
Flames of the Phoenix by Pastelwolfi_xX

'Is she human or something else' Ava Johnson, a girl in her late teens is a silent girl, people know nothing but her name...... and that she has the tattoo of a red fire on her arm.... Warning: mention of depression, slight blood

Pastelwolfiie_xX · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The River of Athens

Ava's POV

I got up and got dressed and ran down the stairs "Wait for me!!" Keira yelled as she ran out the door with me, we reached the cafeteria and looked around, we saw Olivia waiting for us and we rushed towards her "Hey, are you ready to go?" Olivia asked "Yup" I replied as I led the way to the place were the river was supposed to be, we walked for a while then we came across a waterfall stream "This isn't the river!" I said frustrated, was the river even real!? "I love to watch fantasy movies so like every Fantasy movie we go through the waterfall and find a secret place" Keira said confidently, she then proceeded to walk through the waterfall, we waited then we saw her come back with a bleeding head "Are you alright!?" me and Olivia asked "I am fine and turns out there is just solid earth behind that waterfall" Keira replied the blood getting on her hands as she touched her head, I reached in my bag and got out a white head band and tied it around her head "This will do for now" I said looking at the head band which used to be white but is now red filled with blood "Well we could always try to show our talent here and see what happens" I said remembering Liam's words "okay" Olivia said, I started to sing, Olivia started to draw while Keira started to dance, we continued to do our thing and then golden streaks of light erupted from our fingertips, we watched as the three strings of light became one twisted into each other, then the Golden string splashed into the river made by the waterfall and we watched as the river parted showing us a large hole "So your telling me I got my head banged onto a wall of earth for nothing!!!!" Keira said frustrated we laughed and jumped into the hole once in the hole we saw a golden place literally, everything there was gold the trees, fruits, animals, everything!!!! we walked forwards and there we saw it a river made of silver The river of Athens, we stared at it in awe it was one of the most beautiful river I have ever seen.