
Fixing the Multiverse by Killing

[I STOPPED POSTING NEW CHAPTERS IN THIS. MIGHT RETURN IN THE FUTURE BUT FOR NOW ITS A NO] Bunch of stories with little satisfaction, bad endings, tragic pasts, pathetic main characters and some has been invaded by evil god's reincarnators with it risking the universe's stability. what should i do? fix them! the only problem is how... how about using brute force! Let there be carnage!! This is just a story for me to pass time so i will be taking suggestions about the worlds main character will go or already in and how should the story develops. This is my first time writing. so if i make a mistake about anything please point it out. i will do my best to fix it. english is not my main language so i might make too many mistakes. [the cover art is not mine. if the artist wants me to change it, i will.]

The_Puffer · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

4-First World 2

"What is your offer?" -hitei

"I want to train with your guard." -Eric

"And what will you give me?" -hitei

"The real question is, what do YOU want?"-Eric

"Do NOT talk to me like that peasent." - hetei

"Why dont you remove that curtain and look at me. I am sure I have something you want." 'altough i hate using my body like this, I dont have anything to give to a Princess. But if she wanted to reincarnate into a anime world, I doubt that she doesnt wants to sleep with Emiya archer especially with her race being a succubus.'

"Uhg fine. What can you possibly offer-" when she removed the curtain, she stopped talking and looked at me with huge eyes.

"EMIYA!?" she shouted which even baffled Emon.

"i dont know who is emiya but if you want Ican be your guard or someth-" without even listening, she jumped on me! I fell on my back. 'Just how strong is she?! I am 3 times stronger than regular men right now. The plan worked a little too well!'

"YOU are going to be MINE!" she said with lust all over her face. I can feel my leg getting wet for some reason...


"Hey! Red haired dude! Take her away from me!" I called for help.

"My lady can do what ever she wants." He said with a stoic face.

'i swear to God when we are "training" I will bash your face in!'

She started to rub her face againts me. Who knew she was a huge emiya fan. 'Well this might not be bad actually. NO! Steel your will Eric! You must not give in the temptation. Well, maybe later when I am about to kill her but not now for I must get strong'

"Okay Princess how about we do what you want after what i want?"

She hide her face on my chest. After a while she answered "Promise?"

'Promise? How old is she?'... "Okay i promise."

She got up. Her face was a little sad. She ordered Emon to teach me how to fight. Huh she is really not bad as I thought.

Me and emin got to a training ground. He too a strange stance which I didnt recognized.

"I will not hold back." said Emon.

"I wouldn't take it otherwise." I said with a smirk on my face. 'I am definetly going to get my a*s kicked"

Emon immediately rushed at me with incredible speed. He threw a kick at my head. I bend back at it missed. If it wasnt for my 6th sense like evolution I am sure I would've died. I threw a few jabs and he dodged it leaning left and right. When he saw an opening, he threw a left hook to my liver. 'f*ck that hurt' I fell onto my knees. He grabbed my hair and kneed my head. I fell on my back.

"Get up. You made the Princess sad just for this pathetic show?" Said Emon. Damn he really is angry for that huh. Okay change of plans. Lets try some cqc from army.

I stand up and got in the position. He rushed at me again but with his fists this time. I grabbed his right wrist with my right hand and twisted his arm. But he jumped in the air and kicked me from my right with his left foot. I got thrown into the wall. Small cracks appeared on it. I suddenly felt danger and quickly leaned my head to the left. I suddenly saw an arm piercings through the concrete where my head was. 'Mf really trying to kill me' I pull my legs towards my chest and kicked him with all I got. He flew a few meters and stopped. This time I rushed at him. I feint a left side kick but then swiched to right in mid air. I hit his head and he spins in air to left. 'HAHA photographic reflexes is really something! The more he fights, the more I learn!'

Just when i was going to attack him again he stopped me and walked away like nothing happened "Today's lesson is over".


"So what do you think about him?" - Hitei

"He is a genius. At least when it comes to combat. If he trains here for one week, i am sure he can surpass me easily." - Emon

"Thats good to hear." Hitei said with a sad voice, almost whispering. 'I just hope he doesnt leave me too'

-----------Year:2018 Location:unknown-------------

"Stop running you little bitch!" - man

"No! Please stop Dad!" - girl

"How many times i told you to not call me that you fucking filth! You are just a stupid Child who need to listen to me!" - man

"Please! I dont want to go there!!" - girl

"You are my ticket to get out of this hell hole! You are going to be the property of that guy and we will all live Well!" - man

"Mom please say something!" - girl

The woman slapped the girl. And she fell down still crying. "heh. Just be a good slut and satisfy your New master and everything will be fine." said the woman with disgust in her voice.

The man finally grabbed the little girls arm and he dragged her to the car that was barely working.

They all got in and the man starts the car. The little girl still tries to escape but the woman helds her tight, she is not going to let go of her money easily.

"Hehe. I heard the young master likes to play a little rough and if his toy get broken, he gives them to his men witch they all enjoy really good. I Hope you dont get broken easily you little bitch." - man

"I heard they pay extra for virgins" - woman



"Yes sir. This was the girl we were talking about." - man

"Hmm. I failed to see the quality product you were talking about." - man 2

"Well sir, you said the quality of the product is based on their eyes right? Why dont you take a look at it?" - man

"Yes. Bring her here" ordered the man to his guards. Why the girl showed up infront of him, she was still trying her best to escape but no avail. The man looked at the girls eyes. They were shining, they were full of life, full of Hope.... 'Yes. Yes she is perfect. Even better than the ones i have at home! Those eyes! Yes! Ahhh i really want to see how will they look when she is broken' the man got so aroused that his penis could be seen through his pants.

"Uhh sir? How is the product?" - man

"Huh? Oh yea. Its perfect. Lets pact this up." - man 2

"Sir, can i Also add that she is a virgin?" - man

'VIRGIN?! No Wonder her eyes are so beautifull!' "Okay i am adding extra 50k as deal." - man 2

"T-Thankyou sir! It was a pleasure to make a business with you!" - man

"hmmmm! Hmmmm!!" the girl tried to beg but the cloth on her mouth prevented her from doing so.


Chapter End

How was the fighting scene? Please let me know if there is anything I did wrong or could've done better. What do you think will happen the the little girl in the next chapter? Stay tuned for the next episode of drago-

I mean Fixing the Universe by Killing!