
Flames on Ice

A guy embarks on a mission with his sister and aunt to save a town from the deathly clutches of vicious bandits, only to discover during the mission, a strange phenomenon about himself. Guys, this is the first novel I am ever writing, so please try to ignore any punctuation or written errors. My aspiration in life is to be a great novel writer and l believe this novel is my first step in achieving this goal Don't forget to comment your thoughts about the novel, as I would need such comments for motivation, in order to improve my writing skillset. Happy reading my dear readers.

IAA_Breezy · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 34







"GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!"

In less than two minutes, Zedd and Sasha had simultaneously assaulted and killed five men with both of their bare fists. Three died from Zedd's assaults, with two been killed by a single punch to their necks and one died, due to a sequence of hits to his left chest, which caused his left chest bone to awkwardly cave in and puncture his heart, while Sasha finished up her own victims with numerous, vicious punches to their stomach, chest, neck and face.

There were now only three men left; Grant and Skipp (the pretend guards at the gate) and Dirk. This three men were scared out of their minds and souls, as they witnessed the brutal murders of their comrades. There was no doubt within their minds concerning the fact that if they decided to stay and fight, it would only be a short while, before they themselves joined up with their dead comrades. They absolutely had no chance against this feminine monsters.

"Fuck this!!!!"

Dirk screamed in fear. His spear dropped to the ground, as he cowardly ran away, in fear for his life. He wasn't going to wait around for his turn to be delivered to his maker, via an express trip of cruel, brutal death. And so he ran for his life. He ran with as much speed as his legs could muster. His best bet of surviving was to escape as fast as possible and then report this incident to the bandit headquarters. That was the smart thing to do. That was the only thing to do.

Dirk's cowardly escape had a ripple effect in the wavering minds of Grant and Skipp, as it shattered whatever little confidence and manly bravado they both had left. As Zedd and Sasha approached, both men flinched from dread and joined Dirk in attempting to escape the deathly clutches of death.

But, their escape was in futility. Their fates were sealed the moment they crossed paths with Zedd and Sasha. There was no escaping the speed of the likes of Sasha and Zedd, whose speed were way above the acceleration and velocity of the average, regular individual. And Dirk, Grant and Skipp, though they were bandits, but they were sadly just regular, average individuals.

The three men ran in two different directions. Grant and Dirk went left, with Dirk in the lead, while Skipp went right. So, Zedd went after Grant and Dirk, while Sasha focused solely on pursuing Skipp.


In a minute Zedd had closely caught up with Grant and was just some inches away from him.


Grant abruptly halted his heated run, when he suddenly felt a very sharp, piercing, deathly pain coming all the way from his back, to his stomach. He grimaced greatly in pain, as he looked down at his stomach. Only to gruesomely discover that a slim, dainty fist was jutting out from a hole in his stomach! Blood instantly gushed out ceaselessly from the ghastly, fist-sized hole. Grant slowly and blankly tilted his neck backwards, just as blood began streaming down the corner of his lips and he caught a glimpse of Zedd's enchanting smile, which was so sweet, as flowers blooming in the summer. Of course, to the present Grant, the smile was akin to the smile of a demon's, passing purgatorial judgment upon him, due to his sinful deeds. Zedd's smile and face was the last thing Grant was going to ever see, before dying a cruel death.

Due to the abnormal velocity and momentum garnered from pursuing Grant, Zedd's already monstrous strength added up and so because of this, when her right fist connected with Grant's backside, it violently penetrated through his back and bore a hole through his stomach, like a bullet.

As Grant made eye contact with Zedd's face, Zedd playfully winked at him, before she withdrew her fist from his body and then,


She twisted and snapped his neck, just as she did with Jay. Grant's face did a complete 180 degrees to the back of his body, before his lifeless body hit the dusty ground.

Zedd shook off the blood on her fist and wiped off the remnant of it, which didn't want to go away, on Grant's clothing. She then focused her eyes on Dirk, who was a bit afar off and pursued after him.


Sasha, as well, caught up with Skipp and she lightly kicked his ankle from behind. Skipp lost his balance, as he fell sideways and tumbled and rolled on the ground. After his involuntary spin came to a conclusion, Sasha was already beside him and meanly staring down at his sprawled body.

"P-please don- don't kill me!!!! I am begging you p-please!!!!!! Pleas- URHHH!!!!!"

Sasha's right foot launched downwards and she stabbed and stabbed and stabbed again at Skipp's neck, snapping it at the third attempt and cruelly ending his pathetic life. Skipp could only afford a short scream, before joining up with his ancestors.

Sasha kicked the lifeless body away from her position, out of anger and disgust and she bent to wipe Skipp's blood that had come in contact with her shoe and her leggings.



Though Dirk's breathing had become labored and heavy, due to exhaustion of air from expending and converting every ounce of energy in his body into running, but that didn't deter his speed. He didn't dare slow down for anything, whatsoever. Slowing down would mean imminent death and he didn't have any plans of dying . He was too young to die. He had just turned twenty-five last week and he was so full of live and vigor. He couldn't just let his life waste, just like that. He couldn't lose his life. Not like this. He had to survive and live at any cost, even if that meant abandoning his manhood and leaving his masculinity behind.

As the wind whistled by his face and his dark hair, as he ran, his train of thought ran through the way he had lived his life so far. Sure, one would feel and suggest that since he was a bandit, who had killed, raped and had done all such of atrocities, he himself deserved the same fate that he had bestowed onto others. That he himself deserved a cruel, grotesque death. But he wasn't exactly at fault. If life had treated him a bit fairly, then why would he have had to go down this evil, wicked path? If he hadn't become a bandit, he would have died from hunger, poverty, maltreatment or worse, despair.

He had been abandoned on the streets by his so-called mother that birthed him, when he was just a little boy. The only way he survived was by stealing food from stalls and shops or by pickpocketing of coins. Sometimes he would get caught stealing and be beaten up so badly, that his entire face would be swollen and his body would be bruised all over. Sometimes even when he was successful in his theft, he would have to reluctantly relinquish his loot to the bigger guys on the streets, when he was caught by them. Life on the streets was really, really tough. And so when the Black Moon bandits needed men for their cause, of course he joined up along with others. If he hadn't become a bandit, he would have still been living that pathetic life or worse, he might not have even had a life to hold onto.

So who should be blamed for all the killing, stealing, maiming, raping and other atrocities that he had committed? Certainly not him. All this should be blamed on life and on life alone. He didn't deserve to die. Not like this. Not like his other bandit comrades.

Dirk was engrossed in his thoughts, when he suddenly caught something approaching at lightning speed, from the corner of his eye. He tilted to check what it was and lo and behold, what he saw was an arrow, silently fizzing dangerously through the air and was just an inch away from him.



Before Dirk could even get startled, the arrow pierced through his left eye and exited from the back of his head.