at her, "Sasaki Shiho, I came here as you requested."

The principal stood up and did the same, "Minatozaki Saki, I am delighted to see you at last Sasaki-san." She then gestured for me to sit down.

"You will be assigned to Black Class. Your subjects are written down on that paper." She told me as she handed me a black envelope.

"Present that envelope to your adviser. That's all you may now go." I nodded and bowed at her again.


(3rd person POV)

Saki's phone was ringing loudly as Sasaki Shiho left her room.

"What do you need?" she asked the caller not bothering to look who the caller was.

"Did you put her to Black Class?" the person on the other end asked the principal.

She then stood up and went to her window to see her daughter Sana with the rest of BLANK members.

"Yes. Just like you wanted."

The person on the other side of the call was smiling from ear to ear as they heard what the principal said.

"Good." The person then ended the call. They let out a heavy sigh, "Everything is going according to plan."


(Nayeon's POV)

The bell rang loudly as the girls and I were chatting on the front lawn.

"The last one to enter the class is a BUTT!" Momo shouted loudly as she started to sprint towards the school.

Oh no, you don't Momoring.

I thought as I too sprinted towards the school leaving behind the other members.

We reached the room panting and went immediately to our seats. The last one to enter is Tzuyu.

"You're a BUTT Chewy!" Momo shouted, causing everyone in the room to laugh.

Tzuyu just shrugged and went to her seat. That's weird there was an extra chair beside me, will there be a new student? My thoughts were then interrupted as our adviser Ms. Kuro went inside trailing behind her another student.

"AH! You're the girl from earlier!" Sana shouted at the top of her lungs and pointed at the girl in front.

We laughed at Sana's sudden outburst. Ms. Kuro just shook her head and gestured to Sana to sit down.

The girl in front just smiled at Sana and bowed at us. "Good Morning. I'm Sasaki Shiho. I... don't have any elemental magic. I hope I get along with everyone."

As she was telling her name I noticed Mina who was sitting in front of me suddenly averted her head to the new girl. But man, this is the first time we encounter someone who is magicless, I mean it's not new but it's not every day you get to meet someone who doesn't have powers.

"Alright Sasaki-san, you may take your seat beside Miss Im Nayeon. Please raise your hand." Ms. Kuro instructed the new girl as I raised my hand.

She elegantly walked towards me, damn why is there some sparkling stuff when she walks? As she sat beside me, I held out my hand asking for a handshake.

"Im Nayeon." I smiled sweetly at her. She returned the handshake smiling back at me. I felt like I'm melting with her smile and got lost in her... green eyes.