
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

(Shiho's POV)

17 Years Later.

I was woken up by a loud knocking on my door.

"Shiho-chan wake up. It's your first day." My mother said loudly.

"Hai hai, I'm up 'Kaa-chan!" I shouted back at her.

I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection and damn I looked good. Well, I'm not kidding.

Oh yeah, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Sasaki Shiho, 17 years of age, adopted by Aburame Dan and Natsume. Yeah yeah, I'm not bothered by the fact I don't have any family left. What matters is that my 'Tou-san and 'Kaa-chan took care of me.

All my life I've been home-schooled by 'Kaa-chan. I gave up forcing them to enroll me into a school as I was a child. Then last week, as I was just laying down in our backyard, 'Tou-san suddenly told me that they enrolled me in Shinra Academy. I was pretty shocked you know? After home-schooling me for a long time they just suddenly want me to attend this school. I have heard of it though, it's a prestigious school. Well, enough about that. I'm going to be late if I continue to talk.

As I finished preparing, I took a last look at myself before going out. Damn, I do look good.

"Good Morning" I said cheerfully and kissed them both on their cheeks.

"Shiho-chan come here eat your breakfast." 'Kaa-chan told me softly as she put down my plate in front of me.

"Thanks 'Kaa-chan!" I smiled widely before devouring the delicious food.

"Shiho. Be careful around that school okay? Don't do anything reckless." 'Tou-san reminded me.

I chuckled "Yeah. I won't." I smiled at him.

I know he's not the showy type but I know he's just worried. Well who wouldn't be? We live in a world where everyone has magical powers and guess what? I don't have any of those, even a tiny bit of it.

Yeah, I'm powerless but who cares? My 'Tou-san made sure I would know how to defend myself and we forged my own katana.

As I was done eating, I immediately stood up leaving them at the table. When I was near the door, I was pulled into a hug by 'Kaa-chan.

"Take care Shi-chan." She said softly and caressed my cheeks.

"Your eyes are beautiful. Don't forget that okay?" I nodded at her and hugged her one last time.

You're probably wondering what's with my eye, well ever since I was a kid my left eye suddenly became green. I was often bullied by the kids in the neighborhood so I frequently hid it with my bangs. I'm on my way towards the Academy. It's not actually far from our house so I just walked.

As I was nearing the school gates, I looked around it. The whole school screams luxury, now I'm wondering how the hell did my parents get me in here?

A girl by the tree then caught my attention, I noticed the bark she was on was not sturdy. She then eventually slipped, I then ran as fast as I could and caught her in my arms. "Hey, are you okay Miss?" I finally looked at her face and all I could say is that She's so fucking hot.